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Paris Club forgives loans - the real takeover of Iraq begins
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russky joe

Joined: 16 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:21 pm    Post subject: haha Reply with quote

Bitterness and anger? Religion is a form of mental illness, frickin' masochism. I'm wasting no more time with ya.

It's a mind-trap and you'll never escape. I feel sorry for ya, real sorry, but I ain't letting ya drag the rest of us down with ya.

I admit that some moderate religionists aren't a big problem, but at the moment 'this is the sort of frickin' bullshit that's making a comeback in the USA (if it ever went away):

"Towards the end of the 19th century the Protestants in America began to espouse a new kind of apocalyptic vision called pre-millennialism which saw Jesus Christ as descending to earth very, very soon, and it was derived they thought, from a literal and scientific reading of Scripture. They’d studied books like the Book of Revelation and worked out a precise program as though these first, second century visions were giving precise accurate predictions of imminent events. And they saw modern society as being so evil that God could only smash it within terrible catastrophes and the Protestant fundamentalists envisaged ghastly genocide, the killing of Jews, the killing of everybody, who has not espoused their particular version of Christianity. Protestant fundamentalists believe that shortly before the end, all the born-again Christians with true faith will be snatched up to heaven, they call this Rapture. So there will be terrible catastrophes all over the earth. People who are travelling in planes will find their aircraft crashing, the Stock Market will plummet, trains and cars will go off the road, and the people left behind will know that they are doomed, that they have not been raptured up, whereas the elect, who are now sitting up in the clouds and have met Jesus in the air will have a ringside seat as it were, and will be able to watch all these horrible battles and persecutions and destructions and watch there all the people who had laughed at them and jeered at their faith, all the secularists in Harvard, Yale and Washington D.C. who jeered at their form of religiosity, they’ll see them get their comeuppance. Very often in all the fundamentalist movements, you have a sense of revenge, a feeling of great resentment. People feel that they’ve been displaced, that their ideologies are laughed at, and these theologies can easily tip over into sort of dreams of vengeance and getting your own back."

The frickin' zionists and islamic extremists are just as bad. All of 'em, they're just frickin' crazy and dangerous and I know that 'you and the frickin' Lone Ranger are into this sorta thing, or something close to it, and it's the only frickin' reason you're on this board. But ya just won't admit it coz you'll get igored if ya do. This is the way ya operate, I've seen it a thousand times and I know a fundie when I see one.

So screw you, and my parting shot to the other peeps on this board is to be very wary of anything you or frickin' Hi-Hoe Silver say, coz you're a pair of frickin' old fundie proselytizers spreading lies and bullshit to support our loony-tune president in the holy war he's running on behalf of the frickin' corporations.

Because it always has been and always will be capable of this sort of extremism, religion has got to go. Screw you and they are my final words to you.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:45 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

Joe - "...and they are my final words to you."

Somehow I doubt it...but here's hoping it's the last time for those sort of unnecessary words.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 9:15 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

joe - "Very often in all the fundamentalist movements, you have a sense of revenge, a feeling of great resentment."

...hey...that sounds familiar, joe...sorta like how you feel towards all "fundamentalists". Two peas at the opposite ends of the same pod...those you describe as "fundamentalists" (the "resentful" ones), and the people like you jeering at them. It's the vengeful attitudes of people like them and you that make you both primed to be used as fodder by some "king" in a war. At least maybe you're starting to see that you can't lump all Christians into one category...and perhaps that it's not the religion itself, but the spirit of the people in it, that are the determining factor...not all of them are the same, you know. Though I am sorry to see that your definition of "fundie" can be found on many an anti-Christian site were all Christians are lumped together under one derogatory lable (with describing derogatory words to match, I'm sure).

joe - "Because it always has been and always will be capable of this sort of extremism, religion has got to go."

It's exactly that sort of extreme attitude that you display that has to go before we can be safe from people who would take up arms in the name of anything...religious cause, your cause, or otherwise.

BTW, I was on the "Blah,blah,blah" portion of this board before the "Politics/War" section even that blows that theory of yours out the window.

The Wisdom of Solomon, part of the Apocrypha, does have some interesting words concerning some of what may be happening here, though. Read, if you dare, books 1-3:

BTW, the Apocrypha is not part of most Bibles...though I think the words may apply at times.

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Joined: 08 Jan 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 10:29 pm    Post subject: Re: The world forgives Reply with quote

Sorry, but you really must do a bit better than fringe websites and Pravda (LOL) in concocting conspiracy theories to inject into the patented rant template that we've come to easily recognize.

And by way of one hint - when testing out the new monikers -it is advisable to avoid one's normal, regional slang: "Bullocks" is not Canadian usage. It's Brit. A dead giveaway, that bit is.

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russky joe

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 10:32 pm    Post subject: on and on and on Reply with quote

Can someone just frickin' disconnect this bozo or something?

Frickin' ada.


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 11:36 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

Joe - "...and they are my final words to you."

Well, DT, at least joe is consistent! (In using the phrase, even if not ever actually having acted on it!)

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russky joe

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 1:05 am    Post subject: give me frickin' strength Reply with quote

hey, bitwhys, Hi-Hoe Columbo here has deduced that I'm not only you but also antman, Steve the college professor and everyone else who disagrees with him on this frickin' board.

In his infinite wisdom he also thinks that a medic's test-kit found in Fallujah is a weapon of mass destruction.

If I wasn't a frickin' liberal I'd lock him up to protect the public.


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 1:26 am    Post subject: Re: give me frickin' strength Reply with quote

You're me?

that's good. I keep on forgetting my password.:gl

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 1:54 am    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

You mean to say Pravada is lying and Paris Club isn't "forgiving" the loans?

go figure

what makes globalissues a "fringe site"? because they dare to criticize the system would be my first guess.

Edited by: bitwhys at: 11/26/04 1:58
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russky joe

Joined: 16 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 10:56 am    Post subject: we are one Reply with quote

"that's good. I keep on forgetting my password."


Yeah, apparently we're one and the same. With your looks and your brains we could go far.

Bitwhys joe don't have the same ring to it, tho ....


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Joined: 19 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 8:11 pm    Post subject: Re: we are one Reply with quote

doh! wrong thread.:g

but while I'm talking about Iraq getting shafted, check out what's going on in Mesopotamia...

Iraq's new patent law: A declaration of war against farmers

Edited by: bitwhys at: 11/26/04 21:11
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