Hey all, happy new year 'n stuff!
Just found this util, been using it and it works great!
If youve been browsing the message boards and your getting that annoying popup all the time, try this util out, you'll need to install it (works on all windows versions).
You have to wait until one of those popups occur, at which point you open the program with the right-hand mouse button on the system tray icon and select 'Add/Delete Popup'.
It'll open a window and in the bottom list it will show you all of your currently open windows. Double click on the one with the Verzion popup title, this will add it to the kill list.
Now, each time that popup opens, it will be killed as quickly as possible.
I didn't post this on the mp3.com board for obvious reasons
Here's the program:
Electronic Symphonica, Newage, Melodic.
My Homepage Red-Heat.com
My MP3.com Site

Edited by: RedHeat
at: 1/7/02 12:09:38 am