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The evil history of American Christianity
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Joined: 20 Sep 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 10:20 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

Well, first of all, you have absolutely no idea what my education consists your statements in that regard fall nicely into line with your ability to see things the way you wish, as opposed to the way most other people see them. A wise person would first ask rather than make such assumptions about anothers education.

As far as sexual relations are concerned, it is not a requirement to perform such in public in order to make such public in nature. All that is required is what you have done, which is to proclaim a specific sexual preference, publically. I find it my opinion, what goes on in the bedroom needs to stay there, and not be paraded around for all to witness (whether people actually see you do it or not).

If you once again read what I said instead of twisting it to your own agenda, you will see that it is the lifestyle, not the person, that is the "abomination" (using Biblical terminology).

One last speak of only the ignorant believing in a religion. I think it not only ignorant, but also arrogant to believe that there is no possible superior being in this huge universe we live in. There are many who would try and take comfort in their own limited scientific knowledge and deny such a makes it very easy to believe whatever a person wants to (its only true advantage). But if such people were truly comfortable, then they would not spend so much effort trying to deny something that, in their own opinion, does not exist. Interesting at the very fight against something that is believed not to be there.

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Joined: 12 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 12:30 am    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

no no mr dreamtone sir your arguments make no sense and you would not pass examinations here in the british universities with answers like that

sir i left nigeria to improve my education but also to escape the ignorant tribespeople who see my sexuality as an abomination even though im not promiscuous like a lot of heterosexuals and christian homosexuals who hide in the churches to attack young boys which is a disgraceful action that should be investigated by the police

i must say this sir to encounter people such as yourself in the west who still believe my sexuality to be an abomination is very disturbing and i would wish along with european liberals to rid europe of the ideas of such people as yourself and the very brutal islamic extremists

if your superior being does exist although there is no evidence im sure sir that he would be angry that uneducated smallcity bigots like yourself and the primitive tribalists who wrote the elves tales in your bible claim to represent his words

it is very foolish and uneducated of you sir to claim that educated secular people "fight against someting that is not there" because they are fighting against the influential ideas of the bigoted and ignorant religious people such as yourself that cause such trouble and strife and impede the progress of the human race out of primitivism

to be quite candid with you sir and to risk being rude which is uncharacteristic of myself sir i have now found out why this board has very few intelligent visitors and those who do visit are driven to anger by the ignorance and bigotry of yourself and others and the patronizing tones of people who are of lesser intelligence than them and the threats of beatings and rape by the violent uncivilized person which remind me of the threats of the evil mr charles taylor in west africa

i am very happy with my educated friends in london and i take my leave sir in the face of your bigotry homophobia violence and ignorance which are the true abominations and i will never return here despite a welcome from mr burn who seems like an educated person i hope your redneck way of life dies out in the next few generations along with that of the brutal islamic extremists and the murdering zionist land thieves because these ways of life stink like three rotting fish on a dead mans table

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Joined: 20 Sep 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 12:53 am    Post subject: re Reply with quote

There is again a great deal of assumption on your part as to who I am and what my beliefs are. It is much easier for a person to "pigeon-hole" me into a group of people that you apparently dispise...I make no such claim to despise you. I am accepting of people...but not always their beliefs. But as far as strife is concerned, none would exist in this case if one would simply leave their sexual practices where they belong...behind closed doors. This is not just something aimed at you...but at all, including myself. You would, however, bring strife to those who do not believe such as you on this evidenced by the nature and slant of the posts in not just this, but most other threads you have posted in as well.

Truth be told, you are the only one between the two of us that has proposed violence. Perhaps it is time to realize that attempting to thrust your point of view onto others is exactly the kind of action, completely apart from any religious context, that creates violence. So, you see, you have invalidated your own argument that it is religion that breads violence.

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Joined: 10 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 6:38 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

yes and antman's first post was a cut and paste... he is just a troll... seemingly lacking in respect for people...

Edited by: Rev9Volts at: 11/16/04 20:33
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