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I know this guy - what would you do about his problem?

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No Underblurb

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 6:36 pm    Post subject: Re: I know this guy - what would you do about his problem? Reply with quote

I don't have that strong a feeling about the politics he preaches

So true.

Because he cares about global issues... - deeply and truly.

You, on the other hand, are too wrapped up in yourself to care.

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Scott Time

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 6:44 pm    Post subject: I know this guy - what would you do about his problem? Reply with quote

He's in essence a good guy, but he's very hardheaded. He is really all about music but he keeps going to this site that must be 80-90% Americans and trashing Americans. Then he gets bummed out cause some of these Americans are crawling out of the woodwork to attack him.

I tell him he's just painting a target on his back but he keeps doing it and keeps ending up unhappy about the circumstances.

I don't have that strong a feeling about the politics he preaches but I do know that I wouldn't go to an Australian dominated bbs and point out everything I thought Australia did wrong. It's just banging your head against the wall, but I can't get this thru his head.

What to do ? Just let him rot in his own stoopidity or continue to try to advise him to keep the politics on his home turf ?

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No Underblurb

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 7:03 pm    Post subject: Re: I know this guy - what would you do about his problem? Reply with quote

How about this...?

Fukk off.

You're a fukking loser, a trouble-maker, a no-talent little weasel steeped in the filth of your own self-absorbed negativity.

So shut up.

Go away.

Fukk off.

Edited by: droolymutt at: 7/21/03 8:12 pm
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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 8:13 am    Post subject: Re: I know this guy - what would you do about his problem? Reply with quote

Well Scott - everyone has their good and bad points. Wanting people to change is the biggest mistakes people make within relationships. You're talking about a bulletin board right? Where people choose what to read and what not to read, what to post and what not to post. It sounds almost racial in your tones that just cause one isn't American - one shouldn't go to an American bb? Surely if your friend gets upset enough by it, he'll stop doing it/going there.

The question is, Scott - what do you hope to achieve with this thread?

Drooly - that was a harsh response. Watch your language please. Thank you.

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Scott Time

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 3:15 pm    Post subject: No, of course he has the right to post it Reply with quote

and I certainly don't condone anons attacking him by any means, but I know this path is making him unhappy.

I'm tryin' to make him weigh what his priorities are, that's what I hope to accomplish.

There are plenty of places to discuss that stuff where you won't be hated for it, if he needs to get his yayas out.

What he does is the equivalent of going into a biker bar and saying Harleys are for p*ssies. It doesn't even matter if he's right or wrong, it's just like asking to be abused by these people.

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memphis mike

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 4:19 pm    Post subject: Re: No, of course he has the right to post it Reply with quote

Excuse me, but why on Earth would you even care?

Weird thread, Man!

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Scott Time

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 6:55 pm    Post subject: ah Reply with quote

cause he's been a good friend of mine at various times and cause it's ugly to watch.

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No Underblurb

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 7:28 pm    Post subject: Re: ah Reply with quote


Mike knows exactly what he's doing.

For you to assume that you can give him lessons in life is ludicrous.

You are simply trying cause trouble.

Get your own life... - stop obsessing on the lives of your betters.

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Phil Frazier

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 8:15 pm    Post subject: Re: ah Reply with quote

I happen to agree with a lot of what Mike Burn says; not everything but enough that I often back him up whenever I can to let him now that all Americans aren't morons. The fact that his strictly music posts get attacked is ludricous but then it isn't surprising because the morons that do this aren't worth responding to. In my view, if one can merely ignore them and they actually help with the promo of Mike's threads.

It's in the perspective. There are many people that actually listen to his musical colabs and enjoy them. The attacks don't hurt Mike's purpose as much as it may seem, in my view. If Mike would understand this perspective perhaps he would relax a bit.





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Joined: 08 Jan 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 2:35 am    Post subject: Re: I know this guy - what would you do about his problem? Reply with quote

This really is just personal stuff and I think you should air it elsewhere. If not for the nice folks who come here to just shoot the bull and discuss - then for the mods like Chris, who have to clean up.

If you remember that the great majority of people - around the world, of every opinion and political stripe, color, size, whatever - are good folks then these things shouldn't be a problem.

You don't have to agree with people on everything to appreciate that bigger picture. In fact, you can go at it like cats and dogs, trying to avoid the personal stuff, and it shouldn't matter, people are just going to disagree. I'd say that if someone can't deal with that, they had better learn to - or they should avoid the heat altogether. That's not intended to sound cruel, that's life.

Just my thinkin', anyway.


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Scott Time

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 10:02 am    Post subject: Drooly, you're a fool Reply with quote

you're an embarrassment to yourself, stop trying to flame me for what happened to you over at Moosiks. Regroup and move on. Learn from your mistakes.

You think Mike likes getting flamed insanely everytime he posts at Well, he doesn't. Does he make errors in judgment ? Sometimes.

Is he about music or politics ? That's one place where he can't have both, considering who that crowd is and what his politics are. Now some may consider him courageous for going against the grain but he's very obviously frustrated with what's happening and there's a way to deal with that. He doesn't need to try to preach to Americans about how bad their country is. It would be like me coming here trying to tell you all that bbChris is bad, in other words, it's just stoopid and a waste of time. And by the way, of course she ain't bad, that was just an example. :)

And he could Email me and tell me to bug off about this but he hasn't, too.

Now I should be allowed to post here without Drooly humping my leg in anger cause he got banned at Moosiks, doncha think ?

Edited by: Scott Time at: 7/23/03 11:04 am
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The Original

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 10:18 am    Post subject: Re: I know this guy - what would you do about his problem? Reply with quote

This thread will be moved to the

Politics / Warzone

in short.

Feel free to discuss there.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 12:17 pm    Post subject: Re: I know this guy - what would you do about his problem? Reply with quote

i second memphis mike.

chris said...

Well Scott - everyone has their good and bad points.

bad points? (((chris it is ashame i don't have the wild haired cat emoticon. :lol )))

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