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My lawyer's advice on Ron's personal smearing.

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Joined: 29 May 2003
Posts: 640

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:14 pm    Post subject: My lawyer's advice on Ron's personal smearing. Reply with quote

Well, I'm no legal expert so I asked my lawyer about suing Ron for his accusations of anti-semitism and other pathological aspects of my personality that he has invented and posted on the board. What she said fits in with this post by 'Merc' (who I'm pretty certain is JDR or another one of the old MP3.Com right-wing hate-clan):

"AUSTRALIAN COURT ISSUES CROSS-BORDER NET LIBEL DECISION ... An Australian court has ordered a Los Angeles man to pay $61,000 in damages for defaming an Australian journalism professor on a series of websites.

The LA man claimed the professor is a child molester and an academic fraud and apparently has built dozens of similar sites about people worldwide.... The man was unaware of the judgement but suggested that it is unenforceable in the U.S." - Merc

It looks like a decision made in another country's court is unenforceable in the US, and she also advised me that this applies the other way round too. I would have to travel to America or bring Ron to England, neither of which I'm prepared to do. Oh well, you live and learn.

So it looks as though he can say what he likes about people, spam the board, set the agenda, patronize other board members and play his surreptitious dirty tricks as much as he likes.

OK, I give up. If there is no legal protection against low-brow underhand slugs like RonOnGuitar, I need to leave. I've said that twice before, but this is the finish.

Let me leave with a parting shot.

The one-dimensional thinking of Ron and his low-brow ilk does not represent the whole of America. Tonight on the BBC an ex-CIA operative blew the whistle on American foreign policy, stating that for the past 40 years it has been disastrous, destroying the balance of power that the world needs and leaving 'only the military option' as it has burned all of its diplomatic options and destroyed its credibility amongst other nations. The world, he claims, is beginning to hate and fear America and Israel. In fact it drives us headlong into a nightmare future where only two options remain: not war or peace, but war or endless war. His advice was a 'Marshall purge', to get rid of the manipulative neo-conservative operators and corporate lackeys who control American politics, intelligence, business and media and effect a permanent regime-change that will deliver genuine 'open government'. If that does not happen, the future is bleak.

My suggestion is that people ignore Ron and his pals, simple-minded stooges who have no idea whatsoever of what it is they are supporting and proselytising to the international community on message-boards such as this. Ignore them completely. They are neo-conservative propagandists, polite but persistent supremacists untroubled by any doubt whatsoever about the historical superiority of their own culture. Get off the net, in my experience it's dominated by these people, and do your own research and your own thinking.

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Joined: 07 Sep 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:17 pm    Post subject: Re: My lawyer's advice on Ron's personal smearing. Reply with quote

Get off the net, in my experience it's dominated by these people, and do your own research and your own thinking.

Well, one value I find, regardless of who it is or where it is, talking to people with differing idealism gives me the opportunity to really know what to look at, it gives me direction in my own pursuit of knowledge. I'm not convinced of much in my life, things change and what I believe today may be changed in the future, since my entire life has been one of change. Although I too have seen many many morons online, there's just as many in real time, and although I can sometimes get frustrated trying to make a point on any discussion (again real life or net) the banter is a good thing for me. It drives me to think and to learn.

My music for the disenchanted masses

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Seismic Anamoly

Joined: 22 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:40 pm    Post subject: Re: My lawyer's advice on Ron's personal smearing. Reply with quote


"Merc" is the Oil Splattered, Ironhorse Ridin', All-American Cowboy.

Now Don't That Just BURN YER A$$??

Bye, Bye, Lil' Stevie...:w

:aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua

Edited by: Seismic Anamoly  at: 7/14/04 0:41
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Joined: 12 Apr 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 1:56 am    Post subject: Re: My lawyer's advice on Ron's personal smearing. Reply with quote

The "fight" between you and Ron is sissy sh*t compared to the intense flame wars Mike and I have had over political BS. And Mike and I are totally cool with each other! You are just a wussy-a$$ed punk who needs to get the fork outside and have a little fun for a change.

You'll be back.

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Joined: 08 Jan 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:58 am    Post subject: Re: Re: Reply with quote

"Get off the net, in my experience it's dominated by these people, and do your own research and your own thinking." - Steve

"one value I find, regardless of who it is or where it is, talking to people with differing idealism gives me the opportunity to really know what to look at, it gives me direction in my own pursuit of knowledge. I'm not convinced of much in my life, things change and what I believe today may be changed in the future, since my entire life has been one of change." - NRK

The "fight" between you and Ron is sissy sh*t compared to the intense flame wars Mike and I have had over political BS. And Mike and I are totally cool with each other!

Larree, that's something that I highly admire in Mike (and you, others). The ability to say "you're a jacka$$ and your opinion stinks, but I don't hold it personally against you!". Though I wouldn't recommend that particular verbal exchange, LOL.

And I'm not interested in dissing Steve here, but I hope that he heeds the advice he dished out in the top quote.

I tend toward agreeing with NRK - 2nd quote above - I sometimes learn the most from things that challenge my thinking status quo. And at a any rate, I'm not bound by another person's view and I don't have to change my own unless I wanna.

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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 1:58 pm    Post subject: Re: Re: Reply with quote

I also agree with NRK and Ron, it's good to hear different views about things, how else can we be open to things? And surely it's up to us as individuals to decide who's opinion we value?

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