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'Deep suspicion' of USA foils hunt for Bin Laden

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Generally Crazy Guy

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:53 pm    Post subject: Re: 'Deep suspicion' of USA foils hunt for Bin Laden Reply with quote

I'm just popping in to say WELCOME to Conal :) ))

As you know you entered some sort of cesspool,

but I'm glad that I'm not alone with Galmin and

others to keep the rednecks busy with entertaining

discussions! ;) ;) ;) ;)

From where are you btw. ? :)

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 2:01 pm    Post subject: 'Deep suspicion' of USA foils hunt for Bin Laden Reply with quote

A Hostile Land Foils the Quest for bin Laden


Published: December 13, 2004

unting for Osama bin Laden, the C.I.A. established a series of small, covert bases in the rugged mountain frontier of northwest Pakistan in late 2003. Mr. bin Laden, the terrorist leader, was being sheltered there by local tribesmen and foreign militants, the agency had concluded, and controlled a group of handpicked operatives dedicated to attacking the United States.

But since the bases opened, the C.I.A. officers stationed there have been strictly supervised by Pakistani officials, who have limited their ability to operate and have escorted them wherever they travel in the Pakistani border region. As a result, it has been virtually impossible for the Americans to gather intelligence effectively, say several officials familiar with the operation who would only speak anonymously.

More than three years after the Sept. 11 attacks on the Pentagon and New York transformed Osama bin Laden into the most wanted man in the world, the search for him remains stalled, frustrated by the remote topography of his likely Pakistani sanctuary, stymied by a Qaeda network that remains well financed and disciplined, sidetracked by the distractions of the Iraq war, and, perhaps most significantly, limited by deep suspicion of the United States among Pakistanis.

Prodded by the United States, Pakistan began an offensive along its northwest border this spring to flush out forces of Al Qaeda that had escaped from Afghanistan and to help find Mr. bin Laden. But after suffering heavy casualties and causing civilian deaths that stirred opposition, the Pakistani Army declared victory two weeks ago and announced that Mr. Bin Laden was not in Pakistan. Many American intelligence officials are confident that he is, however - and that he is as dangerous as ever.

The war in Afghanistan inflicted severe damage on Al Qaeda, forcing it to adapt to survive, intelligence specialists agree. Today, they say it functions largely as a loose network of local franchises linked by a militant Islamist ideology. But Mr. bin Laden remains much more than just an iconic figurehead of Islamic militancy, most American intelligence officials now say. From a presumed hiding place on the Pakistani side of the Afghan-Pakistan border, he controls an elite terrorist cell devoted to attacking in the United States, the officials say they suspect. They contend that he personally oversees the group of Qaeda operatives, which he hopes to use for another "spectacular" event, like the Sept. 11 hijacking plot.

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Joined: 13 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 2:48 pm    Post subject: Re: 'Deep suspicion' of USA foils hunt for Bin Laden Reply with quote

Hello Mike

I'm from Belfast, Northern Ireland.

I did my degree and MA at Queen's University there, and now I'm a research assistant at a University in England.

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