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Sweden continues persecution of Christianity
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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:14 pm    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

Take sex out of the classroom alltogether? Now you're talking

There are schools deliberately not teaching about sex. Juvenile pregnancies has taken the place as the hot new thing there, where in other schools the kids are trading Manga pics.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:38 pm    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

An educated populace creates a society of better decision makers.

Even in the US you can see where teen pregnancy rates and STD's exist at a higher rate where sex education is lacking and these problems are minimized when there is a comprehensive sex education program.

Now you can say that you would prefer that sex education be a private family matter, and that's fine, I respect that position, but then you must also say that you are willing to accept the social burdens that will arise because of that approach.

In other threads I have contended that sexually educated children are actually more empowered to make positive sexual decisions, from pushing away predators to insuring personal safety in sexual activity, as opposed to running around with obvious desires and an abundance of ignorance. Research backs up my position. If you'd prefer to live in a nation of ignorance, that's fine, I just don't believe it's the best approach. As far as teaching kids about homosexuality, you know it doesn't matter to me. Telling children that homosexuals exist does not in any way make a child a homosexual.

And my favorite part of that entire editorial was that the agenda is for recruitment. It's a ridiculous statement. Gay people do not recruit, in fact the opposite is true in America, pretty much every gay kid is pressured by heterosexuals to deny their own sexuality and be part of something that is not them. I don't know one gay person who would suggest a person with straight tendencies give those up for a gay life. It's ridiculous. But the Mormons and Christians are still coming to my house every Saturday morning trying to recruit me and my daughter to their lifestyle and for some reason that's appropriate. To each his own. I won't go around recruiting children into homosexuality, now if the religious lunatics would stop their recruiting drives the world would be a better place.

And that last part was intended for nothing else other than getting a rise out of you, hahahahahaha! You can't possibly think I believe that do you?

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:51 pm    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

...casual attitude towards something that should (in my opinion) be something that is not the least bit casual.

why do I not find that difficult to believe?:rollin

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 11:11 pm    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

NRK - Taking it out of the classroom is only part of the puzzle. Taking it off our TV screens, out of our magazines, and all other manner of outside invasive advertizing is the other part. Educating children became necessary in the governments eye only after the other portion of the puzzle (the media) drove statistics through the roof. The right to raise up kids without that exposure has been taken away from the majority of our society. Making sex a public issue has taken away the rights of those who desire to keep it a private issue. Prior to this, there was no great need to defend ones self against sexual preditors and unwanted sexual advances...the education was not needed! My biggest gripe is actually with the media...not the school system. But the schools introduce the subject at way too early an age. 7-9 years old? Give me a break. This can only raise interest at an age where it is not a distraction...but can now become one as a result! I'd like to see the statistics not of pregnancy rates, but at what age a child first has sex. That would be more telling on the issue I'm mostly concerned with. The true answer is, however, not to educate our children publically, but to remove the need to educate them making sex a private, moral issue instead of a social one.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 11:59 pm    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

Sex predators have been around a long long time, even before television and print ads promoting sex with their products.

Here, I'll change the subject slightly so you understand how ridiculous you sound.

Remove violence from TV and that means all violence. No war movies, no war coverage, no school shootings, no roadrunner/coyote cartoons, no Passion of the Christ. Get rid of it all because I find it an afront on my ability to raise my child in a world of non-violence. I wonder what the first age is where a child hits another child. It's simply because we are inundated with violent information everywhere we go. Before all this media violence there weren't violent people killing each other, there wasn't a problem. Showing violence to 7-9 year olds through cartoons? This can only encourage behavior that was non-existent before they were exposed to it.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 12:24 am    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

NRK - "Before all this media violence there weren't violent people killing each other, there wasn't a problem. Showing violence to 7-9 year olds through cartoons? This can only encourage behavior that was non-existent before they were exposed to it."

Now you sound rediculous. Violence among teens is way up. Check the stats yourself...though I believe you already know this to be true, anyway. It coincides with the rise of incidents of violence as seen on TV. Exposure to it makes it more acceptable in the impressionable mind of a child or teenager. Same thing with sex. If we have the opportunity to teach them at a young age that it's unacceptable behavior, and they are raised in a society that does not accept such behavior, then most likely not very many times (if at all) will they ever be exposed to it or have to deal with it. It's the constant exposure that brings them to read this kind of behavior as acceptable behavior...contrary to what mommy and daddy say. After all, it's shown on TV, isn't it? And mommy and daddy let me watch TV, right? And it's taught about in school, right?

As for sexual predators, yes, they have always existed...but with open (non-private) sexual behavior becoming increasingly the norm, sexual predators feel much more comfortable in...well...being predatory.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:06 am    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

Again, research shows that a sexually educated populace has less sexual/social problems than one that ignores or distorts sexual education.

It is true there is lots of research showing exposure to violence is a contributor to violence, no question. But maybe we should be having classes about violence in schools so kids who are exposed to violence without qualifying information have a better understanding of what they're seeing and/or personally experiencing.

But instead of all of the possibilities surrounding violence and sexuality and education, we prefer the Mr. Mackey approach to these subjects, Violence is bad, mmmkkk, Sex is bad mmmmkkkk, Drugs are bad mmmmmmmmkkkkkkk. And yet we have more problems with violence, sex and drugs than pretty much every other Westernized nation. We're doing something wrong and it's definitely not coming from comprehensive education.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:28 am    Post subject: re Reply with quote

NRK - "Again, research shows that a sexually educated populace has less sexual/social problems than one that ignores or distorts sexual education."

In todays sexually oriented world, I would not argue that.

NRK - "It is true there is lots of research showing exposure to violence is a contributor to violence, no question. But maybe we should be having classes about violence in schools so kids who are exposed to violence without qualifying information have a better understanding of what they're seeing and/or personally experiencing."

Doesn't take research to recognize that, if you understand the psychology of children at all...but glad it's there, nonetheless. Otherwise I'd get denial left and right. But I would hope you can see where this is leading. First, ecudation about sex is now dictated by the state, and now you're suggesting education about what violence should be the same. What sort of discipline is acceptable, what sort of sexual activity is acceptable, and now what sort of violence, too. What's next? We are taking our children's upbringing outside of our own control and morals and placing it in the hands of the state. And if the social norms go downhill (as I believe they're doing), so will the future of the human race.

No. I've already had enough of the state dictating how I might raise my children.

NRK - "And yet we have more problems with violence, sex and drugs than pretty much every other Westernized nation."

We've got more of it glorified in the media than any other western nation. "Glorified" is the key. The movie "Pulp Fiction" comes to mind. Oh yeah...TONS of good influences in there.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:56 am    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

We've got more of it glorified in the media than any other western nation.


I don't believe many other democratized/free nations have gross restrictions on media representation of such things, so why do we have more of this glorified in our media than other nations?

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:17 am    Post subject: re Reply with quote

NRK - "so why do we have more of this glorified in our media than other nations?

Good question. I think it's our overly permissive culture and a lack of cultural wisdom that some countries outside the US seem to have a better handle on. Our culture, without years to develope, is a lot more wishy-washy. That, and the TV has been here longer than in any other was invented here, you know.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:34 am    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

"your culture" has Calvinist roots to the nth degree plus Jonathon Edwards to boot so that's not the reason.

it is the way it is because of the obvious...

sex sells

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:44 am    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

I left out one part...the need of many here for excess. If a little is good, a lot is better.

bitwhys - "sex sells"

Only when it's allowed in advertising.

And part of the reason it sells is because of the glorification of it. Nudity is more common in europe on TV than in the US, but they don't have as big a problem as we do, methinks. They take sex as a part of life...many of us like to think it's the only thing in life (excessive). But, unfortunately for them, our attitude (once again, through the media) is catching on.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 3:21 am    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

only when its advertising?!?

its ALL advertising.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 4:14 am    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote


just finished talking with my wife who just finished talking to another mother at the school. turns out the Rainbow Society is skulking around and gave their "some people don't like homosexuals. these people are call homophobes" talk to her daughter.

talk about timing.

grade 6. somewhere between wasting their breath and doing things @#%$-backwards they probably managed to mess with a few heads. gah. sometimes the school system pisses me off. now I've actually gotta hit the phone tomorrow to find out if "the talk" is coming to a theatre near me.


bunch of fricking cowards. I guess they think if they warn us people are gonna pull their kids out of school. at grade six I say all the power to them. I mean really. My kid doesn't even WANT to know the details yet, forget about optional packaging.

I say grade 8 when they're actually thinking for themselves anyways and more likely to know about what body parts actually do fit together and why and stuff but whatever. wasted trip.

I'll just tell him they mean well but their kind of over-anxious and opinionated and remind him that when he does start asking around to maybe give me a shot at being in the loop once in a while.


Edited by: bitwhys at: 11/10/05 4:16
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 4:17 am    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

Could maybe the desire for excess have something to do with living in a country where consumerism, to excess, is the ultimate goal? Making the most money, having the most stuff, those are the important ideals in America. Nothing is more important in our culture than that. Sex, drugs and violence can't compete at all with consumerist desires.

But then again maybe that's all the sex, drugs and violence are in America, things to be had, more of anything is perceived as good in this country.

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