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The truth about Guantanamo.....
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Generally Crazy Guy

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2003 7:31 pm    Post subject: The truth about Guantanamo..... Reply with quote, that the U.S. treat POW's like cattle during transport and after arrival, or simply not according the Geneva Conventions at least.

(Pictures from German secret service sources, recently rushed in)

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memphis mike

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2003 2:07 am    Post subject: Re: The truth about Guantanamo..... Reply with quote

"recently rushed in"--i saw these pictures on American television over a year ago...the first picture is the American Taliban guy....there is nothing out of the ordinary in any of the pictures--The US may do a lot of things but we treat POW's more than fairly...always have, always will...just like we treat out own society's criminal, we treat them too nice....when pows or prisoners are moved you move them the safest way possible...they are not like that 24/7....

new pictures,,,,what a load..Here we go again, America Bashing......

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memphis mike

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2003 2:13 am    Post subject: Re: The truth about Guantanamo..... Reply with quote

the good ole German SS-such a nice bunch of troopers....

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2003 2:39 am    Post subject: Re: Here we go again, America Bashing...... Reply with quote

What do you expect? It's the 4th of July!

"recently rushed in"--Right. HAHAHAHAHA!

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Generally Crazy Guy

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2003 1:55 pm    Post subject: Re: Here we go again, America Bashing...... Reply with quote

The US may do a lot of things but we treat POW's more than fairly...always have, always will...just like we treat out own society's criminal, we treat them too nice....

So far about "American Bashing".................

Your reactions are not only typical, but symptomatic...

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Generally Crazy Guy

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2003 2:12 pm    Post subject: Re: The truth about Guantanamo..... Reply with quote

"Arbeit Macht Frei !"

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memphis mike

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2003 8:21 pm    Post subject: Re: The truth about Guantanamo..... Reply with quote

Your reactions are not only typical, but symptomatic

and you don't have an answer to my allegations that these are not "recently rushed in" pictures.

What a load of crap.....

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memphis mike

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2003 9:13 pm    Post subject: Re: The truth about Guantanamo..... Reply with quote

so i guess we can conclude that the IRC(International Red Cross) is a terrorist organization in collusion with the U.S.

The German SS has had more than it's share of "Kodak" moments over the years.

Anyone who is so out of the loop, that, to show the US is treating those nice Taliban men badly, by starting with a picture of The American Tailban and saying it's a recent picture needs to keep his mouth shut.

If we ever need to purchase a blueprint for mass killing you can bet Germany will be first on our list of vendors...

So, what say you, I tell you your pictures are not recent and do not depict any violations of the Geneva Convention.

BTW, we've released a lot of the Taliban men, so they can go home and have their freedom back to beat their wives and just in time to pull that daughter out of school. Taliban man says, 'no daughter of mine is ever going to work or learn how to read and write'.

Edited by: memphis mike at: 7/6/03 12:49 am
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memphis mike

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2003 9:02 pm    Post subject: Re: The truth about Guantanamo..... Reply with quote

Your reactions are not only typical, but symptomatic

Mr. Burns, your reactions are not only typical, but they are crapola.......

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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2003 6:19 am    Post subject: Re: The truth about Guantanamo..... Reply with quote

I think it would be better if we didn't blame people of being a certain nationality. We all know Mike's German so it's fruitless to keep referring to the "German SS & Nazis" and their brutal ways of killings etc. etc. Yawn yawn.

Over here we had the Nanking incident during WW2 and yet people in HK & in China don't hate the Japanese with a passion like some of the English and Americans seem to feel for Germans.

Why? I'm guessing it's because we know we cant blame a grandson for what his grandfather did! We know to create a better future we need to create rapport and harmony to ensure hatred doesn't happen and not to allow history to repeat itself. We all mourn for the sad past and look towards a brighter future.

More and more people for want of a better word 'cross-breed' different cultures and different skin colours. More and more reason to create rapport and understanding.

And I'm probably as guilty as you all to presume that Mike's long-gone relatives were involved in WW2 - for all we know, they could have been against it. There WERE Germans who didn't approve of the Nazi party and helped the Jewish people as best as they could - some became famous (Schindlers List, Sound of Music) and others didn't.

I find it tiring to have to deal with Holocaust references etc. just cause Mike is German. I'm grateful that you all don't refer to tanks rolling over people constantly when I post here but lets keep the topics more focused (if we can!!)

I learn a lot from everyone's input and I appreciate you all for educating me.

|Blah Blah|Thinking Out Loud|Jane Eliz|
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2003 11:55 am    Post subject: stop this ... Reply with quote

>: These nazi references have to stop. That happened 50 years ago, and intellectuals are still trying to understand it; see for instance Zygmunt Bauman's book 'Modernity and The Holocaust'. It was an aberration. There is now more neo-nazi activity in America than there is in Germany, which is now one of the most progressive countries in the world with a social-democratic government.

Let's stick to what is happening now. Only the myopic won't admit that the global corporations are behind most of the trouble today, if not directly then indirectly, and the majority of them are American-based. As Will Hutton argued in the Observer yesterday, it's up to the American public to rediscover its 'golden thread' that runs back through Kennedy to Jefferson and Lincoln, stop believing what the manipulative and stupefying corporate media is telling them and bring big business under democratic control. There's nothing noble about these corporate business people; they are nothing more than big-money gamblers and loan-sharks, and they either don't understand or don't care about the trouble they are about to bring to the world.

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Generally Crazy Guy

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2003 12:36 pm    Post subject: Re: The truth about Guantanamo..... Reply with quote

First of all, the pictures RECENTLY RUSHED IN

with a "APPROVED" and "authentic" remark by German secret services, combined with the reported fact, that the same transporting and jailing atrocities apply to people of Iraq and elsewhere, where U.S. soldiers and civil dressed CIA dudes fight the "just" fight, not caring for Geneva conventions and international councils.

Furthermore, there are three reasons for the continued "Nazi" remarks (from my perspective of course...):

1st. the U.S. gladly "hide" nowadays behind the incredible atrocities committed by my own countrymen over 60 years ago, because their own actions today seem to be "just" and non-violent under this light and reference.

2nd. The U.S. are still scared that they were close for being "too late" back then... the 3rd. Reich was bigger than the U.S. but not consisting of 70% unpopulated desert like the U.S.

3rd. (the most important reason) The U.S. are still not over it, that they lost this many soldiers in combat against the Germans and they were only able to end this episode with the massive help of all allies and questionable scientists of jewish-German descent back then.

If some of the most efficient German armies would have not unneccessarily been busy killing 20,000,000 russians in Russia for the sick dream of Hitler, they would have lost probably.

The same argument is true for the questionable "work" of Robert Oppenheimer, who betrayed the oath of Einstein, Bor and other scientists involved in the invention of the Atomic bomb, NEVER to unleash this wisdom for anybody, neither Hitler nor Roosevelt.

Well, Oppenheimer realized after Hiroshima and Nagasaki what giant mistake he had done and refused to work on the H-Bomb (whose principles were also already clear before 1939), that's why he got a big "thank you" from McCarthy, who accused him then being a communist later. :)

It's the "the best" attitude which blocks the U.S. minds until today, while they know that they rely until today on German technology to base their national pride on (technically).

That's it from my German perspective and I might add....

...there is no country in the world we have stronger ties with (family wise) than with the USA. This already started with the first ships sailing to America in the 16th. century.

We consider Americans to be friends and relatives, but we get trampled on our backs every time it seems to be appropriate for the USA, while it is required for us to shut our mouths always, when for example a Mr. RUMSFELD, who is from direct German descent with alive relatives in Germany, compares us with "Terrorists" and central African Republics.

But this doesn't change only on messageboards but also in real politics.

On a more brighter side note I would like to point out, that the German name Rumsfeld (not to mention "BUSCH"... engl. "BUSH") means translated "Bangfield" or "Battlefield" (how APPROPRIATE for the secretary of defence... :lol ) , while "Bush" clearly means "bush"... the bushman from Africa :lol

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Generally Crazy Guy

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2003 1:59 pm    Post subject: Re: The truth about Guantanamo..... Reply with quote

Memphis Dude,

you don't read well.... my english might be not perfect... but read again:

If some of the most efficient German armies would have not unneccessarily been busy killing 20,000,000 russians in Russia for the sick dream of Hitler, they would have lost probably.

This is what I wrote. (read CAREFULLY :) )

Regarding the other thread where I asked AMERICAN HYPOCRITES (not Germans :) ))) to drop a few "just" bombs... you ignore the fact, that Israel was based on Terror from the first minute. That's simply a historic fact, DUDE.

Well, maybe you write to the admin of the board here,

that I get my mouth shut. Or ask Mr. Rumsfeld to do so.

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Generally Crazy Guy

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2003 2:11 pm    Post subject: Re: The truth about Guantanamo..... Reply with quote

Oh memphis dude,

you are full of crapola... :)

Can this be?

Are you a jew?

Is "jew" a ugly word?

"JUDE" is a ugly word over here, pronounced right.


But not "jew".

You must tell these people about me:

Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland

I only think you won't like the response from them.

They won't consider me a "Nazi". You jerk.

I tell you what... there is NO conutry on earth,

where jews can lead a happier life and can feel more secure than germany.

It's actually no joke.

The fact that this year already more jews immigrated to/immigrated back to Germany than to Israel itself undermines my standpoint.

Jerk. Please DON'T call me a "Nazi" again.

You even don't know what a "Nazi" is. jerk.

You got that now?

Spare your energy for something more worth it.

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memphis mike

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2003 2:26 pm    Post subject: Re: The truth about Guantanamo..... Reply with quote

As far as the link,,sorry, i don't speak the language...

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