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Why America is dangerous at the moment

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Joined: 29 May 2003
Posts: 640

PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 5:53 pm    Post subject: Why America is dangerous at the moment Reply with quote

A writer in the British Observer newspaper explained this very well last week.

The deep roots of American global imperialism in the period after WWII, which has caused the deaths of millions of people, the de-stabilisation and economic ruin of many states in Latin America, Africa, the Caribbean and elsewhere, the slow suffocation of other nations' culture and the infiltration of their own, the illegal invasion of countries and the propping up of fascistic dictators such as Saddam and Pinochet - not to mention the death of hundreds of thousands or working-class Americans - lie in the 'exceptionalism' of the early Christians who colonized the continent.

There were two main colonies - Masachusetts and Virginia. Despite their links with the slave-trade, the Virginian colony was comparatively pragmatic, democratic, outward-looking and open-minded. Their wealthy classes, including the young Jefferson, visited Europe and learned from the older and wiser continent, supplying 4 out of 5 of America's first presidents, who are universally acknowledged, apart perhaps from Roosevelt, as the best leaders they have ever had.

The Masachusetts colony was authoritarian, paranoid, insular, violent and intensely Puritan, a form of extreme Christianity. The Puritans in this colony thought they were there on a 'calling' from god, a mission, that god had chosen them to establish the New World in his name, that they were god's chosen people, a claim that the Jews had made centuries earlier.

From that time onwards, they maintained a current of 'exceptionalism' in American culture, the idea that they are an exceptional people fit to lead the world in the god's direction of freedom, democracy, and the free-market (the Puritans were Protestants, the world's first free-market capitalists). This current is supremacist and fascistic in a similar way to the N*zis or the Romans, and to some extent the British in their imperial days. They have a total belief in their righteousness, in their religious texts, and in themselves as the rightful leaders of the 'free' world. They will accept no criticism, reacting against it with total intransigence of the sort demonstrated regularly on this board. Their way of life is the best, and that's all there is to it. They take the art of belief to its ultimate level, and they are the Christian counterpart to Islamic extremists who, if they did not possess an immensely powerful war-machine, would resort to the same terrorist tactics. This current now controls American politics and culture with a massively powerful media and political machine, and threatens the world with the most powerful military machine in human history. It is highly toxic and dangerous.

Europe has now come of age, grown out of its old supremacist and imperial ambitions, and it must resist further infiltration by the American corporate machine and its culture. If these dangerous ambitions emerge as they do from time to time, they are put down swiftly. America is young and stupid, and has not yet learnt its lessons. It is essential that this cultural current in America, represented on this board by the usual suspects, is put down and eventually extinguished. There are many enlightened, educated Americans - let's call them the 'New Virginians' - who could lead their country away from this dangerous path, and we must do everything we can to support them. Having said that, I'm not sure if Kerry is one of them, but at least he's slightly better than the current lunatics in charge.

People from all over the world must support political dissent in America, to encourage intelligent Americans in their fight to extinguish the tunnel-visioned ideologies espoused on this board by the likes of DT, Ron and Seismo. I cannot be friendly with these people. I am against them completely and utterly, and although I wish them no physical harm, I want their IDEAS to recede into history - to be thrown in the dustbin. I do not want to impose any ideas on the embryonic radical America, but let them find their own path unencumbered by these violent, rancid, obsolete reactionaries.

Do everything you can to support dissent in America.

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Joined: 06 Dec 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:49 pm    Post subject: So much hate Reply with quote

Poor old guy, his dad was probably an American GI.

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Joined: 12 Apr 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:42 pm    Post subject: No. You Brits are the 'dangerous' ones. Reply with quote

That stupid BRITISH editorial writer who called for our president's assassination should be tarred, feathered, and chased out of town by barking dogs. You're all a bunch of bitter sucks.

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