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Why they are not cheering...

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Generally Crazy Guy

Joined: 08 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 5:37 pm    Post subject: Why they are not cheering... Reply with quote

Why they are not cheering (BBC)

They were supposed to be cheering in the streets as the American and British tanks rolled in, just as they did in France in 1944.

On 18 March, the New York Times reported: "Military and allied officials familiar with the planning of the upcoming campaign say they hope that a successful and 'benign' occupation of Basra that results in flag-waving crowds hugging British and American soldiers will create an immediate and positive image worldwide while also undermining Iraqi resistance elsewhere."

The fact is that Basra is not undergoing a benign occupation. It has just been declared a military target by British forces which have come under attack from inside.

Consider what happened in Basra last Saturday when there were air raids. The Qatari television channel al-Jazeera had a team in the city and it sent back graphic pictures of dead and wounded civilians which were widely shown in the Arab world.

But these images have been all but ignored in the West, which seems more interested in pictures of the American prisoners of war.

People do not take kindly to being bombed, even by "friendly forces".

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Seismic Anamoly

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 3:00 am    Post subject: Re: Why they are not cheering... Reply with quote



"Satan" :aua

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