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Where Ron-Boy gets his information

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Joined: 29 May 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 5:52 pm    Post subject: Where Ron-Boy gets his information Reply with quote

When Ron posts his 'information' about the Israel-Palestine conflict, he gets it from websites such as The 'Middle-East Media Research Unit.'

If you check the link here you'll find that the site is funded and run by extreme right-wing Israelis and their sympathisers. It's a pack of lies designed to stir up hatred against Palestinians and Arabs/Muslims in general.

The owners of this site should be arrested and prosecuted for inciting racial hatred. This sort of mendacious racial defamation is as bad as anything the N*zis levelled at the Jews.

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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:29 am    Post subject: Re: Where Ron-Boy gets his information Reply with quote

Questionnaire, every website/book/movie is based on the views of it's writers/producers. And some are biased to our opinions and some are not.

This post would have been way more interesting if you were discussing the merits of the website in question.

|Blah Blah|Thinking Out Loud|Jane Eliz|
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:04 pm    Post subject: switch on your brain, Chris Reply with quote

Chris, it has no merits to discuss.

You have to get out of your head this liberal-pluralist idea that every political group in society has a valid point to make. Some just don't.

Some groups are just bare-faced liars, who fabricate things to justify their illegal actions. The N*zis told lies about the Jews. In the same way, the right-wing Christian-Zionists tell lies about the Palestinians, and even when they tell truths they take them out of context. And, yes, Islamic extremists tell lies about Westerners. However, at the moment it is the Christian-Zionists who are invading the Muslim's countries, not the other way round, and the former are dangerous supremacists who think they have a right to run the world. Please don't tell me that I should be discussing the 'merits' of a site run by these people.

All my colleagues in the bona fide education system tell their students to avoid these lunatic sites (which should be closed down for inciting racial hatred), whether they are extremist Muslim or Christian-Zionist, I am no exception, and you should not be telling your grandad how to suck eggs.

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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 10:05 am    Post subject: Re: switch on your brain, Chris Reply with quote

Questionnaire, you're not my Grandad. Again I'll repeat your post would be more constructive; directing others to be aware of sites that promote offensive or incorrect information.

Instead you choose to insult another member of the board.

You may be smart but you have a thing or two to learn about good manners.

Lastly as a vegan, I wouldn't teach anyone to suck eggs.

|Blah Blah|Thinking Out Loud|Jane Eliz|
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:10 pm    Post subject: moderation Reply with quote

Chris, I'm sorry, but I'm beyond 'good manners' with these dangerous supremacists. The history of the discussions on this board show that they are incapable of seeing sense, so polite discussion is wasted on them.

The 'members of the board' I choose to insult are dangerous hate-mongers who are spreading lies and misinformation designed to incite hatred of another racial and religious group. They pretend to be against terrorists only, yet they regularly refer to extreme right-wing Christian-Zionist sites that are using the issue of terrorism as a smokescreen for a deeper supremacist agenda. Doing this sort of thing is illegal in Britain and Germany (I'm not sure about other countries), and these 'board-members' are doing exactly the same thing as the Islamic extremists and neo-N*zis in Europe who try to incite hatred of Jews. Don't forget - these are the same people that only a generation ago (Ron and DT's generation, to be precise) were calling your own racial group the 'yellow peril' and classifying the Japanese as 'sub-human'. My best friend's father died recently: he was a P.O.W. in a Japanese camp on the famous 'Bridge over the River Kwai' project, and he said that most of the Japanese guards were kindly sorts, letting them sneak in cigarettes and other stuff, and the brutality was instigated by a small group of very nasty individuals who believed in Japan's version of the sort of supremacism that is being promoted by the website in question.

The Christian-Zionist right are trying to stir up hatred of Arabs to garner popular support for the invasion of the latter's countries and the expropriation of their land and mineral resources - more of which will of course increase the threat of the reactionary terrorism that they allegedly are trying to reduce. I suspect that our not-too-bright board members are more victims of that political manipulation than perpetrators, but the fact remains that they are being allowed to spread lies and misinformation in a way that is illegal in my country and Germany (and I think most other countries in Europe?).

You have to weigh up this problem, Chris - what's more important, protecting the right of free speech for a few rabid bible-thumpers or protecting the world from the sort of hateful lies or misrepresented truths that will lead to a possible global war? If you choose the former, then that is your decision as board moderator, but at least invite a couple of radical Muslim and Palestinians to come here and express their lies and misrepresentations too - just for the sake of balance, y'know?

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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 2:49 pm    Post subject: Re: moderation Reply with quote

I'm sure you come from a position of strong belief and that is commendable.

I believe that our past doesn't equal our future.

I don't see anyone here instigating hatred of racial groups. I see people expressing their points of views and discussing them albeit sometimes with passion, that is the nature of human nature & politics.

I'm not protecting the right of free speech here, I'm protecting the freedom of posters to not be vilified and turned into a 'witch-hunt'.

Please resume your postings on various subjects but refrain from name-calling. You are smart and have posted many interesting threads and discussions, so it bemuses me that you need to resort to name-calling.

And lastly you probably don't realise but I'm half Chinese - we were under Japanese occupation in the 1940s, the two races may look similiar to you but we do have lots of differences.

|Blah Blah|Thinking Out Loud|Jane Eliz|
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 6:34 pm    Post subject: look harder Reply with quote

I know you're half-Chinese - you make that distinction but the racists who coined the term 'yellow-peril' did not.

"I don't see anyone here instigating hatred of racial groups."

Then you're not looking hard enough. If you check out the websites that they link to and get their 'information' from, then key them into Google you'll find out that a significant majority are either the right-wing corporate press or loonie-fringe pro-Zionist, pro-Christian and anti-Islamic hate-sites. That ridiculous 'Media Research' site that Ron just posted is a classic example. They're a fraud, Chris, open your eyes.

I'll explain again. They will not listen to sense or refer to proper research from bona fide universities, so no amount of persuasion or argument will have any effect on them whatsoever. They are BELIEVERS in the supremacy of their own way of life and their right to impose it on others. So I choose to ridicule them, as many people from Diogenes to Lenny Bruce and Peter Cook have chosen to do. I don't believe in violence or terrorism, so for me there is no other way.

I will contuinue to ridicule them - and believe me, I haven't even started yet, I've left all the funny and really cutting stuff out so far. If you don't like that, you'll have to ban me.


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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 5:48 am    Post subject: Re: Where Ron-Boy gets his information Reply with quote

Or just ignore your posts!

|Blah Blah|Thinking Out Loud|Jane Eliz|
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:12 am    Post subject: OK Chris ... Reply with quote

"Or just ignore your posts!"

Fine. But did you check out the websites? If so, what's your opinion of them?

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:50 am    Post subject: link Reply with quote

Chris, here's the link again, just to save you scrolling back:

If you have time please read this, and then tell me what you think of this 'Media Research' website that Ron referred to.

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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 3:27 am    Post subject: Re: link Reply with quote

I just browsed through site - don't have time to delve too deeply right now. Thanks for that link!

|Blah Blah|Thinking Out Loud|Jane Eliz|
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:00 am    Post subject: more substance Reply with quote

Thanks for the IRC site link, Chris, and for restoring the balance round here a little bit.

It's interesting to note that most of the liberal sites that argue for a change in American foreign policy and a cessation of the stereotyping of Arabs as 'barbarians' are connected to bona fide universities, reliant on a diversity of donations and have no connections to corporate or religious interests.

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