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@#%$ Pope Benedictators gag order to hide Pedophile scandal
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Joined: 07 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:13 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

if u can't admit that during WWII someone who was a @#%$ soldier for 2 years would be considered a "@#%$" by most people as a generalization then u r full of CRAP


Edited by: clone911 at: 4/25/05 15:01
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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 2:49 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

Most people?

Most people think there is a Saddam - Al Qaida link, or they do not, depending on where they live.

I am not interrested in what people think may be right under certain conditions in the rural outback, I am interrested in what is right.

The only fact we might be able to agree upon is that the current Pope was a soldier in the German Luftwehr under Adolf H. You should have run with that.

Edited by: Galmin  at: 4/25/05 15:54
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:29 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

Russki Nastya...judge, jury, and executioner...way to go! Keep it up, and you could be the next Stalin! You know nothing about America except what you read in books/ other words, other peoples ideas.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:24 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

an Islamic who attends Al Qaeda meetings and totes and Al Qaeda issued weapon would be considered an Al Qaeda member by most people in the world today...using your logic 60 years from now u would say he were not an Al Qaeda member and that if that Islamic converted to Catholicism he could be Pope...well FUK U


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:39 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

Clone, you never did answer my question.

Who cares if he was a @#%$?

I was a drug dealer when I was a kid. I'm not anymore. Should anyone care that I once was a drug dealer?

The President of the United States used cocaine repeatedly in his youth. Should anyone care?

So I'll side with you Clone for the sake of argument. The new Pope was once a $@&#(%^^@. Fine, I agree with you, now tell me why it matters today.

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Generally Crazy Guy

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:20 pm    Post subject: * Reply with quote

Pope 'prayed not to be elected'

Benedict XVI meets other faith leaders

(CNN) Monday, April 25, 2005 Posted: 1619 GMT (0019 HKT)

VATICAN CITY -- Pope Benedict XVI has revealed he prayed to God during the conclave not to be elected pope but that "evidently this time He didn't listen to me."

Benedict, who has a reputation as a hard-liner for leading Vatican crackdowns on Catholic dissenters, said in his homily Sunday that he wanted to shape his papacy by being a "listener" and not set off by imposing his own ideas.

During his homily, the new pontiff said he wished to reach out to Jews and "believers and non-believers alike," and asked for prayers from the St. Peter's Square onlookers as he assumed "this enormous task."

He noted "a great shared spiritual heritage" with Jews, whom he called "brothers and sisters."

Benedict's effort to reach out to Jews carries an added dimension because of his membership in the @#%$ Youth and later as a German army conscript during World War II. He said he was forced into participating.

The pope made no direct overture to Muslims, but he said that "like a wave gathering force, my thoughts go out to all men and women of today, to believers and nonbelievers alike."

One question Vatican watchers are asking is if the 78-year-old pope will keep up John Paul's world-spanning travel. U.S. Cardinal Justin Rigali, the archbishop of Philadelphia, said he was confident the pontiff would rise to the challenge.

"We are very impressed by his extraordinary energy," Rigali told CNN.

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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:07 am    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

I agree with NRKofOVer, I did things I regretted when I was a teen too. Does that mean I'm not entitled to anything? Don't people 'learn' from their mistakes?

If you're so disgusted Ben, discussing it on this board is the least you should be doing. Have you discussed it with your local Catholic priest? After you've attended Mass, have you spoken to other members of the congregation? Have you written to the Vatican? Perhaps you could get signatures for a petition to send to the Vatican? How do you want to 'correct' this?

Is posting threads on this board just venting for you? Are you actually going to do anymore about your dissatisfaction? Or are you another person who just moans and does nothing?

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russky natasha

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:18 pm    Post subject: wrong again Reply with quote

"You know nothing about America except what you read in books/ other words, other peoples ideas."

My father is American.

You dickwit.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 7:32 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

Is your father being American supposed to infer something, Nastya? Where were you born? Where were you raised? Have you ever even been to America? Do you even know your father? Have you ever questioned the motives of those people and institutions who taught you what a "terrible place" America is? Somehow, I doubt it...your opinion is too far one-sided for me to consider it a well-rounded opinion. Judge, jury, executioner...and now selectively blind as well.

Until you can demonstrate to others that your point of view is more well-rounded, the more intelligent crowd will dismiss most of what you have to say, Nastya. There is also evidence of an emotionally based opinion...not one founded in reason...further making it difficult to listen to in any serious fashion. Begin by questioning what you read...textbook or internet...who wrote it? What was their motive for writing it? What is their creditbility on the subject? The truth can be found by a combination of these...focus on only one, and you could quite easily be decieving yourself...intentionally or not.

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 8:22 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

an Islamic who attends Al Qaeda meetings and totes and Al Qaeda issued weapon would be considered an Al Qaeda member by most people in the world today

Agreed. An Al Qaeda member attends meetings and totes and Al Qaeda issued weapon out of ideological conviction. Just as National Socialists once did. It is fairly improbable that the Al Qaeda meetings would be attended and attacks carried out by, for example, convinced Christians.

Should Al Qaeda sometime in the future control a country, make it compulsory to attend military service regardless of ideological conviction (again a fairly improbable scenario), it would be feasable to believe that not every member in said army were convinced of the Al Qaeda ideology. Get it? Probably not.

using your logic 60 years from now u would say he were not an Al Qaeda member and that if that Islamic converted to Catholicism he could be Pope

Oh dear. You're really extrapolating in absurdum.

An Al Qaeda member is an Al Qaeda member.

A National Socialist is a National Socialist (who would have joined HJ on his own volition and wouldn't have waited until it became compulsory).

Both are this out of idelogical conviction.

well FUK U

What a splendid display of intellectual depth.

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russky natasha

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 10:58 pm    Post subject: unbelievable Reply with quote

"Is your father being American supposed to infer something, Nastya? Where were you born? Where were you raised? Have you ever even been to America? Do you even know your father? Have you ever questioned the motives of those people and institutions who taught you what a "terrible place" America is? Somehow, I doubt it...your opinion is too far one-sided for me to consider it a well-rounded opinion. Judge, jury, executioner...and now selectively blind as well.

Until you can demonstrate to others that your point of view is more well-rounded, the more intelligent crowd will dismiss most of what you have to say, Nastya. There is also evidence of an emotionally based opinion...not one founded in reason...further making it difficult to listen to in any serious fashion. Begin by questioning what you read...textbook or internet...who wrote it? What was their motive for writing it? What is their creditbility on the subject? The truth can be found by a combination of these...focus on only one, and you could quite easily be decieving yourself...intentionally or not."

Do you know that you and Test-Kit Ronnie are the biggest buffoons on the internet? Can you read back what you just said without feeling totally embarrassed? Intelligent crowd? With you two in it? I'm just speechless.

I was born in Brooklyn, I've been back lots of times, yes I know my father, he's still married to my mother and we all live over here in Europe. My father loves America, but at the moment it's being run by war-criminals and populated by cretins like you, and he ain't going back. Now, over and above that, mind your own frickin' business and don't ask any more nosy questions about my private life.

Let's have the run-down on your private life instead. My father fought in Vietnam. Where have you fought, you bible-thumping oaf? Do you own a passport? Where in the world have you lived and worked apart from the USA? Who indoctrinated you into dumb old-style religion? Was it your parents? Or an evangelist? Or did you smoke too much frickin' dope? Do you have any Higher-Education qualifications in these subjects you spout about?

You see, the only people who still believe the lies are Americans, and a few of the dumber Brits over here. The WMD. The bringing of 'freedom and democracy' to a country that's now in a bigger mess than it was under Saddam. And all the other little countries we have bullied and messed up. That the Soviet Union was a greater military threat to the world than the USA when American intelligence KNEW FINE WELL for decades what an economic mess it was in.

The rest of the world is starting to turn against us, to disbelieve us. To hate us. And it's all because of flag-waving f-u-c-kwits like you.

Why don't people like you and Test-Kit Ronnie just get off the net and stop cutting and pasting your stupid, embarrassing frickin' neo-con lies around the net? You abuse the right to free speech.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 12:05 am    Post subject: re Reply with quote

Nastya - Well let's see. You were the one who brought your father into the discussion...not me. So unless you want people to ask such questions when you attempt to use private details of your life as a portion of your arguement, I suggest you refrain from bringing them into the conversation in the first place.

Now as to your questions along these lines, I don't feel under any obligation to divulge anything since I didn't bring it into the conversation as a portion of my arguement...but in the interests of fairness, I'll answer.

I'm too young to have been in Vietnam, but I served as an officer in the US Navy for 5 years after graduating from college. (Why you bring your father's stint in Vietnam into the convo, I have no idea...but the fact that he was over there answers many questions as to your attitude.) I hold a passport, but have never worked outside the US except as a member of the US Navy. Saw many other countries, mostly in Asia...including a lot of time spent in the field (countryside) as a Naval Gunfire Liaison Officer (a post for Navy officers that is an assignment to a Marine Corps unit as a member of the Battalion Commander's staff). Also spent vacation time in Canada and Mexico (not unusual for many Americans) as well as Russia. Have always been interested in Russia, and studied the country and culture during my college years. I also had other assignments in the Navy that allowed access to much (what was then) secret info on both US and Russian (as well as other countries') military capabilities and policies. So my info in that area is by profession...rather than anything I, you or most other people could possibly learn from the internet, CNN/BBC, or any institute of higher learning. So it's easy for me to see how much baloney is to be found in the media (or on message boards) when they spout opinions on things they really know less about than they think they do.

As far as my personal belief in God, there was nobody who brought me to my beliefs. I always knew about the Bible, but considered it to be a good guidebook to living your life...I noted that, even for somebody who did not believe, there was much wisdom in there. There came a point in my life when (because of several seemingly coincidental events) I realized that science does not conflict with the in fact corroborates it. So, I came to this conclusion on my own...and not at the coercement of others in any fashion.

As for Iraq being in a mess...well, duh. It's always that way at the end of a war. It takes time to put the pieces of a society back together again. Utopia was not built in a day, as they say. But you overlook the freedom that the people now have and the strides they have made. And you refuse to see beyond today as to how much the country will benefit down the road from not having Saddam around any longer. The Iraqi people are glad we invaded (percentage-wise)...I think their opinion holds more weight with me than does yours.

Yes, the Soviet Union was in an economic mess, and we knew it. There are few things more dangerous than a totalitarian regime (at least it was so under Stalin) that is in an economic mess. The intentions of Stalin were made quite clear at the end of the countries that were "liberated" by the Soviet armies ended up as part of the Soviet bloc. It is BECAUSE of its economic mess that the Soviet Union had to be watched closely. And a bad economy had no effect on the ability to launch a 10+ megaton nuke at somebody. You see, that's the difference between the US and the Soviet Union...once we liberate a country WE GIVE IT BACK TO THE PEOPLE!

As for why other countries (especially european ones) dislike the US, there are many reasons...few of them valid. Interesting is just how fast they would all become greatful and friendly again should the Soviet Union regenerate itself somehow. Europe would like to be the "center of the world" as it was many years ago...but it is their own belief that they are not that plays the biggest part in their attitude towards the US. They now are trying to band together (under the EU) to retake "center stage"...we'll see what happens. But for the present, I think the world had better be glad it was the US and not the Soviet Union that survived the Cold War.

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russky natasha

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 10:43 pm    Post subject: I thought as much Reply with quote

You 'studied Russia' in a military college? Do you really think that military colleges give their students anything like a balanced view of world history and geopolitics? They never teach anything that would even stir the brain cells of their students because they dare not risk even the slightest dissent in the military ranks. They like Christians, because Christians are susceptible to programming and mistaking what's been drilled into them as their personal beliefs and knowledge.

Really, you know nothing about the imperial ambitions of your own country that stretch back to the Monroe Doctrine in the early 19th century. And yes, America goaded Japan into war. You're a functionary, DT, and you only know what your government and your religion wants you to know.

The complete lie that the 'Iraqi people' are 'glad that you invaded' is an indication of how gullible you are to your own rulers' propaganda, and how deeply you have been programmed. As for science corroborating the bible, well, that is not even worthy of further comment. Except that it justifies the murder of thousands of Palestinian Arabs by one of the world's most aggressive regimes.

You're young? You talk like an old man. I thought you were older than the boss because you're so set in your way of thinking, but it turns out you're younger. Y'see, the boss has a brilliant mind, and he could teach you everything you need to know to set you straight, but you wouldn't listen, you do not know how, in the words of the song.

But even better than that would be a chat with my dad. He would tell you what real action is like, how utterly terrifying it is, how he pooped his pants regularly, how he found the body of a little Vietnamese kid all burnt and picked it up and how he sobbed and sobbed and can't get the image out of his mind to this day, and how he became drug-addicted because he took so much to calm his nerves and how the blood and guts of his friend were splattered all over him after a grenade attack AND HOW YOU AND YOUR FRICKIN' MILITARY TURNED MY LOVELY GENTLE DAD INTO A MURDERER AND HOW THE WHOLE FRICKIN' THING WAS A WASTE OF TIME BECAUSE THE USSR COLLAPSED AND THE 'DOMINO THEORY' WAS BULLSHIT CONCOCTED BY A BUNCH OF IDIOTS IN WASHINGTON.

So, it was the military who taught you to switch off your emotions. We all know why, don't we? Well, my dad couldn't, and in a strange sort of way I'm glad and he's glad, because part of him is haunted by it but at least he's still a human being.

GO TO HELL, DT. And take that frickin' lying dickwit Test-Kit Ronnie with you. You idiots. The way you spread neo-con lies around, you're accomplices to murder. GO TO HELL.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:31 am    Post subject: re Reply with quote

Classic denial...can't say much more than that.

You got a lot of your "facts" about me wrong, Nastya...but I don't find that unusual for somebody who has already made up their mind before bothering to search for the facts or ask questions (as I did about your father).

I am sorry for what your dad went addition to the war itself, there was the way Nam vets were poorly treated by our country upon return from a war that many of them did not volunteer for.

But I am not sorry for your apparent lack of emotional control...your father had no choice, but you do. You choose not to maintain any control at all, and seem to have no problem with dumping your emotional bile all over others who's only crime is not to think like you. Nobody is responsible for your foul attitude but you...don't try to pin it on anybody else because it won't wash. As far as "the boss" is concerned, I see he has found another vessel to pour his own personal anger and hatred into. So much for people who claim to hold peace in a high regard.

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russky natasha

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 9:03 pm    Post subject: shameful Reply with quote

You're sorry about my dad? Yet you're still spreading the militaristic neo-con lies that will send thousands more like him through the same traumatising experience, for no other reason than to keep the global casino open so that a group of ugly Western plutocrats can make quick bucks? The same guys that sold off American manufacturing to the Far East?

You couldn't think yourself out of a wet paper bag. Like Test-Kit Ronnie. You both live in a little Hollywood dreamworld.

I'm sorry, DT, you're stupid. Just plain stupid. Your mind is beyond repair. I'm going to stop being rude to you because, although I despise everything you stand for, I feel sorry for you as an individual. Test-Kit Ronnie is different ..... a dangerous, pompous, manipulative neo-con propagandist untroubled by intelligence or doubt, whose own comforting little dreamworld is more important to him than the lives that are lost in the real world. I have no qualms about being rude to him.

One way or another, what you and him represent has to be beaten. Goodbye, DT.

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