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Joined: 29 May 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:46 am    Post subject: oh dear ... Reply with quote

".... minor details in the sceam (sic) of things?"

These people remind you that the West really is full of fat semi-literate cretins who think the freedom to own electric toothbrushes and big trucks with tanks full of cheap gas is worth the deaths of children.

I fear Jean Baudrillard is right. The majority, through no fault of their own, are stupid, and change will only come about when consumer capitalism accelerates beyond control and US culture becomes so overheated it will simply implode. The signs are there already - murder, drugs, crime, ethnic gangs, depression, illiteracy, obesity, pornography, fundamentalism. Like Rome and the Soviet Union, it will collapse from the inside as the core becomes rotten and unable to support its surrounding structures. A pity, because there are so many decent intelligent Americans. Not quite enough, though, in a head-count democracy. I don't think getting the Democrats in will make a big difference - corporate needs and the logic of the market rule, and the damage has already been done abroad.

Debbie, it's your decision, but maybe we should just get out of here, let them talk amongst themselves for a while and hope they get bored.

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No More Peas!

Joined: 25 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 11:23 am    Post subject: Actually Steve, Reply with quote

I am going to cease and desist as of now, because its dawned with the full weight of a lightning strike just how much ignorance is present here. So much ignorance of historical fact and present day occurances is astounding. Of course there will be personal attacks by such people because there is simply not enough knowledge to debate the issues. :dunno

One would think that if an issue is brought up at least some reading can be done on it before people jump in, but no. Oh NO! Lets just say everyone hates us because they're jealous. Lets not even try to get some more information or perspective on the subject...:seismo and if we finally find that indeed, such events did take place, let's dismss em as "minor details".

How sad.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 12:50 pm    Post subject: OK, I'm with you Reply with quote

"I am going to cease and desist as of now".

OK, I'm with you on this. One of the reasons I keep coming back is that I don't like to see you, Mike and the others outnumbered or outposted by this bloody crew. Their ideas are toxic.

Out now. If you don't post, I won't.

Might see you around, but my net presence is gradually winding down because I'm going to be incredibly busy with album promotion and two book contracts over the next year or two, so if I don't it's been a real pleasure knowing you. Keep reading, keep thinking and don't let the b*stards grind you down.


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No More Peas!

Joined: 25 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 1:09 pm    Post subject: Ditto Steve! Reply with quote

It's been great! :nw I don't post much unless its a topic close to my heart, and sometimes I just can't help myself, I'm just too human to resist arrrrrrrrrrrrgh.

I have to finish my masters and get an album out with Ignition that we've been working on for two years now, ugh. perhaps not posting here will give me some extra time, fingers crossed... ahahahaha

Good luck with the album and books.


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Seismic Anamoly

Joined: 22 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 1:45 pm    Post subject: Re: Ditto Steve! Reply with quote

I am going to cease and desist as of now....

OK, I'm with you on this.

It's been great!


When Hell Freezes Over.


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 3:29 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

It's your with it!

Well, the paradox there, DT, is that it's not realistic for those in subjective mode to be able to realise, much less deal with, their own mental/emotional issues.

While it is sometimes difficult to get at someone's root problem, I believe we have some clues. (I believe it was Chris who attempted - quite diplomatically - to identify the question at hand as a "need for certainty".) A person who's only reponse to any given item is total reliance on emotionalism, buzzwords, vulgarities and the nonsensical is operating from his/her own personal dysfunctional and internalized world view. ( I wonder if anyone has done study on the pathology and mentality of those into thread-trolling?)

At any rate, consider the person who has a strong need to be acclaimed and hailed as an important "intellectual", continually proclaiming a self-perceived status as such. This is not at all an uncommon stage. I'm sure most of us would come from a hard day in Kindergarten to present our parents with our crayon masterpieces. When our parents hailed it as the next Renoir or Van Gogh, we soaked in that validation even as the parents would exchange the insider, knowing smiles. Of course, there wasn't much chance that "stickmen in crayon" would end up in the Louvre, but children need praise - even more so if a child has a strong tendency toward low self-esteem.

When such dependence on constant external validation is found in adults, we don't need to setup a seance and conjure up Freud to know the elements in play. To compensate for a deep-rooted belief in ones inferiority and insignifigance, "false fronts" of superority and a delusion of extreme self-importance are commonly manifested. And when the "false front" has a head-on collision with reality, it does yield more severe internal issues where - as you've noted - the person indeed needs to "deal with it".

But as with many other like problems, e.g. alcoholism , a person has to recognise that he has a problem. I believe the twelve-steps groups call this "Step 1": the person realizing and admitting to himself and others he has a problem. This is moving from subjective-subjective-emotionalism to subjective-objective-rational thinking.

So you're back at the beginning, where the person has to personally confront the issue; in this case, strong feelings of inferiority and insignifigance which invariably lead to the same crude tirades and emotional explosions. The best anyone can do to help is to point out such issues and suggest they speak with someone - doctor, therapist, clergy, whatever - in a situation where they feel comfortable. Again, sympathy - mixed with doses of reality - is a correct reaction to help the person.

feigned sympathy doesn't score any points with God. Quite the contrary

My family background was of basic Big-Man Upstairs deism, but we were always encouraged to learn, including the area of world&comparative religion. I seem to recall a parable by Jesus just now. It speaks of two men praying; One was a self-righteous man who points to the other fellow & prays "I thank Thee that I'm not as bad as that guy!!" - or words to that effect.

( I just Googled it up from somewhere to fact-check my memory: The Pharisee and the Publican )

Sometimes I wonder if a fellow could just type in the alphabet and Debbie would arrange the letters in order to be offended or horrified.....ah, well...


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Seismic Anamoly

Joined: 22 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 6:57 pm    Post subject: I hear you. Reply with quote


To compensate for a deep-rooted belief in ones inferiority and insignifigance, "false fronts" of superority and a delusion of extreme self-importance are commonly manifested.

A-Frickin'-Men, Ron. Spot On.

And so, to quote little Stevie earlier...

Quote: final words to you.


My sentiments to you two exactly, Stevie and Debbie. ;)

Lovingly, from your...

tautological, fat, semi-literate, tunnel-visioned, right-wing Christian, megalomaniacal, racist, patronizing little w*nker, nasty, mean-minded, barbaric, ignorant, arrogant, violent, stupid, charlatan, dumb, semi-literate, insular, xenophobic, prejudiced, "old fruit", crude, immature, half-educated, bar-room gobshite, bigot, paralexic, air-brained, oil-spattered, hard-rock All-American cretin lunatic Cowboy thug

...Buddy. left off A$$HOLE....

ALL of your Loving Comments about my Country, its' system of government, its' former/present leaders, and how it, in your opinion, SUCKS in General, have been forwarded to the FBI's and State Department's Passport Divisions for their reading pleasure along with links to these threads and screenshots (yes, the ones with your REAL name on them, before they were deleted... :lol )...

The confirmation e-mails from them were very entertaining and satisfying. :D

Good Luck coming back into the United States without one unGodly nightmare hassle. Better yet...just don't come.


Who Loves Ya, Babee?? :kizz


Edited by: Seismic Anamoly  at: 6/13/04 2:11
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Joined: 10 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 9:23 pm    Post subject: Re: I hear you. Reply with quote

and the non american arragance and pretentiousness is astounding...

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The King has spoken!

Joined: 30 Dec 2001
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 8:51 am    Post subject: Re: I hear you. Reply with quote

Seismo, when are you going to stop trying to intimidate posters on this board with telling us all that you have forwarded totally redundant data to the FBI and thus making the real war on terror so much the harder in some effort to scare the poster(s) into not typing anymore. ;)

It must be really hard having to back up your nonexistent arguments with this kind of utter stupidity. :D

Why go on and make a display of that you have the mental capacity of a fruitbat? :kizz

I rather have you back on your previous occupation as a Ron-dittohead.

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Seismic Anamoly

Joined: 22 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 2:17 am    Post subject: Re: I hear you. Reply with quote

Galmin; here's a clue.

I couldn't care less if posters post their opinions about whatever they like, whether I agree with it or not. Their opinions are theirs; mine are mine.

What I DO have a problem with is when others, who think they know more than God but in reality know less than most Special Ed SLD's, call me, Ron, DT, Rev, or whomever...

"tautological, fat, semi-literate, tunnel-visioned, right-wing Christian, megalomaniacal, racist, patronizing little w*nker, nasty, mean-minded, barbaric, ignorant, arrogant, violent, stupid, charlatan, dumb, semi-literate, insular, xenophobic, prejudiced, "old fruit", crude, immature, half-educated, bar-room gobshite, bigot, paralexic, air-brained, oil-spattered, hard-rock All-American cretin lunatic Cowboy thugs"

...and I(we) have not in any form or fashion resorted to the same infantile, juvenilistic name-calling just to back up my(our) inferiority complex and gross insecurity created by my(our) Anal Retention that someone actually disagrees with me(us) and doesn't share my opinion and bow down to it. :nw :ft

So F*CK them. They SUCK. They think they have Power; they're Powerless over Me and others who do not share their philosophy, and that's what REALLY pisses them off. :bcool

And if I can do anything in my power to keep them OUT of MY Country and Society, I WILL...

and HAVE.


And DAMN, it feels good! :me

By the way...Right-wing, shmite-wing...never have been, never will be. I'm a card-carrying Libertarian. Hell, I once belonged to Americans For Democratic Action; Mother Jones magazine.....till I discovered that Left-Wingers like them (and now you) constantly throw ignorant little nicknames at someone and insult their Country, their Society, their Way of Life, their Intelligence, and anything else their petty little brains can conjure up when they begin to get uneasy with that person's point of view because it doesn't agree with theirs and they soil themselves....exactly like 5-year-olds in a schoolyard quarrel. Case in point; this Forum (see the above - I was called every one of them just for fun by the sweet little darlins'... :lol ).

Quote: have the mental capacity of a fruitbat...


Obviously, you are one of them, too. I thought otherwise, but surprises occur, I suppose.

So...since you choose to stoop to the same infantile level as they...let me quote Stevie once again...

F*CK YOU, too!! :grin :kizz

Now, how should I close this comment?? Hmmm....let's resort to something Stevie would likely say:

"Be a good lad and run read your Encyclopaedia and Statistical Summaries....that's a good tautological, semi-literate, tunnel-visioned boy".

Or how about Debbie:

"Why do you all pick on and stalk me, you right-wing, fascist, racist, ignorant, barbaric, bigoted bastions of stupidity?

I'll pray for you.




Ron, DT, may think badly of me for this.

So be it.....but you're Good People; don't let any of the aforementioned A$$holes ever convince you otherwise.

Keep on keeping on and Godspeed. :thumb

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The King has spoken!

Joined: 30 Dec 2001
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 7:10 am    Post subject: Re: I hear you. Reply with quote

And if I can do anything in my power to keep them OUT of MY Country and Society, I WILL...

and HAVE.


The voice of the FREE WORLD. HALLELUJAH!

Good luck with keeping "them OUT of" YOUR Country and Society, midgetmind. ;)

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The King has spoken!

Joined: 30 Dec 2001
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 8:59 am    Post subject: Re: I hear you. Reply with quote

By the way...Right-wing, shmite-wing...never have been, never will be. I'm a card-carrying Libertarian. Hell, I once belonged to Americans For Democratic Action; Mother Jones magazine.....till I discovered that Left-Wingers like them (and now you) constantly throw ignorant little nicknames at someone and insult their Country, their Society, their Way of Life, their Intelligence, and anything else their petty little brains can conjure up when they begin to get uneasy with that person's point of view because it doesn't agree with theirs and they soil themselves....exactly like 5-year-olds in a schoolyard quarrel.

Look, I will explain to you why I react to your crusade to keep "them" out of YOUR COUNTRY and all that tripe you're pulling.

Sending FBI information about what University Lectors and others says about right-wingers, left-wingers or libertarians on a bulletinboard and then announcing that information has been sent to the FBI (even if it was never sent) in an effort to SCARE and INTIMIDATE, is making a display of that you are not able to handle being on a bulletinboard.

In the land of the free, a perfectly normal person mutate into a STATE- / STASI- / SECURITATE- INFORMER! Disgusting!

You complain about "them insulting the intelligence..." and then you pull this "I sent emails to the FBI" stunt (not that this is the first time, you probably have your own folder there by now)? It shows that you're beyond being able to be insulted in that particular area!

and anything else their petty little brains can conjure up when they begin to get uneasy with that person's point of view because it doesn't agree with theirs and they soil themselves....exactly like 5-year-olds in a schoolyard quarrel

Thus you send FBI emails? "My dad's a cop and he can put you in jail"...

patronizing little w*nker

That was the denomination for Ron and frankly...well... he is ;)

Come on, Seismo. You're smarter than this, right? Right?

Edited by: Galmin  at: 6/14/04 10:12
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 3:11 pm    Post subject: Re: I hear you. Reply with quote

not at all seismic.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:45 pm    Post subject: Re: I hear you. Reply with quote

nothing wrong with keeping out the riff-raff! course then again i would hire contractors along the mexican and canada border. they get paid straight comission. dollars for every illegal permantly stopped while trying to cross the border...

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Seismic Anamoly

Joined: 22 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 3:35 pm    Post subject: Whaaaa?? Reply with quote

Quote: an effort to SCARE and INTIMIDATE...

Scare and Intimidate?? Why would anyone be Scared or Intimidated??

Just making sure exactly what Rev said transpires...

nothing wrong with keeping out the riff-raff!

Rev....You Da Man!



"MidgetMind" :goofy


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