This is wrong on so many levels.
Miami does have serious problems with crime, but I'll take my chances in my own city with the potential for being killed compared to being in Iraq. The numbers are pretty clear. I live in a city of 500,000 people, 20 were murdered last year. Over 100,000 troops have been in Iraq, 900 Americans have been killed. I like my odds here in Colorado Springs. As far as the only 'realistic way to attend college' that's nothing more than a representation of the laziness of America. I think that the military in this country should stop giving money for college and start giving money to soldiers. There are no freebies in our military. The ones who go to college are matched in their own personal funds that they put away for college. The military doesn't arbitrarily send every soldier who spends 3 years of service off to college. I wish I could get my hands on every potential recruit, because if they're doing it for college, I can get them there without ever having to kill another human being.
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