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"North Korea possesses at least two nuclear bombs...
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Joined: 07 Sep 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 4:21 am    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

I think if nukes were internationally outlawed and evidence existed showing that N. Korea was making nukes that a full frontal assault on them might be readily accepted. Maybe I'm wrong there, I don't really know. But what I do know is that it's wrong to be make rules that you don't follow yourself. This is simply idealistic for me but because of those ideals it really makes me question the moral character of our own nation's leaders. The current administration is intent on expanding our nuclear arsenal while dictating to other nations what their nuclear policy shall be. That bothers me, that's all.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 12:50 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

I hope you can understand why certain rules must apply to some people and not to others. Kids, if allowed to make their own rules will find out the hard way that the parents were right all along (usually). But parents must still make rules for kids that are different than the rules they follow themselves because they'! (Usually in the best interests of all concerned.) They have different needs and desires than adults.

I am not likening N Korea to kids, except to say that their actions state (obviously to me, though not to everyone) that somebody needs to "take the stick out of Juniors hands before he pokes his sister in the eye". They're isolationists.....almost zenophobes. Their outlook on the world and their position in it are different than for most countries. They need to be "brought up to speed" with the world (grow up) before they could be trusted to be responsible with nukes. Even then, I still wouldn't let them poke a very nasty stick in someones eye.....least of all mine.

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Joined: 07 Sep 2002
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PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2003 12:50 am    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

I understand what you're saying. For me, I just don't trust anyone with a stick in their hand. So I'm definitely uncomfortable with N. Korea having nuclear weapons, but I'm also as equally uncomfortable with the US having nuclear weapons. I think both countries (and all countries with nukes) are a significant threat to the entire human race. It's cool we disagree on this. I think both of us are 'anti-nuke' so to speak, I just don't trust anyone at all with such power.

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Joined: 29 May 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 9:19 pm    Post subject: hubris .... Reply with quote

So the USA is the only nation worthy of retaining nuclear weaponry and everyone else is a crazy irresponsible warmonger? Such hubris. Who is the only nation in history to use nuclear weapons against an opponent?Who should we all be scared of most?

I know the USA finds collective thought difficult, but answer this. If it threatens or invades yet another country (this time with real rather than imagined weapons of mass destruction), how would that country be expected to react? And even if it capitulated without a fight (a possibility) would that give international terrorists more or less justification to increase the scale of their activities?

Steve H

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debbie mannas

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 10:38 pm    Post subject: WMDs??? Reply with quote

Oh but they HAVE been used.

The UN has banned the US of Depleted Uranium and Cluster bombs, calling it WMDs and of "indiscriminate" effect (meaning it doesn't discriminate between military and civilians). But the US and UK still used it in Afghanistan and Iraq. The effects of these weapons will remain long after the invasion.

I'm really really angry that there's no outcry. Another instance of press supression and US Govt BS about how its not dangerous.

In a few years this will be another agent orange. Ugh.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 10:13 pm    Post subject: shu the @#%$ up Reply with quote

come on people, theres nothing u can do about the situation so dont worry about it. plus us citizens dont even know half the technology that the government really has to protect this country from assholes that want to start @#%$ with us. so drink a beer and shut up thank u

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Joined: 10 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 2:54 pm    Post subject: Re: shu the @#%$ up Reply with quote

we all know agent orange was developed to wipe out the marajuana crops in south america. when people could not get weed then they switched to south america's other crop of cocaine.

we killed 2 birds with 1 stone... introduced african americans to crack style cocaine and used profits to buy guns for nicoragua's freedom fighters...:banana

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 3:19 pm    Post subject: Agent Orange Reply with quote

Agent Orange Defined

Agent Orange (Herbicide Orange) was one of four phenoxy herbicides applied by U.S. military forces during the Vietnam War to remove forest cover and destroy the crops of the Viet Cong. Agent Orange contained equal parts of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T and was contaminated with trace amounts of the toxic impurity, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin, abbreviated TCDD and often referred to as "dioxin." The name "Agent Orange" originates from the orange identifying strip used to mark the herbicide's storage drums.

The tests with herbicides began during the WWII, the Brits used a version of Agent Orange in Malaya in the 50's. In Vietnam it was used both to take out camouflage (as before) and to destroy food supplies (new idea).

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