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Objection: there is no political discussion on this board.

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Joined: 29 May 2003
Posts: 640

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 10:38 am    Post subject: Objection: there is no political discussion on this board. Reply with quote

All that's happening here is that an old retired (?) right-wing Christian American guy with a lot of time on his hands is trawling round the internet looking for news items that support his views and cutting and pasting them.

This isn't a balanced discussion, it's a war of attrition. The person with the most time on his hands wins. I've had a few days off, and I tried to balance the board with the opposing view, but I have to get back to work soon.

So what happens then? As soon as he gets any opposition, he pulls out the 'anti-semitic' card. He deliberately avoids threads started by Debbie, Galmin or myself because he knows he will be way out of his depth. He keeps getting away with all this by laying on his smarmy 'politeness' with a trowel.

It's not simply a case of 'nobody is forced to answer his threads' (people often don't) but that his constant spamming puts off other people from coming in the first place. I've seen other boards go this way, completely dominated by spamming right-wing fanatics with no knowledge or ideas worth discussing. He is employing the same tactic as the American corporate media - complete domination of the airwaves. Surely you're not going to let public debate be manipulated and controlled by spamming low-brows like him.

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