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Testimony Of A Traitor

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Seismic Anamoly

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 5:15 am    Post subject: Testimony Of A Traitor Reply with quote


As a Vet, I'm proud of ya.


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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 2:13 pm    Post subject: Re: Testimony Of A Traitor Reply with quote

So now a whistleblower with civil courage is a traitor?

I thought this thread was to be about NOVAK, the traitor of the year.

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Seismic Anamoly

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 6:28 pm    Post subject: Re: Testimony Of A Traitor Reply with quote


Thursday, Sept. 2, 2004 12:08 a.m. EDT

"Navy Challenging Kerry's Medals"

"The United States Navy is challenging the authenticity of Sen. John Kerry's Vietnam War medals, in a development that could prove to be the most damaging yet to the embattled Democrat's presidential campaign.

A Navy spokesman is calling Kerry's Silver Star citation with Combat V "incorrect" as it appears on his campaign Web site, explaining in an interview with Chicago Sun-Times reporter Thomas Lipscomb that the Navy has never issued a Combat V at any time for the Silver Star.

The Navy also is questioning the listing on Kerry’s Web site of four bronze campaign stars for his service in Vietnam. The official naval record credits Kerry with just two Vietnam campaigns.

"That is sufficient for the wearing of the Vietnam Service Medal for one campaign bearing one campaign star for the additional campaign, not four," reports Lipscomb in today's New York Sun.

Kerry's campaign has repeatedly cited the Navy as the ultimate authority on the candidate's war record, saying the Navy wouldn't have awarded him medals he didn't deserve.

But with the Navy now publicly challenging Kerry's decorations, that defense has been rendered inoperative.

Noting that Kerry has refused to authorize the release of his full military records, the legal watchdog group Judicial Watch called on Kerry this week to remove any questionable citations from his Web site pending a formal investigation by the Navy.

'It is to your best interest to have your record in good order,' Gen. Thomas Wilkerson, the president of the U.S. Naval Institute, told Lipscomb. 'If it is wrong, you are accountable. And if you use it to advance your career, it is even more important.'


Kerry medal complaint reaches Navy secretary

Probe request comes as ex-chief Lehman calls

Silver Star citation 'complete mystery'"

Posted: September 2, 2004

1:25 p.m. Eastern

By Art Moore

"The Department of Defense says it has informed Secretary of the Navy Gordon R. England of a formal request to investigate alleged military code violations in Sen. John Kerry's Silver Star award.

The request was made by the public interest group Judicial Watch after news reports revealed Kerry's campaign website displays a document listing a "Silver Star with combat 'V'" even though the combat "V" device is never given with the nation's third highest award for heroism.

Also, there are three citations for the award, with the third, issued more than a decade after the event, bearing the signature of former Navy Secretary John Lehman.

Lehman, however, says he had nothing to do with the citation.

"It is a total mystery to me," he told the Chicago Sun-Times. "I never saw it. I never signed it. I never approved it. And the additional language it contains was not written by me."

Jerome Corsi, author of "Unfit for Command," the New York Times No. 1 best-seller by Swiftboat Veterans for Truth, told WorldNetDaily he considers the Judicial Watch complaint "an important and serious investigation."

"We believe the secretary of the Navy will validate the charges we've made in 'Unfit for Command,'" he said.

In its letter to Judicial Watch, the inspector general of the Defense Department cited Section 8(d) of the Inspector General Act of 1978, which states "the IG of the Department of Defense shall expeditiously report suspected or alleged violations of chapter 47 of title 10, United States Code (Uniform Code of Military Justice), to the Secretary of the military department concerned or the Secretary of Defense."

Judicial Watch filed the complaint Aug. 18 and then, Aug. 31, called on Kerry to remove the Silver Star citation from his campaign website pending a review of the U.S. Navy's granting of the award.

"We hope that this is the beginning of the actual investigation into the legitimacy of Kerry's awards," Chris Farrell, Judicial Watch's director of investigations and research, told WND.

"Any investigation that finally uncovers the facts and lays out the ground-level truth of the story behind these medals is good for the American public," he said. "We just need the unvarnished truth to come out."

Gary Comerford, spokesman for the Defense Department's inspector general, told WND the inspector general has simply processed the complaint.

"We get a lot of complaints," he said. "When they come in, we look at each one and forward it to where the information is."

But Farrell, a former Army officer, says he sees the speed of the response as an indication that the investigation has a chance to go forward.

"My experience has been that normally there is a tendency with a large military bureaucracy for these things to languish or for there to not be a tremendous sense of urgency," he said.

He noted that in the course of Judicial Watch's many investigations, requests often have taken years to generate a response.

"The fact that they are reacting in a relatively quick way, we find very encouraging," he said."


Attaboy, Hanoi Johnny...



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PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 12:40 am    Post subject: Re: Testimony Of A Traitor Reply with quote

The New York Sun

Date:Sep 2, 2004

Kerry’s Bit Of Colored Ribbon

By THOMAS LIPSCOMB Mr. Lipscomb, the founder of Times Books, was the publisher of Admiral Zumwalt’s best-selling book, “On Watch.”

Senator Kerry no longer has a problem with just the 35-year-old recollections of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth that are questioning his military records. He now has to deal with the United States Navy.

Mr. Kerry’s campaign Web site, which may be viewed at, lists a Silver Star with a Combat V on his DD214. This form issued by the Department of Defense summarizes a serviceman’s career. It is always signed and authenticated as accurate by the individual, in this case Mr. Kerry. But according to a Navy spokesman it is “incorrect.”The Navy has never issued a Combat V at any time for the Silver Star.

This is a serious issue. The chief admiral of the Navy, Jeremy Michael Boorda, committed suicide over questions raised about his right to wear a Combat V by Newsweek magazine in 1996. Boorda stated in his suicide note to his sailors that the questions raised about those he wore caused him to take his life. And that was only a Bronze Star, not the Navy’s third highest decoration.

At the time, Mr. Kerry told the Boston Globe that Boorda’s conduct was “sufficient to question [Boorda’s] leadership position.…If you wind up being less than what you’re pretending to be, there is a major confrontation with value and self-esteem and your sense of how others view you.”

The Navy also questioned the listing on Mr. Kerry’s Web site of a DD215 form listing four bronze campaign stars for his service in Vietnam. According to its records, the Navy credits Mr. Kerry with two campaigns.That is sufficient for the wearing of the Vietnam Service Medal for one campaign bearing one campaign star for the additional campaign — not four.

Perhaps most puzzling of all is Mr. Kerry’s display of a citation for his Star signed in 1986 by the Secretary of the Navy, John Lehman. Mr. Lehman, who recently completed his service on the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, finds this “[a] total mystery. I never saw it. I never signed it. I never approved it. And the additional language it contains was not written by me.”

No one knows who provided the additional flowery language concluding, “Lieutenant (jg) Kerry reflected great credit upon himself.…” Well, someone certainly did.

In a statement to Fox News’s Major Garrett, Kerry spokesman Michael Meehan explained that Mr. Kerry had lost the first two citations for his Silver Star and had asked the Secretary of the Navy to provide a new one. Leaving aside the unprecedented appearance of three separate Silver Star citations on Mr. Kerry’s Web site all containing different language signed by three different people, this explanation makes no sense at all.

Veterans lose citations all the time.They simply ask the appropriate military records office to send them a replacement copy, and it does. There is no mystery to this standard procedure that requires the intervention of the Secretary of the Navy.

A legal watchdog group, Judicial Watch, has issued a statement, which may be read at, that reads, “Kerry should remove [the] Silver Star citation from his internet site pending review by [the] U.S. Navy.” It raises other questions about the Web site records as well.

But Mr. Kerry should need no prompting from an outside interest group pushing him to do this. It is in his best interest to correct any misstatements. Navy records, college transcripts, Internal Revenue Service review documents, credit reports, and the other “official documents” created by bureaucracies are notoriously rife with error.

There may be a perfectly reasonable explanation for these inaccuracies. But in the midst of a heated campaign, it is hard to find the time to review the many forms involved.

There would be no shame in Mr. Kerry’s removing the questionable documents from his Web site until he has a chance to do so. As General Thomas Wilkerson, the president of the U.S. Naval Institute puts it,“It is to your best interest to have your record in good order. If it is wrong, you are accountable. And if you use it to advance your career, it is even more important.”

On a British ship, on his way to exile after his defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon reflected upon the courage his soldiers would display just to get “a bit of colored ribbon.” And that is why awards and medals are so important to veterans of all wars.

As in the unfortunate case of Boorda, those medals are recognition of their personal honor and honor the comrades they fought beside as well. Napoleon also noted,“The outcome of the greatest events is always determined by a trifle.”

There are few greater events than the election of an American president in these perilous times. Even if Mr. Kerry regards these questions as “a trifle,” he would be well advised to consider them seriously.

Kerry's Bit Of Colored Ribbon

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 12:45 am    Post subject: The Unsubstantiated Heroism of Hanoi John Reply with quote

And then there's this oped from conservative uberbabe, Ann Coulter -

Ann Coulter

The Unsubstantiated Heroism of Hanoi John

September 1, 2004

The New York Times has a new typewriter key for the Swift Boat Veterans story that reads: "the unsubstantiated charges of the Swift Boat Veterans."

Unsubstantiated? It was Kerry – not the Swift Boat Veterans – who told The Washington Post: "I wish they had a delete button on LexisNexis." The Swift Boat Veterans haven't been forced to retract any of their story. Meanwhile, John Kerry has been issuing about a retraction a day since the Swift Boat Veterans started talking.

Most recently, Kerry has had to backpedal on the circumstances surrounding his first Purple Heart. Kerry has described the action on Dec. 2, 1968, for which he received a Purple Heart as his "first intense combat." The Swift Boat veterans say Kerry came under no enemy fire that day and that his injury, such as it was, resulted from the ricochet of a grenade fired by Kerry himself. (This rules out the Purple Heart but does qualify him for another "Boy, is my face red" citation, with clusters.)

Among the eyewitnesses who say Kerry came under no enemy fire on Dec. 2, 1968, is John Kerry himself. According to Douglas Brinkley's book, "Tour of Duty," Kerry wrote in his diary nine days later, on Dec. 11, 1968: "We hadn't been shot at yet." His campaign is still trying to figure out how to claim that Kerry couldn't have known this because he wasn't even on his own swiftboat at the time.

A Kerry campaign official first explained the discrepancy by essentially explaining that it depends on what the meaning of "we" is. Kerry, the official said, apparently had a nontraditional understanding of the word "we" to mean: "others not including me." "We": another two-letter word successfully parsed by a Democrat!

Another Kerry campaign official, John Hurley, has since admitted that it is "possible" that Kerry's first Purple Heart came from a self-inflicted wound.

The Kerry campaign has refused to release Kerry's personal Vietnam archive, including his journals and letters, saying that the senator was contractually bound to grant Kerry hagiographer Doug Brinkley exclusive access to the material. But then Brinkley said the papers are the property of the senator and in his full control. Still, no records.

On the bright side, the Kerry campaign is considering releasing the director's cut of Kerry's own filmed re-enactments of his war "heroics" – which, by the way, makes Kerry the first person ever to form a war re-enactment club during the actual war.

Kerry had long maintained that he did not attend the 1971 meeting of Vietnam Veterans Against the War in Kansas City, Mo., where the assassination of U.S. senators was discussed. Kerry campaign spokesman David Wade said, "Kerry was not at the Kansas City meeting." Later, FBI files showed Kerry was at the meeting. Now Kerry admits he was there.

So I think that means John Kerry attended as many V.V.A.W. meetings at which the assassination of U.S. senators was discussed as he did meetings of the Senate Intelligence Committee on which he later sat.

And let's not forget that Kerry was caught telling a big, dirty, stinky lie about being in Cambodia on Christmas Eve, 1968. What kind of adult tells a lie like that? (Answer: The kind who carries a home-movie camera to war in order to re-enact combat scenes and tape fake interviews with himself.)

One of the principal witnesses for Kerry's version of his heroics in Vietnam is Jim Rassman, who says Kerry "saved his life" after a Viet Cong mine knocked Rassman off his boat. Though Kerry would have us believe that – in addition to being baby killers – his fellow servicemen were planning on leaving Rassman to die, several eyewitnesses say another boat was about 20 yards behind Kerry's boat in getting to Rassman. (Kerry's boat was positioned slightly closer to Rassman because the moment the mine exploded, Kerry's boat fled the scene and returned only when Kerry was certain there was no enemy fire.)

It is indisputable that other men were being pulled out of the water right and left after a Viet Cong mine blew one of the swiftboats four feet in the air. How come none of those guys got Bronze Stars? Did they pull men out of the water in a less heroic way?

The way Kerry and Rassman tell it, you would think Kerry saved Rassman's life by staging a daring, high-speed commando raid on a prisoner of war camp. I was pulled from churning surfs a dozen times before I was 10 years old, each time exclaiming, "YOU SAVED MY LIFE!" but I'm not seeking out the people who fished me out of the water and demanding that they run for president.

In determining whose memory is more accurate, it's worth mentioning that Kerry and Rassman can't even get their stories straight about whose boat Rassman was on. Among the many accounts out there are these:

In his own Aug. 10, 2004, Wall Street Journal op-ed, Rassman says he was on Kerry's boat: "The second blast blew me off John's swiftboat, PCF-94 ..."

But according to the Kerry campaign press release: "On March 13, 1969, Rassman, a Green Beret, was traveling down the Bay Hap river in a boat behind Kerry's when both were ambushed by exploding land mines and enemy fire coming from the shore."

On Page 106 of the book "John F. Kerry, The Official Biography by the Boston Globe Reporters Who Know Him Best," Rassman is on a boat behind Kerry's.

In his Kerry campaign pamphlet, "Tour of Duty," hagiographer Brinkley resolves the conflicting accounts by having Rassman fall off both the boat that hit the mine (PCF-3) and Kerry's boat. (What would we do without historians?)

Another account has Rassman on the S.S. Minnow stubbornly insisting that Kerry's service in Vietnam consisted of just a three-hour tour ... a three-hour tour ...

Perhaps like the many and various meanings of the word "we," liberals use the word "unsubstantiated" to mean "tested repeatedly and proved true."

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Seismic Anamoly

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 1:10 am    Post subject: Re: The Unsubstantiated Heroism of Hanoi John Reply with quote

September 2, 2004 Rasmussen polls:

Who will you vote for?? Bush 49% Kerry 45%

President Bush Job Approval 54%

Who is a Better Leader? Bush 49 Kerry 38

Trust on Nat'l Defense? Bush 48 Kerry 45

Trust to Manage Economy? Bush 46 Kerry 45

Winning the War on Terror US 50 Terrorists 26


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PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 2:18 am    Post subject: Re: The Unsubstantiated Heroism of Hanoi John Reply with quote

Kerry's big mistake was basing the Democrat convention and his entire campaign on his 4 months in Vietnam. Somebody should have told him that people are gonna be curious about those 4 months, but they're also gonna look at what he did when he got back home (the "Rolling Thunder" bikers call him a "t*tless Jane Fonda") and that his record as a politician would be fair game for criticism.

The Democrats could have gone with a better choice for candidate.

The speech that Sen. Zell Miller gave Wed night reminded me of when the Democrats weren't a bunch of wussy politically correct types. Too bad, they really need a good infusion of good ol' common horse-sense from folks like Zell.

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