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Joined: 20 Sep 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 8:56 pm    Post subject: WAR Reply with quote

....what is it good for? (As the song goes.)

It's good for many things: taking a land/country over and opressing its people, the economy of an industrialized nation (like, yes, America), stopping a nut before he does something stupid (like Sadaam), and ......putting an end to continual opression. (I believe the last two reasons are pretty good ones.)

So, it appears war is good for some things.

If we do not learn from history, we will be doomed to repeat it. Yes, people get killed in war. It's a fact....sometimes innocent women and children as well....and don't forget: lots of innocent men! But people stood by when Hitler started first with the Chzechs, then went on to Poland; and we know the rest. How many peoples innocent lives would have been saved if a government had had the guts to stand up then and say "We're not letting this go any further"? Considering the millions who died in WWII, I'd say it would have been worth the cost.....don't you?

Nobody really knows what Sadaam would have done if the US had not invaded, so it's easy to say invading was a bad idea because of all the innocent people that were/are going to be killed. Tell it to the millions who died in WWII. I'll bet when this is over, most of Iraqs inhabitants will be glad Sadaam is gone.

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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 3:53 am    Post subject: Re: WAR Reply with quote

It would be wonderful if losing your family and surviving and facing decisions like should they father deformed children etc. makes an Iraqi happy. I'm sure some will be happy.

When/if the war is over and you do ask the surviving Iraqis and some say 'No - we are definitely not happy' - what then? How will the invaders answer questions like "Why did you use depleted uranium on our people?" "Why is my family dead?" "What is left of my people now?" and other questions like that....

Where are the interviews with Iraqis BEFORE the war? Where are the interviews now? How many mothers said - yes come and bomb our country and hopefully you will kill Saddam instead of my children?

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debbie mannas

Joined: 30 Sep 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 4:52 am    Post subject: Dreamtone... Reply with quote

Nobody really knows what Sadaam would have done if the US had not invaded...,

Precisely why people were trying diplomacy first. This strike is preemptive and has set such a terrible terrible precedent, now there's an arms race on to prevent the US from attacking other countries on such grounds.

So now lets see, what was the war about?

1) sadam killing his people? (operation Iraqi liberation)

2) sadam killing the world? (operation world protection - my coinage)...

3) finding WMDs???

Its all a crock if you ask me. For neutral people like myself this whole thing is a crime.

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Master Zap

Joined: 26 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 6:33 am    Post subject: Re: Dreamtone... Reply with quote

It IS a crime against international law. That's completely clear cut.

No military action is allowed unless

a) in direct defense (no "pre emptive" @#%$)

b) UN sanctioned

No other military action flies under international law. Bush should go to the tribunal in Hauge for this.


Master Zap - online musician maestro

Public announcement: The above poster, 'Master Zap' is a witty, homorous and funny

guy. If you read something written that you might interpret 'offensively', please read it

again with a giggle, coz it is quite probably intended in a sarcastic and humorous manner.

The poster is a nice and friendly person. Funny too. And handsome. Yeah. For sure.

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Joined: 20 Sep 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 1:05 pm    Post subject: Re: Dreamtone... Reply with quote

MZ - I doubt you read (or at least fully understood) my post. What country are you from?

chris - A lot of hoopla has been made with the "depleted Uranium" thing. It's mostly media hype. This Uranium is NOT the same Uranium they use in bombs or in nuclear reactors. This is not a case of Chernobyl. If it was, how can US soldiers handle ammunition without becoming ill? I have a degree in Physical Science and a physics background, and I will tell you that most people don't understand radioactivity enough to determine based on what they read what is safe and what isn't. Most of the media don't know any more about it than you probably do. Unless you pick up a shell fragment and eat it (or sleep with it under your pillow for the next six months), you won't be effected. Period. Also, the majority of ammunition used did not have Uranium. Uranium is only used (because of its density) in armour piercing shells (as opposed to high explosive ones). Armour piercing shells are used to bust bunkers and tanks....not on people (generally speaking). It sounds to me like you may have decided (for what ever reason) that you don't like this war, and are coming up with reasons to feel that way. I keep a fairly open mind, find the facts, then make up my mind (kind of the other way around). I agree that there are many reasons why the US should not be in there.....but then I remember history (see first post).

Oh, yeah, order for there to be a crime, there must be a victim. While I agree it remains to be seen what happens to Iraq in the aftermath, I have no reason to believe that the US will not hand back control of the country to its people. Let me draw an analogy. A man points his gun at you. You have just seen him kill other people. I pull my gun and shoot him to keep him from shooting you (legal in America). According to you, I am the criminal. However, because of my action, you are still alive. I don't get it.....?

Edited by: DreamTone7  at: 4/8/03 2:15:26 pm
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