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"Waiving Iraqi debts". Oh yeah??

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russky joe

Joined: 16 Nov 2004
Posts: 271

PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 1:46 pm    Post subject: "Waiving Iraqi debts". Oh yeah?? Reply with quote

"Clearly hoping to build on unanimous UN support for the new resolution that provides international cover for US occupation troops, President Bush said members of the NATO alliance should now consider sending troops to Iraq. French President Jacques Chirac quickly objected, saying he did not think there was any agreement on NATO's future role in Iraq. And while President Bush reportedly pressed for a pledge from France and Russia to waive Iraqi debts to the tune of billions of dollars, the leaders of both nations were defiant, saying the subject remained open to discussion.

In light of French opposition, President Bush quickly retracted his original proposal, saying he did not expect NATO to provide more troops for Iraq, explaining that the suggestion was merely a proposal for the organisation to train more Iraqi police. "That's an unrealistic expectation. Nobody is suggesting that. What we are suggesting is for NATO, perhaps, to help train," Bush said in a news conference marking the end of the G8 summit on 10 June.

Barely 24 hours after the conclusion of the summit, insurgents in Iraq escalated their campaign of violence with nearly daily car bombings and carefully planned attacks on convoys carrying what US officials call "contractors" and senior members of the Iraqi government. On Tuesday, two major explosions at an oil pipeline near Basra in southern Iraq forced a total shutdown of the country's oil export terminal, dealing a serious blow to US plans to make use of Iraqi oil money to fund reconstruction and the restoration of security. With the onset of the hot Iraqi summer, US military experts fear rising public anger over deteriorating public services, their failure to deliver on reconstruction promises and their inability to restore electricity coverage to pre-war levels."

So let me get this straight, peeps. Bush snr bankrupts Iraq with sanctions, Bush jnr goes in and wrecks the place and then Bush jnr asks the French and the Russkies to bale him out with debt-waiving and peace-keeping troops. So he wants the oil money to go to US contractors instead of paying off bad debts that were forced on the Iraqis by the sanctions. No wonder the world thinks we're straight and honest dealers.

Then he gets the cold-shoulder so he retracts his original request and says he just wants them to 'train police'.

Hey, Dubya, you and your Brit lap-dog Blair made the mess, you frickin' clean it up.

The dumb rednecks who voted for this lunacy should pay for it out of their frickin' taxes - the ones who aren't picking up welfare checks, that is.

Frickin' ada. :rolleyes

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