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Iranian president praises Germany

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Generally Crazy Guy

Joined: 08 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:26 pm    Post subject: Iranian president praises Germany Reply with quote

This dude must be high on crack! HAHA

Deutsche Welle

Germany | 28.08.2006

Ahmadinejad Claims Holocaust Invented to Embarrass Germany

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has told German Chancellor Angela Merkel that the Holocaust may have been invented by the victorious Allied powers in World War II to embarrass Germany.

The remarks by the outspoken Iranian president, who has repeatedly questioned the veracity of the Holocaust, came in a letter sent to Merkel in July whose contents have not been disclosed until now, according to the news agency Mehr as reported by AFP.

"Is it not a reasonable possibility that some countries that had won the war made up this excuse to constantly embarrass the defeated people ... to bar their progress," Ahmadinejad said in the letter.

"The question is if these countries, especially Britain, felt responsible for the Holocaust survivors, why they did not settle them in their own countries?" it said.

It is not the first time Ahmadinejad has voiced doubt about the mass slaughter of six million Jews under Nazi Germany, previously describing the Holocaust as a "myth" used to justify the creation of Israel.

"By promoting the necessity of settlement of Holocaust survivors in the occupied Palestine, they have created a constant threat in the Middle East," he said, referring to Israel.

Merkel on July 21 indicated that she would not formally respond to the letter, saying it contained "totally unacceptable" criticism of Israel and "constantly put in question" the Jewish state's right to exist.

Ahmadinejad blamed what he described as propaganda after World War II for making "some people feel historically guilty and indefinitely pay for the crimes of their fathers."

Iranian president praised Germany

Ahmadinejad in his letter also praised the German people as a nation with potential in science, art, philosophy and politics, but "who are not allowed to play their constructive role in the world."
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i don't know mike, but i will say this i think germany has gone through enough at the hands of the jews and i say forget it and go on. nope the jews never will. they will try to squeeze everhy ounce of blood money they can...
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Generally Crazy Guy

Joined: 08 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, the Holocaust simply can't be denied but what you said also can't be denied

Europe | 30.08.2006,2144,2149810,00.html

Some 200 families whose relatives were deported by France's pro-Nazi Vichy regime during World War II have decided to take the national rail operator SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer ) to court for millions of euros in damages.

The case follows a landmark ruling in June, in which the French state and the rail firm were fined 62,000 euros ($80,000) for their role in the wartime deportation of two Jewish men. The SNCF has appealed the decision.

The families, who include French, Israeli, Belgian, Canadian and American nationals, will launch their legal action in September, their lawyer Matthieu Delmas said on Monday. He did not specify if all, or any, were Jewish.

Many of the petitioners include pensioners who were interred in the Drancy concentration camp near Paris as children. The camp is referred to as an "antechamber of death" because it served as a transit center to death camps in eastern Europe.

The survivors and their families intend to demand "compensation for the prejudice suffered as a result of (their relatives') deportation -- in livestock wagons, in inhuman conditions, knowing full well that people risked being murdered," Delmas said.

"We have about 200 petitions ... (and) we are expecting more," he told Reuters, adding that more were coming in before a Sept. 1 deadline for filing against the SNCF.

Initially Delmas said he plans to ask the SNCF for an overall settlement "in the region of" several million euros, giving it two months to reply before taking the matter before an administrative court.

The SNCF did not comment on the petitions.

Since class action suits are not permitted in the French legal system, the cases could be heard individually if the petitioners and the rail operator do not reach an agreement.
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Joined: 10 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

that is all i been trying to say for a year or longer.

mike burn had nothing to do with the haulocaust so leave him alone!
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

War is sad

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