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Fahrenheit 9/11 wins the Palme d'Or at Cannes
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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 7:26 am    Post subject: Re: Here... Reply with quote

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Seismic Anamoly

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 7:36 am    Post subject: Here... Reply with quote

You couldn't pay ME to go see it.

Check out this site and see how the Stupid Fat White Man spins his Lies...


He did the same with 9/11...

But it makes money for him because people buy into it.

Dumbass people.

Edited by: Seismic Anamoly  at: 7/1/04 8:38
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 2:16 pm    Post subject: Re: Here... Reply with quote

But it makes money for him because people buy into it.

Dumbass people.

That's not your opinion, Seismo - that's almost verbatum of what Moore says of those who put money into his rather large wallet!

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Seismic Anamoly

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 3:14 pm    Post subject: Re: Here... Reply with quote

Glamin...My Pleasure!! ;)

Ron...I have NO doubt of that!! :lol

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:29 pm    Post subject: Re: Here... Reply with quote

Domestic Total as of Jun. 30, 2004: $35,714,000 (Estimate)

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Seismic Anamoly

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 8:26 pm    Post subject: Re: Here... Reply with quote of June 30th, based on admission averaging $10 apiece, we have 3,571,400 bumbling idiots here in America.

Poor ignorant Bastards.

Michael LOVES you...but he loves your money MUCH MORE.

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 1:11 pm    Post subject: Re: Here... Reply with quote

Domestic Total as of Jul. 2, 2004: $44,257,000

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:23 pm    Post subject: Re: Here... Reply with quote

Forecast until Monday: $63.5 m

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 1:42 pm    Post subject: Re: Here... Reply with quote

Domestic Total as of Jul. 5, 2004: $180,213,000 (Estimate)

Distributor: Fox Release Date: May 28, 2004

Production Budget: $125 million

Est. Marketing Costs: $50 million

Well, it seems the total costs for "The Day After Tomorrow" is 175 million US$.

Domestic gross about 180 million.

Then again the movie grossed more than 305 million overseas, making the total over 485 million US$.

That makes the turnover/initial cost ratio 2,77 (surpassed by "Fahrenheit 9/11"... 3,75 and counting); or 310 million US$ (pre DVD-release).

That's quite a leap from a box office failure.

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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 6:09 pm    Post subject: COuldn't resist.... Reply with quote

Letterman’s Top Ten List: “Top Ten George W. Bush Complaints About "Fahrenheit 9/11":

10. That actor who played the President was totally unconvincing

9. It oversimplified the way I stole the election

8. Too many of them fancy college-boy words

7. If Michael Moore had waited a few months, he could have included the part where I get him deported

6. Didn't have one of them hilarious monkeys who smoke cigarettes and gives people the finger

5. Of all Michael Moore's accusations, only 97% are true

4. Not sure - - I passed out after a piece of popcorn lodged in my windpipe

3. Where the hell was Spider-man?

2. Couldn't hear most of the movie over Cheney's foul mouth

1. I thought this was supposed to be about dodgeball

|Blah Blah|Thinking Out Loud|Jane Eliz|
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No More Peas!

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 12:00 am    Post subject: hahahahahahaha Reply with quote

you beat me to it!


He also said "Saddam is the most evil man in the world - not counting cheney".


July 02, 2004

Top Ten Things Overheard At Saddam Hussein's Court Appearance

10. If the mustache don't fit, you must acquit

9. Rather than 'murderous dictator, ' I'd prefer 'genocidal maniac'

8. Is it me or is Saddam just the most adorable thing you've ever seen?

7. He's obviously had a queer makeover

6. If you wanted a lawyer, Mr. Hussein, maybe you should've thought about that before you had them all killed

5. You think prison scares me? I lived in a damn spider-hole

4. I'll be released as soon as Kerry takes over

3. Wow, Saddam sort of looks like Robert Wagner

2. Saddam is the most evil man the world has ever known - - not counting Dick Cheney

1. That's cute - - out of habit, Courtney Love showed up

I really laughed at No. 2...


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 5:04 am    Post subject: Re: COuldn't resist.... Reply with quote

7. If Michael Moore had waited a few months, he could have included the part where I get him deported.


3. Where the hell was Spider-man?

LOL - Well, Spidey did set a new record, the films come and go pretty fast these days. But F911 is best compared success-wise to the current comedy "White Chicks" or past comedy successes. "JackAss" did better than F911 at the box office. The direct comparsion of F911 to other comedies is derived from Moore's claim that F911's correct nomenclature among the film genres is as a 'comedy". Also, when challanged about the sheer tonnage of factual inacurracies of his film efforts, Moore has a patented reply: "How can there be inaccuracy in comedy?" (verbatum quote from CNN)

Another interesting area is the political leanings of US telly late-night hosts. Letterman leans to the far left. His head-to-head competition - Jay Leno - is middle-of-the-road to conservative, more closely refecting America's majority political viewpoint. Leno is the consistent ratings winner. They are both good and funny hosts. Neither are as good as were the late night TV show pioneers and the 2nd generation of late-night hosts: people like Steve Allen, Jack Paar, Johnny Carson, Dick Cavett.

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 6:45 am    Post subject: Re: COuldn't resist.... Reply with quote

Also, when challanged about the sheer tonnage of factual inacurracies of his film efforts, Moore has a patented reply: "How can there be inaccuracy in comedy?"


That qoute is in regard of his book, 'Stupid White Men', POLITICAL HUMOR!

This is the excerp from the CNN interview (directly from the transcript, linked here)

DOBBS: I was amazed. just took you to task on this book, pointing out glaring inaccuracies, which -- what in the world...

MOORE: Some of these, I think they found some guy named Dan was named Dave, and there was another thing. But you know, look, this is a book of political humor. So, I mean, I don't respond to that sort of stuff, you know.

DOBBS: Glaring inaccuracies?

MOORE: No, I don't. Why should I? How can there be inaccuracy in comedy?

Context is everything, eh? ;)

(verbatum quote from CNN)

Btw, this is the second time you have typed verbatim with a u.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 8:02 am    Post subject: Re: COuldn't resist.... Reply with quote

You are partially correct, Gal: I should have said Moore cites all of his stuff as "comedy" to avoid addressing his consistent problem could it be politely phrased? - being "factually challenged". You need not take my word on it, he raises the same "it's comedy" defense re: F911 when he was hyping up the film many months prior to it's release - this, on his own site:

"The whole story behind this (and other attempts) to kill our movie will be told in more detail as the days and weeks go on. For nearly a year, this struggle has been a lesson in just how difficult it is in this country to create a piece of art that might upset those in charge (well, OK, sorry -- it WILL upset them...big time. Did I mention it's a comedy?)."

Moore: F911 is a comedy movie

As for flipping out over typos and misspells. I posted a link re: "Netiquette" that might be of interest. Not only is it considered bad form to engage in the practice, but those who are experienced in on the internet just don't freak out if someone uses "your" for "you're" or "loose" for "lose".

Experienced "netizens" go by a basic rule that if you understand what a person intended, it's just no big deal. If the experienced person doesn't understand a term, they ask "I'm unclear about what you meant - could you please explain, thanx". In the context of something like a debate, it's considered a tacit concession of intellectual defeat. That is, having failed at logical refutation, a person goes off on the "nah-nah, you wrote "your" instead of "you're!!!" Such sentient observations are deemed as being the province of small minds.

And that's the reason I don't engage in that particular net-newbie silliness. For example, in one of Steve's rants he complained that I had "mis-spelled" some word or words. Although it gave me a bit of a giggle, I passed on pointing out the irony to him. My sense of self worth just isn't based on pointing out others typos or misspellings.

That also serves to highlight the double-edged nature of the particular web novice obsession:

"That qoute is in regard"

"This is the excerp"

Gee, now I've really boosted my sense of self worth!!!! Whew!!! :)

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 8:59 am    Post subject: Re: COuldn't resist.... Reply with quote

You are partially correct

No, I am 100% correct.

I should have said Moore cites all of his stuff as "comedy" to avoid addressing his consistent problem could it be politely phrased? - being "factually challenged".

Wrong again.

He has yet to use the "it's a comedy"-phrase for 911 as defence for any alleged fact problem and you know it.

(well, OK, sorry -- it WILL upset them...big time. Did I mention it's a comedy?)

See? No?

As for flipping out over typos and misspells.

Look, I did not react the first time 'verbatum' showed up since it could hardly be anything else than a typo. The second time it was obvious that it was not a typo, so I pointed the particular spelling out to inform the writer (you) of the misconception. (This I did with small letters outside of the actual debate)

If that makes you feel embarrassed I will send a private message or simply let it be. Ok? It's up to you.

Experienced "netizens" go by a basic rule that if you understand what a person intended, it's just no big deal. If the experienced person doesn't understand a term, they ask "I'm unclear about what you meant - could you please explain, thanx". In the context of something like a debate, it's considered a tacit concession of intellectual defeat. That is, having failed at logical refutation, a person goes off on the "nah-nah, you wrote "your" instead of "you're!!!" Such sentient observations are deemed as being the province of small minds.

I know. The worst part is when the handle of a language is challenged without any examples whatsoever! Wouldn't you agree?


That also serves to highlight the double-edged nature of the particular web novice obsession

Thanks for pointing out one of my typos, I will not return the favour.

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