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Bush & Kerry share some things in common.....

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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 11:24 am    Post subject: Bush & Kerry share some things in common..... Reply with quote

Exercising your freedom to choose your executive leader, will you be voting for a republican that was a member of the skull and bones out of Yale university or will you be voting for a democrat that was a member of the skull and bones out of Yale university?

The only thing Mr. Bush Jr has said about his connection is "that when I attending Yale I was part of a secret organization so secret I can not talk about it" When presented with forehand knowledge that he would be asked about his membership in the skull and bones, Mr. Kerry

has refused to do interviews and walked out of media events.

The whole article is here:

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Seismic Anamoly

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 5:54 pm    Post subject: Re: Bush & Kerry share some things in common..... Reply with quote

Two Peas In A Pod.

Here you have two men, both multi-millionaires, both obsessed with the attainment of power, who have absolutely no idea what it is like to live in, for lack of better terms, Lower or Middle Class America in 2004, trying to tell that vast majority they feel their pain and know what is best for them.

Feel MY pain?? :aua BULLSHIT!!

Most swallow it hook, line, and sinker, however.

Sadly, the mega-rich, be they Republican or Democrat, are the only ones who can afford to run for major political office today in this country and stand a snowball's chance in Hell of winning.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 11:11 am    Post subject: re Reply with quote

Bingo. People seem to think that there is a big difference in political camps and as a result, polarize themselves one way or the other (in most cases). Truth is that there is very, VERY little difference. You can't get into a position where you stand a chance of being nominated unless you have shown yourself to "play ball" the same way most other politicians do..."crooked ball", that is. After all (according to the way they think), we can't have anybody in that position who might rock the boat (change the way the rich collect their money). :rolleyes

But don't point the finger at America too quickly...this phemonenon exists in most all governments all around the world...most of them worse than the US.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:01 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

the illuminati used to rule the world and now it is the skull and bones.... rent the movie called "the skulls" which is about it...

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