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Global Warming

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Rory Kings
The man behind the curtain

Joined: 27 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 11:46 pm    Post subject: Global Warming Reply with quote

Hi Everyone.

Saw a great documentary tonight,

Which I have believed for a long time.

It is us that is pissing of mother earth with all our emissions from everything from cars to toasters.

Global Warming

This in turn melted the ice caps,

Which put the earth off balance.

She then moved on her axes, shifted a few tectonic plates.

Then well you know the rest of that tragedy that happened when the Tsunami hit.

And now the seas are rising and have been for a few years in India. Millions of people have moved to Calcutta. Where they are working in call centres (i.e. when you ring the operator in England, we now get put through to a call centre in India)

In the UK we are getting more floods and warmer summers.

The USA hit by tornados and hurricanes

The list is endless It goes on to what is happening to our planet.

On a bright note it will end when we run out of fossil fuel.

Then we will start in the nuclear age, God help us. Which has been around for a few year now, and we have not blown ourselves up yet, but had a few minor hicups along the way.

It’s going to happen any way, but by then do you think we will be on our way to another ice age?

What a cheery subject, Or have we time to stop the Global Warming.?

Happy New Year


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 11:01 pm    Post subject: You can be happy because you are wrong... Reply with quote

UN Global Warming Claims Discredited by True Scientific Evidence...By Web Today Special Correspondent Ken Rasmussen

Speaking before an audience of medical doctors in Las Vegas, the Dr. Sallie Baliunas, Ph.D, Senior Staff Physicist at Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, cited numerous examples of evidence proving either gross incompetence or blatant fraud in the UN report on Global Warming. Along with her associate, Dr. Willie Soon Ph.D, also from Harvard-Smithsonian, 2 hours of startling evidence was presented to the audience.

Titling her presentation "A Climate History of the Earth: the last 1,000 years," Dr. Baliunas first explained how certain criteria must be met to obtain credible evidence to support any theory. She then went on to cite in one example after another where standard operating procedures were bypassed to obtain a fraudulent set of numbers to appear to make Global Warming seem true, but where the correct study unquestionably proved the opposite.

One study formulated to present an accurate look at climate in the Northern Hemisphere, frequently had data from Tasmania and New Zealand (Southern Hemisphere) inserted just to make the numbers add up. Tree ring studies were used attempting to support temperature variations, when more accurate studies of the specie of tree used shows that tree ring size reacted to moisture, not temperature. Small sections of historical temperature readings were selected to prove a warming trend when the longer term numbers were showing a cooling trend. A one year fluke of El Nino is the only year in another formula that created a warming trend. However, shifting the study one year either side shows a cooling trend.

Dr. Baliunas and Dr. Soon cited more credible evidence that the earth has gone through normal temperature cycles. In the last thousand years, there was a notable warming trend during medieval time, and a mini ice age around the 1700's. Noting the Sun to be essentially our planets sole source of thermal energy, it is the cause of any thermal cycles experienced by our planet. CO2 levels, water vapor, aerosols and all the criteria used by the UN to try to halt industrial progress have no credible evidence to support the claims. The UN conveniently ignores any research done to true scientific standards and quite obviously has a political agenda of discrimination when choosing numbers to support their fantasies.

During a Q & A time at the end of their presentation. The term "Children Playing Scientist" was used to describe all the studies offered by the United Nations. Unfortunately, this is an insult to children. The question of honesty must come into play. When numbers are knowingly changed or misapplied, that is fraud. A child might not know which number to apply to what study, but UN financed studies are revealing themselves to be the actions of corrupt marketing people with a political agenda that surpasses any level of conscience or morality.

Specific information regarding any speakers at the convention or tapes of the actual lectures can be obtained at:

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:47 am    Post subject: re Reply with quote

Fraudulent numbers can be used, by people who know how to, outside the UN as well as inside it. By the time Global Warming is irrefuteable, it will be too late to do anything about it.

Skip to the huge gaping hole in the ozone layer caused by industrial negligence as evidenced by all scientific data, as well as the rise in rates of skin cancer and the icreasing ease of getting sunburned, and you have a pattern of behavior by big industry that IS irrefuteable: Bury the evidence as much as, and as long as possible.

To answer the likelyhood of global warming, witness the efforts of big undustry, who have potentially much to lose should it be proven true. Stock-holders don't care because they'll all be dead by the time this planet is a wreck, and they know it!

Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming...

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 9:13 am    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

UN Global Warming Claims Discredited by True Scientific Evidence

I am surprised hearing this from you, Rev. It seems to me that you usually cheer any campaign against something that may be extremely dangerous although irrefutable evidence keeps on shining with its absence.

Maybe GWB needs to declare a "War on Pollution" for you to hop along? ;)

I agree with DT (and feeling kind of strange..)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 7:57 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

Pollution is good it creats jobs...

Factories in crease the jobs by investing capital in workers rather than un-polution equipment, or they simply lower their price for their products. In turn government hires employees to study the polution. Then some company is created to clean up the polution. It is a win-win situation for everyone.

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 10:35 am    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

Pollution is good it creats jobs...

You forgot the part about smog and ozone killing off the astmatics and the ones with a weak heart and thus creates a situation where less people demand the jobmarket. Goodie! Oh and mr undertaker and mr gravedigger also get more work.

People go to more funerals (thus more people go to church: one could as easily reason that pollution is good for religion) and receptions.

Factories in crease the jobs by investing capital in workers rather than un-polution equipment

Hahaha. That's a funny line, Rev.

Trust me on this: 'Factories' do not hire people just because the sun is shining and they have a few bucks to spend. 'Factories' hire people to make up for a demand they would not be able to lick without that extra workforce. It's an investment to keep the customers satisfied! 'Factories' will be just as quick to fire when demand sink and the orderbooks are thin. It has nothing to do with a choise between bying a filter for the pipe or hire another breather of my polluted air and future stone-lung-candidate.

or they simply lower their price for their products

Here again, 'factories' doesn't lower the price of their product just because they can. If they do something like that without having a full picture of the market, such a step might as readily lead to loss of jobs. If you dominate a market with your product, or if you are a nobody on the market and do not invest in PR, the demand for your product will hardly increase just because the price decreases. What will happen though is that your overheadcosts remain the same while your margin shrinks (and your profit goes bu-bye), so you have to save costs to make up for that. The quickest way to save costs is to fire some people.

In turn government hires employees to study the polution.

Or it doesn't.

If the environment is actually taken seriously it creates much more jobs and more young companies above break even than your old buddy pollution.

Edited by: Galmin  at: 1/14/05 13:38
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 5:26 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

Yes and remember if the asthamatics die young the U.S. government does not pay out social security so more cashola for guns and bombs!

Yes the government will hire contractors who vote Republican to do the studies...

and drug companies make money on skin cancer. See Galmin! It is all good...

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 7:14 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

If the environment is actually taken seriously it creates much more jobs and more young companies above break even than your old buddy pollution.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:58 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

For me, it's not even all that complicated. There is something inherently wrong about wizzing in somebodies free water and then charging them money (bottled water, etc) to clean it up. So it will most likely go with air and other free natural resources (if there are any others left).

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