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eating meat lowers you vegitarinism raises you...

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Joined: 10 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2003 3:23 am    Post subject: eating meat lowers you vegitarinism raises you... Reply with quote

what do you all think?

Veal: A Cruel Meal

The veal calf industry is one of the most reprehensible of all the kinds of intensive animal agriculture.

A Fate Worse Than Death

Male calves used for veal are taken from their mothers one or two days after birth. They are chained inside tiny crates barely larger than their bodies and are usually kept in darkness, except to be fed two or three times a day for 20 minutes.

During their brief lives, they never see the sun or touch the earth. They never see or taste the grass. Their anemic bodies crave proper sustenance. Their muscles ache for freedom and exercise. They long for maternal care. About 14 weeks after their birth, they are slaughtered.

Solitary Confinement

The veal calf’s permanent home is a veal crate, a wooden restraining device that is so small (22 inches by 54 inches) that the calves cannot turn around. Designed to prevent movement (exercise), the crate does its job of atrophying the calves’ muscles, thus producing tender “gourmet” veal. The calves often suffer from open sores caused by the constant rubbing against the crates.

In 1996, the European Union voted to ban the veal crate across Europe; it will be phased out over 10 years. By 2007, this cruel contraption will be gone from Europe for good. Yet it is still perfectly legal in the United States.

“Feeding” Time

The calves are generally fed a milk substitute intentionally lacking in iron and other essential nutrients. This diet keeps the animals anemic and creates the pale pink or white color considered desirable in veal. Craving iron, the calves lick urine-saturated slats and any metallic parts of their stalls. Farmers also withhold water from the animals, who, always thirsty, are driven to drink a large quantity of the high-fat liquid feed.

Because of such extremely unhealthy living conditions and restricted diets, calves are susceptible to a long list of diseases, including chronic pneumonia and “scours,” or constant diarrhea. Consequently, they must be given massive doses of antibiotics and other drugs just to keep them alive. The antibiotics are passed on to consumers in the meat—and that’s not all that’s passed along.

Federal agents have found more than a dozen veal production companies giving calves clenbuterol, a dangerous and illegal drug that speeds growth and increases anemia in the calves, producing more expensive white meat.(1) Calves treated with clenbuterol can be sold for slaughter at 12 to 13 weeks, rather than the standard 16 weeks. Even trace amounts of clenbuterol can cause severe illness in humans, including increased heart rate, tremors, breathing difficulties, fever—even death.

The Dairy Connection

Veal calves are a byproduct of the dairy industry; they are produced by dairy cows, who are kept constantly pregnant to keep milk production high. Their female calves are raised to be living milk machines like their mothers—confined, fed synthetic hormones and antibiotics, artificially inseminated, and slaughtered after their milk production drops—or they are slaughtered for the rennet in their stomachs (used to make commercial cheese). Since male calves cannot produce milk, they are often taken away from their mothers at 1 or 2 days old and put into crates to be killed for veal. The milk that nature meant for them ends up on our supermarket shelves instead.

definantly unhealthy meat so why eat it?

here is some stuff on chickens...

Chickens are probably the most abused animals on the face of the planet. They suffer all number of cruelties, including being left by the hundreds of thousands to starve to death, having their sensitive beaks seared off with hot blades, being crammed eleven birds to a tiny cage along with the decomposing corpses of other chickens, and arriving dead in huge numbers from long journeys in extreme weather conditions. Basically, any and all abuse is allowable when it comes to chickens, who are, in fact, remarkable animals with distinct personalities and an intelligence, if allowed to develop, as advanced as that of cats and dogs. Most importantly, they feel pain, just like we do.

The following is a basic outline of PETA's recommended animal welfare program, followed by to a basic review of the most egregious abuses inflicted on chickens who are raised for food.

• Replace electrical stunning and throat slicing with gas killing. Experts agree that gas killing causes less suffering for birds than KFC's present method of snapping chickens into metal shackles and slicing their throats open, often while they are still conscious.

• Install cameras in slaughterhouses to enforce humane standards. Cameras should be installed at key points for animal handling, including unloading areas, the point of entry into the "stun" bath, the point of entry into the scalding tank and places where chickens have their throats slit.

• Switch to humane mechanized chicken gathering. Studies have shown that when using manual methods, there are four times as many broken legs, more than eight times as much bruising and increased stress.

• Use genetic selection for leaner and less agressive birds. Breed leaner, healthier birds instead of breeding the biggest, fattest birds possible.

• Stop forcing rapid growth and using drugs for non-therapeutic purpose. This results in more metabolic disorders, painful chronic lameness and an increased mortality rate.

• Give chickens broiler and breeding chickens more living space. Presently, bird fatality and injury rates are enormous, based in part on the fact that the birds simply do not have enough space to survive. Experts agree that increased living space would decrease these problems.

• Include sheltered areas and perches in chicken houses. This would enhance the birds' living space, reducing their stress and aggression, and allow them to engage in some of their natural behaviors.

• Allow birds the opportunity to fulfill their natural desire for activity. For example, provide the birds with whole green cabbages suspended in the air to peck at and eat. The cabbages stimulate healthy activity, dispel boredom, strengthen leg muscles, and provide nutrients without adding to the weight problems of these birds. Providing bales of hay for the birds to peck at and climb would give similar results.

Crippled Under Their Own Weight

Chickens today are typically crammed by the tens of thousands into sheds, each chicken with less living space than a standard sheet of paper. Modern chickens’ upper bodies grow six to seven times as fast as they used to—they are fed drugs and are genetically bred to grow so large and so quickly that their legs, lungs, and hearts often can’t keep up. Many of these animals, whose lives are miserable from birth, suffer lung collapse, heart failure, and crippling leg deformities

Animals Routinely Sliced Open and Scalded While Still Conscious

At slaughter, chickens are dumped from cages like so many rubber balls and then SNAPPED by their weakened and sometimes broken legs into metal shackles before their heads are passed through an electrically charged water bath that immobilizes them but often does not render them unconscious. The workers who hang the animals must work so quickly (assembly-line style) that animals are frequently injured. When the water “baths” are set below the level required to kill them, as they often are, the animals (unless they have died from stress and abuse before they’re even shackled) are alive, conscious, and bleeding to death after their throats are slit, and they enter the scalding tank ( scalding hot water for feather removal) still conscious. Many of them flap about and thus miss both the immobilization bath and the automated and manual (human) neck-slicers and are still completely conscious when they are scalded to death.

foi grois anyone?

France produces most of the world's annual 10,000 tons of foie gras--the livers of ducks and geese grotesquely enlarged by cruel force-feeding. But inhumane force-feeding goes on in U.S. factory farms, too--in New York and California.(1)

Cruelty Most Fowl

In 1991, PETA investigated foie gras production at Commonwealth Enterprises located in the Catskills of New York. Despite Commonwealth's many prior claims that it made foie gras without force-feeding the ducks, PETA's investigators observed and documented the following:

Three times a day, workers entered small duck pens in a factory-farm building. The ducks, knowing what was coming, struggled to get as far away from the men as possible.

The workers grabbed the ducks one at a time, held them down, forced open their bills, and shoved a long metal pipe down their throats all the way to their stomachs.

They then squeezed a lever attached to the pipe, and an air-driven pump forced a third of the day's six-to-seven pounds of corn mixture into each duck's stomach.

Each worker was expected to force-feed 500 birds three times a day. So many ducks died when their stomachs burst from overfeeding that workers who killed fewer than 50 of "their" 500 received bonuses.

After four weeks of force-feeding, the ducks were slaughtered, their livers six to twelve times normal size (2,3)--pale, blotchy melon-sized messes instead of small, firm, healthy organs.

A worker told one of PETA's investigators that he could feel tumor-like lumps, caused by force-feeding, in some ducks' throats. One duck had a maggot-covered neck wound so severe that water spilled out of it when he drank. Workers routinely carried ducks by their necks, causing them to choke and defecate in distress.

Foie gras is sold as a "delicacy" which, until Commonwealth was established, was not obtainable "fresh" in the U.S.--only as processed pâté de foie gras--because of import restrictions.

Only male ducks are used for foie gras--they produce larger livers and are considered better able to withstand the four weeks of torture. Female hatchlings are treated as trash--literally. Commonwealth workers were observed stuffing a nylon feed sack with female ducklings, tying the bag at the top, and dropping it into a trash can filled with scalding water. Workers killed the surviving ones by smashing their heads against the trash can.

how about karhma? making animal suffer and they do know they are fixing to be slaughtered. i have seen it in their eyes. i have seen the farms. might that kharma come back and bite yer ass?

chickens, pigs cows and all...

but my point is forget all that. plants are the life of this world to us. we need carbon dioxide and plants make it. so if we eat plants then we get nurishment of earth from which we came from...

ok you say pesticides in plants and harmones in meat... both are bad...

well atleast plants are not full of adrenalyn... the animals as i wrote know they are getting slaughtered so their body releases adrenilyn.

say what you want but why would anyone want to eat dead animals laced with adrenelyn...

isn'yt coffee enough? eat anything long enough and one's body adjusts to the diet and also develops a taste for it.

people who eat meat also eat blood in meat. perhaps that is why mankind throught history and around the world are barbaric, no they are "blood thirsty".

would only eating plants besides reduce colon cancer make the world less blood thirsty in a couple of generations when all the meat eaters are dead?

Edited by: Rev9Volts at: 8/7/03 7:31 pm
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