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Like lemmings to the sea......
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Generally Crazy Guy

Joined: 08 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 9:16 pm    Post subject: Re: Like lemmings to the sea...... Reply with quote

He speaks of the WWII Geman War machine as if it were responsible for all the new technology in the world today in order to justify it's existence.

He is no Nazi by any means.

First of all, I don't have a big brain but a big belly :D

When we come down discussing new technology...

...I understand your point of view... but understand mine...

...I was going through this several times with Americans....

It may be easier for you by answering the following questions: Who invented the jet airplane?

2nd. Who invented the Atomic Bomb?

3rd. Who invented the Rocket?

4th. Who invented the first Personal Computer?

5th. Who invented strong data encryption?

6th. Who invented the automobile?

7th. Who invented the Telephone?

8th. Who invented RADAR?

9th. Who invented the refrigerator? :D

10th. Who invented the Microphone?

If you answer all questions right, you are allowed to call me a Banana-Boy. ;)

*hint* most of these inventions were done BEFORE WWII....

11th........ (actually no question)...

....rather a statement.... I am NO "Nazi" :)

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Generally Crazy Guy

Joined: 08 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 9:27 pm    Post subject: Re: Like lemmings to the sea...... Reply with quote

memphis mike, let's bring it down to simple terms....

I bring "color" into your life :D

That's what this board is for :D

Enjoy the variety of thoughts and standpoints.


If it comes down to a personal level, it's always bad.

I called you a "jerk" recently, but not a "killer" like Larree tries (he tries it for months though already :D )

Enjoy the variety and grow on it, like I DO! :)

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memphis mike

Joined: 21 May 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 9:32 pm    Post subject: Re: Like lemmings to the sea...... Reply with quote

who discovered electricity which runs all your gadgets?

I'm not interested in anything you have to say...i can see

you are trying to lead the thread in the direction that suits you best......

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memphis mike

Joined: 21 May 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 9:46 pm    Post subject: Like lemmings to the sea...... Reply with quote

you all follow Mike Burn, the guy with the 'Big' German brain. You chide Larree for bringing up an old lady killed by a terrorist but you let MB get by with pictures of dead babies and never confront him that this works both ways. You say you don't condone everything MB says, but neither do you condemn it. It is my belief that by not condemning you are condoning. He talks with pride about that excellent war machine of WWII and says that we in the US are embarrassed by the fact that we almost lost. That is a new one on me. I don't ever remember the Germans getting near my hometown. Anyway, almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. He speaks of the german war machine as an American would speak of the space program. One says we should spend on social issues, while the other says, but look at all the by-products the space program has been responsible for over the years. He speaks of the WWII Geman War machine as if it were responsible for all the new technology in the world today in order to justify it's existence. He is no Nazi by any means. he's a mutant. Hitler just didn't quite do things right. He killed off too many Russians and spent way too much time fighting them. MB is a new breed, but guess what Larree, you and your kind are not included in the long range plan this time either.

He puts up his little funny photo of Larree and Me(again, not recent, I've lost 100 lbs since that picture was taken) because he feels every one of you are laughing with him; which sad to say, may be the case....It's as if MB has some kind of Charles Manson appeal to you and you will follow without question...Not one word from anyone else to contradict this blooming idiot....Any other Americans out there who had a father or grandfather march on German soil to save the world from this "machine"? He spouts nonsense and "loaded logic" and you take it in and accept it, because MB is your man. He's got the big German brain that unforunately for the rest of us was only gifted to the Germans.

Go ahead, follow him on into the sea......

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Generally Crazy Guy

Joined: 08 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 10:10 pm    Post subject: Re: Like lemmings to the sea...... Reply with quote

That electricity exists and the determination of the underlying principles was not discovered by one single person.

It was rather a multi-personal discovery over a longer period of time, incl. multinational teamwork.

The first pioneers, really getting a clue of what they are dealing with were (ordered by the date of the discovery):

Thales von Milet (Greece, 600 b.c. *Bernstein-Experiment*)

William Gilbert (England, was the first 1601 who came up with the term "Electrica")

Otto von Guericke (Germany, 1663, metallic balls and static electricity)

Francis Hauksbee (England, discovers 1706 that electricity can produce light)

Stephen Gray (Scotland)

Charles-François Dufay (France)

Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (Germany)

Johann Gottlieb Krüger (Germany)

Pieter van Musschenbroek (Netherlands)

Benjamin Franklin (USA, realizes that thunderstorms have to do with electricity...))

Marshall and Watt (Scotland)

Luigi Galvani (Italy)

Georges Louis Lesage (Switzerland)

André Marie Ampere (France)

Michael Faraday (England)

Georg Simon Ohm (Germany)

James Prescott Joule (England)

Alessandro Volta (Italy)

Humphrey Davy (England)

James Clerk Maxwell (England)

Zénobe Gramme (Belgium)

Nikola Tesla (Croatia)

Marcel Déprez (France)

Thomas Alva Edison..... (USA)...... a clue about the first electric light and

invents the first light bulb 1877 (that's 2,477 years after the discovery of the electric effect ;) ))))

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Joined: 29 May 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 11:10 pm    Post subject: that's a real insult ... Reply with quote

"It's as if MB has some kind of Charles Manson appeal to you and you will follow without question ...."

Who the hell do you think you're talking to? I don't need 'leaders' to follow, I have my own mind. I'm a senior academic in a British university, and my work is published internationally. At the moment I'm supervising 4 PhD students, and I recently directed a Home Office research project. I know an awful lot more about the international political scene than anyone here, including Mike Burn. It's my job.

I also don't need Mike's studio. I have my own, and, for the type of music we do, my production skills are as good as anyone's on the board. Having said that, I have a huge amount of respect for his production skills.

Charles Manson appeal!!?? This just shows how @#%$ stupid most right-wing Americans are. It really does. D'you want to know why I came to Interconnected? Because it's European, and there was a chance of some friendly chat, support and intelligent conversation - in other words, TO GET AWAY FROM PEOPLE LIKE YOU who dominate the boards on other sites.

You talk incessant, unadulterated @#%$ bullshit. America fighting the Nazis to 'liberate Europe'!!?? You know NOTHING about history except what your stupefying, blinkered culture has shoved down your throat. Why can't you get it through your thick skull that the invasion of Iraq was about oil resources and corporate expansion, and that you CAN'T WIN a 'war against terrorism' by orthodox military means? Let me tell you this: the British people grow more suspicious about the whole thing day by day. Blair is finished. We won't support you in another of your stupid escapades. THERE ARE NO WMD. THERE NEVER WERE!!! IT'S YOU IDIOTS THAT HAVE BEEN LED BY THE NOSE, NOT US. If you attack another Muslim country, you might start a global war YOU DUMMIES. Unless, of course, that's what your corporate leaders want. There's a lot of money in reconstruction. Have you ever considered that?

We're all under the power of the evil Svengali Mike Burn, and yet again the freedom-loving Americans come to liberate us!! Echoes of Saddam Hussein, eh? Oh dear, oh dear. You live in a little child's simple-minded fantasy world.

It's YEARS since I've been so @#%$ insulted. YEARS! Go away and insult someone else, will you?

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debbie mannas

Joined: 30 Sep 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 11:59 pm    Post subject: Mike Reply with quote

none of your insults holds water for me either.

Do bush and thugs have some kind of Charles Manson appeal to YOU that you ignore all their henious CRIMES and follow without question? These guys are criminals for God's sake, and yet you say nothing.

Get off the "they all hate america" high horse and then take some time to do your research, and see the facts as they really are. Don't be like Larree - "I have three international news stands" outside my house [but never bother with any news outside of fox].

You are talking down to educated people from civilisations thousands of years older than yours, thinking being "American" makes you superior. You and Larree are coming across as fascists supporting fascists. Sorry I had to say it.

Bessie Stanley wrote:

"He has achieved success

who has lived well,

laughed often, and loved much;

who has enjoyed the trust of pure women,

the respect of intelligent men

and the love of little children;...

Insults from people who have unquestioning minds, are steeped in some sort of blinkered world view and who blindly follow criminals don't matter very much to me.

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memphis mike

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 1:04 am    Post subject: Re: Mike Reply with quote

The only desires I have are that all people are treated equally

and justly. I don't like wars, I don't like people dying. I don't like prejudice or bigotries. No one is better than me and I am no better than anyone...I work in my community to bring people together and I pray for the poor souls who go to bed hungry everynight, those with their backs against the wall and those who are caught up in the crossfire because grown men don't care ..there, do we have the same beliefs?

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filet mignon

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 1:23 am    Post subject: rockets Reply with quote

one word....goddard.

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memphis mike

Joined: 21 May 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 1:42 am    Post subject: Re: Mike Reply with quote

what did any of this have to do with Iraq--I am only talking about the fact that MB's photos of Guantanamo were a farce and had no relevaence to his claims--and then he said the US should bomb Tel Aviv, where Larree has family and then he speaks with pride of the mighty German war machine of WWII.

The last two are the only items i am referring to. No one called him on it and that's a sad commentary of the people on this I must assume that all of you believe in his hatred of the jewish people. That is the "ONLY" concern of mine...and to have the nerve to say you are so damn educated; as if that somehow makes you right on all issues.

Well, I've got some of that 'extra high up' education also. I'm not impressed. Debbie, i had no idea you've been around for centuries; you must have the world pretty much figured out by now. BTW, my heretige didn't start with the USA. Oh, boy, real "edumicated" people. like myself. You're all so self-centered it's pathetic.

BTW, Debbie, you sure spend a lot of time on this George Bush is a murderer. over and over and over and over. I'm not a backer of any particular politician is the US. I pretty much can't stomache any of them....What is it you want me to do for you while i'm here in the US?

Edited by: memphis mike at: 7/10/03 2:47 am
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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 1:53 am    Post subject: Re: Like lemmings to the sea...... Reply with quote

Actually there's a lot of Americans I like and a lot of places that I like in America. I thought I'd start off like this as your post seems to claim we are all anti-USA.

Follow Mike Burn? Where to? He's all for working together with people of all cultures and races. His music proves that.

I never chided Larree about the Grandma - I think it's sad when anyone dies - whatever race, religion etc. But it appears that Larree doesn't think the same. He wants to kill people purely by what race they are. Or so he says. As he himself has said many times, you can't believe what he posts. So I wouldn't worry about Larree!

Just read your last post, we have a lot in common.

Debbie is definitely passionate but I'm interested in your response to Steve (questionnaire).

Me? Why do I moderate this board? Because I'm Libran and I do my best to see both sides. I also agree to disagree many times because it's educational for me to hear other points of view. And I have an open mind. I will not be chided for that.

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debbie mannas

Joined: 30 Sep 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 2:28 am    Post subject: Educated?? Reply with quote

fancy degrees do not make you educated, as is evinced by your noble leader.

You continue to avoid the issues - you are railing against the Mikes photos because you saw them ages ago and its as if Mike should be discredited for posting them now. But what of the issues involved? Dyu think the US has followed the Geneva conventions? The US is constantly whining about others contravening the geneva conventions, but flout them at will themselves. How come no comment on that? You just dont like the photos cause they show the US in a bad light, proving to you once again that everyone is anti-US.

Larrees grandmother - you know how I feel about the terrorists and war. I did not jump on that post and neither did I interfer with the other personal attack post.

But back to the real issues, how do you feel about an illegal war which killed thousands? There is no point in saying you dont want war and love peace, when some wars are ok and others are not. If you did indeed condemn the Iraq war, I must have missed it, so apologies. And if you condemned it, then there is no need to feel defensive about the pictures.

Why am I not surprised that you dismiss ancient civilisations as if its people are not the product of their history and lessons? Do you know it all?

I was gobsmacked that you asked me [in a different post] whether India had a middle class. Truly. It was so condescending [and blind] I didn't even bother answering.

While you are in the US, instead of getting mad at people who post on the boards, get mad at your govt and talk to your friends and neighbours about how badly you have been suckered by them, and how your tax dollars have gone to fund an illegal war and support the terrorist Israel govt. And while you're at it, get a better understanding of the world and other nations. There, you asked me, I answered.

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debbie mannas

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 2:37 am    Post subject: as to Mike's post about bombing Tel Aviv Reply with quote

I answered it here:

That was a dare. I understood Mike to mean simply this: if the US is so keen to get rid of terrorism, put your money where your mouth is and bomb Tel Aviv now. Granted he should not have put it like that, but you can imagine if two people were having a discussion and one says, Oh Yeah?? well, prove it...

Afterall the US seems to have no compunction in

bombing other countries on bogus "evidence" of terrorism.

I see far more direct evidence of Larrees hate of Muslims. YOU havent condemned that.

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memphis mike

Joined: 21 May 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:04 am    Post subject: Re: Like lemmings to the sea...... Reply with quote

I answered Steve, I told him any comments made had nothing to do about Iraq, i don't know where he came up with that--bb, no one has still questioned MB on his desire to bomb Tel Aviv--that's what and the only thing this is about...I've never even commented as to whether I believed the Iraq war to be the correct action, but now what's done is done....

Larre was chided by someone else as far as the grandma...but you were there to chide him last night for not being proper to a man that had just wished death upon a city in which he has relatives and all you said was, oh, was, that what MB meant and then nothing else but about something like, "Mike Burn you really don't mean that do you"; that has been left unsaid by everyone, and he even comes back to say he doesn't regret saying it.....

I also take issue with his facts about WWII and that is personal due to the fact that my father fought on the soils of Germany.

Edited by: memphis mike at: 7/10/03 4:19 am
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debbie mannas

Joined: 30 Sep 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:21 am    Post subject: I appreciate your stance on Israel Reply with quote

Show me Mike's blanket statement condeming Jews. If I see it I'll condemn it. We all know the govt of israel does not speak for all jews, just as hamas does not speak for all palestinians.

Larree has a post headlined with lets bomb Saudi and dozens of other posts where he wants to bomb Iran, Saudi again... you must be doing selective reading too.

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