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Do you believe in an afterlife (why or why not?)?
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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 4:51 pm    Post subject: Do you believe in an afterlife (why or why not?)? Reply with quote

I believe our spirits, or souls, live on after our bodies die .... in what form, im not sure ... I've never seen a ghost or anything like that although I believe they exist....

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 1:13 am    Post subject: Re: Do you believe in an afterlife (why or why not?)? Reply with quote

I believed in ghosts when I was a child, but don't really now. I've been told things by credible sources about walking into a house/room, and feeling cold or tingly or fearful, for no apparent reason. However, I don't believe in ghosts haunting houses. Who knows? Maybe we exist in parallel with others in another dimension, an alternate reality, and that's what people are seeing.

The reason that I personally don't believe in ghosts is that I made a pact with someone that if one of us were to die, the other would come back and tell what it was like "on the other side".

Well, he died quite unexpectedly, but never came back, or gave any kind of a sign. And he would've if he could've.

When I was very young and didn't fully understand the concept of death, a relative of ours died, which made me sad because I'd never see him again. I was told by my grandmother that he was "watching me from heaven". This was said to reassure me that dear old Uncle still cared, even from beyond the grave. But what it did was give me the creeps, because I was afraid that he'd see me when I was naked, in the bath. :D

As I'm not a religious person, the concepts of 'heaven' and 'hell' are foreign to me, as is reincarnation.

It would be nice to believe that when we die, our neural energy goes somewhere, does something, and while I'm not completely dismissing that possibility, I do tend to disbelieve that, for the most part.

So essentially, when I'm dead, I'm dead, and that's that. :)

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Edited by: axella  at: 1/20/06 1:15
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 1:58 am    Post subject: Re: Do you believe in an afterlife (why or why not?)? Reply with quote

Ever since I can remember even being alive, I've always found it impossible to believe that our Souls can simply cease to exist when our bodies quit...

I remember thinking about that when I was around 5 years old... - really..

Our Souls transcend our bodies. They continue. No doubt in my mind.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:00 am    Post subject: Re: Do you believe in an afterlife (why or why not?)? Reply with quote

So essentially, when I'm dead, I'm dead, and that's that

Me too !!

I don't want too spend my life waiting too move on too a better place, or believe there is a better place.

This allows me to make the most of the life i have (with the resources I have of course)

We're privileged to be alive, we should make the most of the only one we know for definite, we've got.

If I'm wrong, I guess I'll just have too face the consequences, whatever they may be.



Edited by: ianbal at: 1/20/06 2:01
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:01 am    Post subject: Re: Do you believe in an afterlife (why or why not?)? Reply with quote

I believe our spirits, or souls, live on after our bodies die

Yeah, I think that which makes us individuals - whatever it's called - continues on.

But, sadly, sometimes it's as Shakespeare wrote when Mark Anthony was giving the eulogy for Caesar:

"The evil that men do lives after them, The good is oft interréd with their bones."

In the grand scheme, I could be pigeonholed as going with a generic christian view of such things. But I think what's of most importance is life before death!


Interesting question.

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Sir Reel

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:45 am    Post subject: Re: Do you believe in an afterlife (why or why not?)? Reply with quote

At my distantly aged viewpoint, it seems to me there's some evidence that our "essence" or whatever may indeed live on. I don't think the "essence" is really "us", though. And where it goes after we're no longer here may be to some entity very different from "us".

So, Axella, it may be your buddy just didn't remember what the hell he was supposed to do after he was dead. Maybe he'll 'remember' some eternity away, and be sorry he didn't reassure you.


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:56 am    Post subject: Re: Do you believe in an afterlife (why or why not?)? Reply with quote

I don't want to skew a fascinating discussion...

But does anyone believe that Animals have Souls....?

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 3:00 am    Post subject: Re: Do you believe in an afterlife (why or why not?)? Reply with quote

At my distantly aged viewpoint, it seems to me there's some evidence that our "essence" or whatever may indeed live on.


What HE said.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 3:08 am    Post subject: Re: Do you believe in an afterlife (why or why not?)? Reply with quote

But does anyone believe that Animals have Souls

I believe animals are damned clever !!

My kids just be diagnosed Epileptic (very mild luckily). Whilst trawling the net, I discover, Dogs know when a person is about to have an epileptic fit !!...........

How come we don't know what triggers an epileptic fit (take strobes out of the equation), but dogs do !



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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 3:13 am    Post subject: Re: Do you believe in an afterlife (why or why not?)? Reply with quote

Ahh, yes, Ianbal...

Animals can sense, smell, intuit things.....

We think we're smart as Humans....

We can't hold a candle to Animals, as far as smelling Truth....

Edited by: droolymutt  at: 1/20/06 3:16
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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 4:17 am    Post subject: Re: Do you believe in an afterlife (why or why not?)? Reply with quote

Did any of you see that movie recently with Reese WItherspoon in it called something like "Just like Heaven" (I may be mixing the movie title with a Cure song). Not wanting to spoil the movie, it made me all the more curious about what 'memories' our souls have, if we have souls.

Thanks for posting everyone, it's great reading your points of view.

|Blah Blah|Thinking Out Loud|Jane Eliz|
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 4:44 am    Post subject: Re: Do you believe in an afterlife (why or why not?)? Reply with quote

"Memories" our Souls have....?

Ok. Now you're really starting to fascinate me...

Honestly? I remember very little from before I was born into this body....

But I think the memories are there... - way deep down...

Sometimes I catch glimpses of them in my Dreams....

Don't You....?

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No More Peas!

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 2:24 am    Post subject: yep Reply with quote

At my distantly aged viewpoint, it seems to me there's some evidence that our "essence" or whatever may indeed live on.

I absolutely believe it. Our energy has to go somewhere... The Bahai's have a very nice way of putting it - the analogy is that of a baby developing its limbs, organs, skin, brain and bodily functions for life outside the womb, just like that, we are developing our values, principles and soul for life beyond this earth.

And just like the baby has no real consciousness of anything else beyond his immediate surroundings as they relate to him, but everyone else on earth in the vicinity knows there is a baby growing in the womb, perhaps we too, have a vague idea of something going on out there besides our lives, but perhaps the big whatever there is out there - entities, souls, being, energy, knows that we are here, developing and growing...

I've read a few books on life after life and life after death etc - and maybe there are planes of existence and a highest state of attainment of the soul... depending on how much or how little you still hold of your earthly ties like regret, money, revenge etc when you die. Maybe that's the state of hell - to not be able to let go even after death. Maybe thats why we pray that someone "dies in peace". :dunno

But I don't believe in hell fires, angels with harps etc.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 6:09 pm    Post subject: Re: yep Reply with quote

I had never heard that Bahai analogy before, Debbie...

But it rings true, strikes a chord...

I don't even know what "Bahai" is, but after reading that, I'm gonna take a close peek.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 9:04 pm    Post subject: Re: yep Reply with quote

Mmmm I am not sure... I think my sole will go with me...






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