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Research shows US anti-semitism on the rise again.

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Joined: 29 May 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 10:15 pm    Post subject: Research shows US anti-semitism on the rise again. Reply with quote

Research conducted by the Martilla Communications Group for the Anti-Defamation League.


Anti-Semitic propensities have increased in the United States since 1998, reversing a steady decline in anti-Jewish feeling in the U.S. over the past ten years. During the past year, there has been a significant amount of news coverage about increased anti-Semitism throughout Europe and the Arab world. Also reported have been specific acts of anti-Semitism in the United States. Many reporters and analysts have speculated that anti-Semitic feelings in the U.S. may have increased during this period of global upheaval. The 2002 ADL survey confirms that there has been an increase in anti-Semitic propensities in the U.S. since 1998. In 2002, 17% of Americans -- or approximately 35 million adults -- hold views about Jews which are unquestionably anti-Semitic. This compares to 12% who fell into the most anti-Semitic category in 1998 and 20% in 1992 (an earlier ADL survey conducted in 1964 found 29% of Americans to hold anti-Semitic views).

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 10:17 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

Must be all those Europeans who just keep pooring into the country. ;)

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 11:01 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

Every country has it's bigots and they can wax and wane pretty regularly, but if I was Jewish, the only thing I would be concerned about are the number of people who really really hate me. The vast majority of anti-semites are ignorant bigots who answer poll questions in an ignorant bigoted manner. A small group of these people are vehemently anti-semitic (and anti-black and anti-gay and on and on) and they have the potential for violence and danger, but in general, in the US, during demonstrations the bigots are always outnumbered by their opposition and the police. They are generally inconsequential. Zero political power, zero credibility. They rate of little concern to most Americans because they are such a fringe group.

And I'm kind of curious to read the questions that undeniably express anti-semitism. I wonder if you don't believe in the state of Israel if that makes you an 'anti-semite'.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 11:55 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

NRK, if someone doesn't believe in the existence of Israel, it just means that a person hasn't picked up a newspaper for a long, long time.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:47 am    Post subject: Re: Good choice of resource, Steve. Reply with quote

Cool, Steve - I congratulate you on finding and citing the ADL as the dependable and reliable truthful source for information on anti-Semitism! I was going to post a link to them earlier to that effect - but since you beat me to it, there's not much left for me to add but the link, since we're all in agreement.


A few things, though, you're a bit behind on the JDL research - refer to this page there for more current stats:

Current ADL Anti-Semitism survey results

And since we're all in agreement here the ADL is the best resource and serves well as the authoritative voice, let us turn to them for insight into another question:

Hague Decision on Security Fence 'Shocking'; ADL Says Israel Never Stood a Chance to Defend Itself

New York, NY, July 9, 2004 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was shocked by today's advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice in The Hague concerning Israel's security fence. The League said the decision, which weighs heavily against Israel in favor of the Palestinian point of view, "shows that the proceeding was little more than a kangaroo court, where Israel never stood a chance to defend itself."

Barbara B. Balser, ADL National Chair, and Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, issued the following statement:

We were shocked by this highly political and one-sided decision. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) too easily dismissed the arguments of Israel, along with those of 22 other nations who submitted written briefs, while completely accepting without any reservation the arguments of the Palestinians and their supporters.

While we expected the decision to come down against Israel, we did not expect the court to so vociferously condemn Israel's security fence while dismissing all of Israel's arguments. Rather than giving both sides an opportunity to make their case, the decision shows that the proceeding was little more than a kangaroo court where Israel never stood a chance to defend itself on the need for a security fence to protect its people from terrorism. This opinion also challenges the ability of Israel's allies to defend themselves in the global war against terrorism.

The ICJ's non-binding opinion dismisses Israel's basic right to protect its people from terrorism. There has been a dramatic decrease in Palestinian terrorism as a result of the security barrier, which has impeded terrorists from reaching Israeli cities and led to the capture of numerous would-be suicide bombers. The government of Israel has repeatedly stated that the security fence is temporary and reversible -- a response to Palestinian terrorism and not a land grab. The recent decision by Israel's Supreme Court reaffirms this. The court's decision ignores all of these arguments and plays into the hands of Israel's enemies, who have repeatedly sought to politicize international forums to attack Israel. We had hoped that the ICJ would hold itself to a higher standard.

This is a serious misuse of the ICJ that undermines the integrity of the court and the integrity of international law. Any lasting settlement can only come out of negotiations between the parties. The ICJ would have the United Nations impose a solution on the parties. The international community has a meaningful and constructive role to play in urging Palestinians to seek peace through negotiations and abandon their assault on Israel through seeking international sanctions and attacking its right to security.

(The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.)

Israel never stood a chance to defend itself

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:48 am    Post subject: Larree... Reply with quote

.... I told you in the past that I don't want anyone to be fried, Jews, Arabs or whoever. Stirring up trouble with the Muslims like this will only intensify terrorism and may lead to global war. I know how you feel about your fellow-Jews being killed, and I can also understand how the relatives of murdered Palestinians feel. What I'm saying to you - and I know you're really a Democrat and only a recent convert to the Republican-conservative view - is that both Sharon and Bush are going about things completely the wrong way. This will only cause more trouble in the Middle-East. The Israelis are split between hard-line Zionists and the liberals, and the latter recognize the importance of pulling out of the illegal settlements. Only the hard-liners are stopping them, and they even stopped Sharon making some withdrawals a little while ago. This wall is a huge long-term mistake that will only save lives in the short-term; the only solution is an Israeli withdrawal.

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Joined: 12 Apr 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:55 am    Post subject: Re: Larree... Reply with quote

and I know you're really a Democrat and only a recent convert to the Republican-conservative view

Wrong, and wrong again.

I've been a registered Libertarian since 1984.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:56 am    Post subject: Re: Larree... Reply with quote

if someone doesn't believe in the existence of Israel

Your statement has nothing to do with anti-semitism. I don't believe in a particular area of the world that requires hatred, death, and divisiveness as a 'state' for any nation of ethnicity.

I'm more than willing to cast a vote giving every Jewish person in this world a safe, comfortable, economically viable piece of ground in America. Montana is huge and mostly uninhabited, let's give the Jewish world Montana. It seems to me to be a better alternative to neverending perpetual war.

Does that make me anti-semitic?

That was my only question.

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Joined: 12 Apr 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 1:35 am    Post subject: Re: Research shows US anti-semitism on the rise again. Reply with quote

Yeah, Q. There is anti-semitism everywhere.

The way the world is going, shitler's dream may still come true.

You and all your "scholarly" pals can sip cognac and talk about how a few million of my fellow Jewish brothers and sisters and I have all been fried...again.

Edited by: LarreeMP3 at: 7/13/04 2:35
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Joined: 08 Jan 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 2:35 am    Post subject: Re: Larree... Reply with quote

I answered your post, NRK. But my reply dissapeared into the pit of lost BBposts from whence there is no return.

To sum:

No, you're not anti-Semitic.

The wording of your question was vague -"believe in Israel"? It just is, like China. Don't matter what anyone thinks or believes.

I understand that your "Montana idea" was well-intended, but is just a tad absurd in reality. I'm not happy that Pakistan and India like to play "nuke chicken" every now and then, but it would be silly for me to expect one to pick and move to Canada and the other do the same to Mexico. With the US in between, we could keep the peace. Nations just don't move, especially under the threat of bullies. That's not only their right, but their responibility.

Of course, I could ask why the Jews should move. Especially since the Palestinians were/are mostly Jordanians and those of surrunding Arab nations whom the Arab nations consider human garbage. Their only use to Arab leaders is as cannon fodder againt Israel. Check out a map of those surrounding Arab countries (the actual & original homelands of the Palestinians) and compare their combined size to the tiny Israel that they surround. Where Palestinians fit in - both by historical reason and sheer geographic (land) proportion - is pretty obvious, at least to me.

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Joined: 29 May 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:13 am    Post subject: this is a low-level debate Reply with quote

Ron, one 's' and two 'ps' in 'disappeared', old fruit.

"A few things, though, you're a bit behind on the JDL research - refer to this page there for more current stats"

Yes, that ADL article is about anti-semitism in Europe, Ron, which we all agree exists, not an update of the American stats. Although I find it tedious to conduct the argument on your low level, I was merely pointing out that anti-semitism also exists in America, along with the highest rate of racial assaults in the industrialized West, which means that America is not the place of inter-racial tolerance that you make it out to be. You comment is therefore irrelevant, as are most of the comments you make on this board.

By the way, I'm going to make an attempt to sue you over this anti-semitic business. I know trans-atlantic civil cases are difficult, but I'm going to make the effort.

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