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Article revealing right-wing indoctrination

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Joined: 29 May 2003
Posts: 640

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 2:46 pm    Post subject: Article revealing right-wing indoctrination Reply with quote

This is a very readable article explaining how right-wing propaganda disseminated by various 'organizations' and 'institutions' dominates the media and the net, and how it supports corporate America's project of military imperialism. These organizations have nothing to do with 'independent thought' or 'freedom'. They promote the interests of big business and extreme Christian-Zionism. They use hateful rhetoric similar to that used by extremist Islamic and terrorist organizations.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:29 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

That's not what it says at all, Steve. It does sound like something you might have written when not off on a rampage.

Regardless of how seriously one takes this paper, it is interesting to note that if Osama had just left well enough alone, none of these supposed actions would have had reason to take place. If Osama really wanted what he says he does, then this article makes him look like a fool. If Osama really wanted to start a mess in the world, then this article makes him look brilliant.

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Joined: 29 May 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 9:15 am    Post subject: not so Reply with quote

The failure in your thinking, DT, is to place Bin Laden at the centre of all of this as the primary cause. In fact he is a reactive effect of a chain of causes. At the centre of it all is the imperialism represented by big business interests, US foreign policy - including the maintenance of a corrupt regime in Saudi Arabia that has allowed the desecration of their holy cities Mecca and Medina by business interests - and extremist Christian-Zionism.

It remains a fact that most of the websites referred to on this board by you and your political allies are funded by those interest-groups.

It also remains a fact that your recent illegal invasion of Iraq, another Muslim country, had nothing to do with Bin Laden, the 'war on terrorism' or 'weapons of mass destruction' that did not exist. It was about political control of the Middle-East, oil and big business interests.

The reason I go on the 'rampage' is that I find the constant lying of those interest-groups, the failure of people around here to recognize it and the habit of presenting it to the world as the truth to be intensely exasperating. Believing this rubbish and supporting Bush is equivalent to signing the death warrants of thousands of innocent Arabs and working-class American service personel, most of whom are in Iraq because they can't get a decent job or fund their education in your irrational and failing (I'm talking about social failure here) free-market economy.

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Joined: 29 May 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 12:01 pm    Post subject: another lie Reply with quote

"That's not what it says at all, Steve. It does sound like something you might have written when not off on a rampage."

- DT

And you wonder why I get so annoyed. Your accusation that I'm misrepresenting the content of the article is a complete lie. The article is about PRECISELY what I said it's about. If you don't understand that you have a severe comprehension problem. It's quite clear even in the article's sub-headings as well as the text.

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