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Dismayed Americans contemplate Canada
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Joined: 29 May 2003
Posts: 640

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 10:22 pm    Post subject: oh dear, dear, dear .... Reply with quote

"Ahhh...I the end justifies the means, eh? Now where and when have such things been said before...and by whom?"

Oh, for f*ck's sake grow up and stop making false and sensationalist analogies, will you? I'm calling him a deluded idiot, I'm not threatening to put him in a fr*gging death camp or a gulag, you numbskull.

People like me are trying to save American lives and the lives of others, not fr*gging sentence them to death. Voting for Bush a second time proves that many of them cannot see sense, so if a bit of insulting and humiliation might influence a few observers (not you or Ron-boy, you're beyond redemption on this issue) to reject conservative nationalism and extremist Christianity then yes, in this case the end will justify the means. If I could speak Arabic languages and insult extremist Muslims I would do so as well, but I can't and I don't see many of them around.

This nonsense has caused too many deaths already, the needless premature deaths of young people, American, British, Iraqi and others. Please try to just grow out of this. You're being manipulated by some very nasty people on both 'sides'.

Stupid though you are, I just don't want to see any of you die needlessly for a superstition and a 'nation' that doesn't really give a damn about you. :ohno

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Joined: 12 Nov 2004
Posts: 86

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 2:13 pm    Post subject: Re: oh dear, dear, dear .... Reply with quote

dear mr questionnaire although its obvious that you are far more knowledgable and intelligent than our southern evangelical friends please try not to lose your temper and insult them so much

many of these people are raised in religious households and communities and have been denied real knowledge so their ignorance is not their own fault

just keep presenting them with facts the antidote to their ignorance

i know it must be very trying for an educated person such as yourself but please make the effort

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