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EU officials implore new immigrants to learn European values

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russky joe

Joined: 16 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:20 pm    Post subject: yeah! Reply with quote

Frickin' right too!

Now all we need to do is get the frickin' southern fried jesus freaks to adhere to American values and we'll be full speed ahead into a better world.


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:37 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

joe, you continue to show your arrogant ignorance. This country was founded by Christians..with morals found in the Bible woven into not only the Constitution, but in other documents and in concepts used in creating the governing bodies as well. Try checking out some of the memoirs and diaries of the Constitutional Framers and you'll see what I mean. You're living in what is still a predominantly Christian country, founded by Christians...get over it, or move on...your choice, but you can't change history by being ignorant to it. Christian values ARE American values...though there are those, like you, who would seek to undermine the very values that made this country great to begin with.

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russky joe

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:50 pm    Post subject: Oh yeah? Reply with quote

Listen, braindeath, what made America great was secular democracy, civil liberties and freedom of speech, not frickin' pentecostal god-bothers who want to turn us into a religious totalitarian militarized state. And don't you forget it.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:57 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

It was the founding CHRISTIAN fathers who gave us democracy, civil liberties and freedom of speech as part of our legacy. And I won't ask you not to forget it because it's the truth, and truth seems to be quite evasive for you right now, joe. Come back when you've taken the time to read what I suggested...if you have the nerve.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 11:06 pm    Post subject: EU officials implore new immigrants to learn European values Reply with quote

I'm not sure how much luck the EU will have in begging Jihadists to be like Europeans. With Europe's declining population growth, it's probably just a matter of time before native Europeans are a minority in Europe. Like many Catholic folks, Muslims prefer having large families.


EU officials implore new immigrants to learn 'European values'

EU officials implore new immigrants to learn 'European values'

- CONSTANT BRAND, Associated Press Writer

Friday, November 19, 2004

(11-19) 10:46 PST BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) --

European Union justice and interior ministers agreed Friday that new immigrants to the 25-nation bloc should be required to learn local languages, and to adhere to general "European values" that will guide them toward better integration.

Dutch immigration minister Rita Verdonk, who chaired the meeting, said all countries agreed to make integrating newcomers a priority, considering the growing ethnic tensions as EU nations struggle to absorb a steady stream of poor, mostly Muslim immigrants.

Just this month in the Netherlands, the slaying of filmmaker Theo van Gogh by a suspected Muslim radical unleashed a wave of attacks against mosques, churches and religious schools in a country once famed for its tolerance.

Tensions also rose in Belgium, where authorities arrested a suspect Friday accused of sending death threats to a senator of Moroccan heritage who criticized radical Muslims.

"It's not like we are against immigration," Verdonk said. "If you want to live in the Netherlands, you have to adhere to our rules ... and learn our language."

Highlighting a European-wide problem, Verdonk said that some 500,000 Turkish and Moroccan immigrants in the Netherlands don't speak Dutch.

For now, integration policies across the continent vary greatly. Public concerns over immigration have fueled electoral successes for far-right parties in several European countries, including Austria and Italy, where they have joined the national government.

Many Muslims have bristled at new rules targeting immigrants that they say amount to racial profiling that is insensitive of their religion.

Yet incoming EU justice and home affairs commissioner Franco Frattini told reporters in Rome that integration had to be an essential part of an EU policy.

"We can't imagine an immigration policy that focuses only on the prevention of illegal immigration, without considering the integration of those who want to enter a European country to live and work there in full respect of the law of both the country and Europe," Frattini said.

The EU ministers also set out a list of 11 nonbinding guidelines for governments and immigrant communities, including accepting basic European values, providing employment and education, knowledge of the local language, culture and history, and open access to local health care and other public services.

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russky joe

Joined: 16 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 11:09 pm    Post subject: eh? Reply with quote

You ever heard of the Salem Witch trials, brain-box?

Free speech my ass.

This conversation ends here. Arguing with a fundie is the biggest waste of time on earth. You keep your religion to yourself - preferrably up your asshole where it belongs - and don't bother me with it. You got that?

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 11:12 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

Sticks and stones, joe...sticks and stones. Your threats are as empty as your words. And free speech is for all...not just you.

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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 1:49 am    Post subject: Re: EU officials implore new immigrants to learn European va Reply with quote

There's an American friend of mine (I've forgotten which state he lives in) who complained a lot about the fact that in his state, Spanish is more widely spoken than English and why can't the immigrants at least learn English and why does he have to learn Spanish? I thought that was really interesting.

I remember when I first visited England and met a few BBC boys (British born Chinese) and they were SO EMBARRASSED that they couldn't speak Cantonese. They wanted to be as 'white' as they could whilst growing up, now they are adults they of course regretted it.....

Older adults who immigrate have a LOT of difficulty learning a new language. It's the young children - under 12 years old is best - who learn like sponges. So I think its the NEXT generation born from the Immigrants that get the best of both worlds.

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Generally Crazy Guy

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 1:46 pm    Post subject: Re: EU officials implore new immigrants to learn European va Reply with quote

So I think its the NEXT generation born from the Immigrants that get the best of both worlds.

At least here in Europe the problem with the muslim immigrants, the vast majority from Turkey, is that they live in some sort of mirror-society where they have their own shops, their own barbers, doctors....

...from birth to funeral all is handled in Turkish language.

There are complete parts of Berlin where you don't come any further with German because nobody understands you or does not want to understand you.

As a matter of fact already several generations of Turkish people all did the same: speaking Turkish at home, with their kids, in the Mosque... even there's a Turkish TV in Germany.

All is Turkish.

How will you learn a foreign language if you avoid any contact and even hear Turkish radio?

Apart from that many Turkish immigrants who first came alone or only with their oldest son now bring more of their relatives "fresh from Anatolia" (the 'Alabama' of Turkey) and of course those people do not speak anything apart from Turkish and know nothing else than Turkish culture.

Over 90% of the Turkish population (in Germany at least) also do still force their daughters to marry a Turkish man without any chance to say "oh no, I'm not really in love here". On top of that turkish girls usually are extracted of German schools by their parents at the age of 10 and send back to Turkey for "education". They usually come back a few years later with headscarfes and a Turkish man.

How should these daughters learn the German language in an age when they "take it as a sponge" and how should they integrate to a European society when they are taught in Turkey Turkish culture/values and locked up their life as teenagers somewhere in Anatolia????

Those are the problems European countries, mostly Germany and the Netherlands, are facing with their Turkish immigrants.

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russky joe

Joined: 16 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:01 pm    Post subject: that's right Reply with quote

"fresh from Anatolia" (the 'Alabama' of Turkey) and of course those people do not speak anything apart from Turkish and know nothing else than Turkish culture."

Yeah, 'Turkish rednecks' with religion shoved down their throats. It ain't these Turkish peeps' fault, it's the frickin' religious leaders and politicos who have been dumbing them down for centuries so they can exploit 'em with no complaints.

Ole' time religious rednecks are the same the world over. Ya have to pity 'em but at the same time ya can't let 'em run things - if you do you get Dubya, Sharon and Khomeini.

They don't speak much English in Alabama, neither. :aua :aua :aua :aua

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The Master68

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:13 pm    Post subject: Re: that's right Reply with quote

I remember riding through Alabama a few years ago and I stopped at this convenience store and talked to the cashier in a fake British accent (I'm southern, too).

She kept looking at me as if I were speaking greek...


Oh, back to the topic...


When you argue with a fool, be sure he isn't similarly occupied...


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