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Report: Mossad probing baby deaths

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Generally Crazy Guy

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 11:30 pm    Post subject: Report: Mossad probing baby deaths Reply with quote

Monday, November 10, 2003 Posted: 12:49 PM EST (1749 GMT)

JERUSALEM (AP) -- The Israeli Mossad and Shin Bet secret service agencies have joined the investigation of a faulty baby formula that has been linked to the deaths of three infants, an Israeli newspaper said Monday.

The director general of the ministry, Boaz Lev, raised the possibility of sabotage to the kosher soy-based milk substitute, saying "it is impossible to know if this is intentional or not."

A Health Ministry spokesman, after originally indicating that the report in the Haaretz daily was true, later refused to confirm it.

"All the factors that deal with the inquiry of this type and scope are doing their jobs," spokesman Robbie Steinberg said. Asked if the two security agencies were involved, he said, "I have no clear knowledge of that and I have no comment."

The ministry said tests had revealed that the formula of the Israeli company Remedia did not contain Vitamin B1, even though the package said the product included the essential nutrient.

The kosher formula is made for Remedia by the German company Humana Milchunion.

Two lawsuits were filed against Remedia on Monday, seeking more than $222 million in damages, Haaretz said.

Neither company has yet explained why Vitamin B1 was listed as an ingredient or why it wasn't included in the milk substitute.

Humana is conducting its own investigation with German officials, and American food giant H.J. Heinz Co., which owns 51 percent of Remedia, has offered its assistance.

Humana said Monday that results of initial tests it had conducted showed that the formula did contain Vitamin B1. The discrepancy between the Israeli and German tests was not explained.

"Starting tomorrow, we will compare and discuss test results with the Israeli authorities in order to contribute actively toward clearing up the issue," Humana said in a statement.

Remedia said Sunday that it had slightly altered the makeup of the formula several months ago because of new scientific developments. A Remedia official has hinted at sabotage, the Yediot Ahronot daily reported.

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamin, is vital for development of the nervous system in babies. Health Ministry officials say more than 20 infants suffered from a disorder caused by a deficiency in the vitamin after drinking the formula, and three have died.

After determining the formula did not contain the vitamin, the Health Ministry called for all infants who had been fed the soy drink for extended periods to be checked by a doctor and given thiamin shots.

The Health Ministry, which recalled the soy drink on Friday, is considering recalling all Remedia products, Steinberg said. The ministry may also take legal action against the company, he added.

The formula was also taken off shelves in heavily Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods in New York. Yediot Ahronot reported Monday that a baby who had been fed the milk substitute was in serious condition in a Boston hospital.

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 9:02 am    Post subject: Report: Mossad probing baby deaths Reply with quote

Since then, the company Humana (Milchunion) has stepped forward and let it know it was their bad formula that killed the kids.

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Generally Crazy Guy

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 1:21 pm    Post subject: Re: Report: Mossad probing baby deaths Reply with quote

As a matter of fact, Humana did not additionally mix in synthetical Vitamin B1 since normally in Soja there's enough B1 already and there is an overdose possible for this vitamin.

I think what this case proves is, that children should better be breast feeded and that "Kosher" not always means "natural/healthy" obviously and can be indeed life-threatening.

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 2:26 pm    Post subject: Re: Report: Mossad probing baby deaths Reply with quote

As a matter of fact, Humana did not additionally mix in synthetical Vitamin B1 since normally in Soja there's enough B1 already and there is an overdose possible for this vitamin.

Key word there: normally. The product didn't represent the specification, ergo: the formula was not correct.

I think what this case proves is, that children should better be breast feeded

I agree.

Studies have shown that babies who are breast-fed are generally healthier, suffering fewer colds, ear infections and stomach distress than babies who are given only infant formula. Some studies have also linked breast milk to higher I.Q.'s.

and that "Kosher" not always means "natural/healthy" obviously and can be indeed life-threatening.

lol, well the formula wasn't "Kosher", now was it? :eyebrow

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