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CNN banned from Iran

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Generally Crazy Guy

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 10:06 pm    Post subject: CNN banned from Iran Reply with quote


Monday, 16 January 2006, 16:33 GMT

CNN journalists banned from Iran

Journalists from CNN have been banned from working in Iran because of a mistranslation of the president's comments, the culture ministry says.

CNN had violated "professional ethics", the Irna news agency quoted the ministry as saying.

CNN issued a correction after it translated the president as saying Iran had a right to use nuclear "weapons" rather than nuclear "technology".

CNN does not have a bureau in Tehran but gets permits to cover assignments.

Its chief international correspondent, Christiane Amanpour, is currently in the country.

The US-based news network had carried a live translation of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's press conference on Saturday.

Its translation quoted the president as saying: "We believe all nations are allowed to have nuclear weapons", and that the West should not "deprive us to have nuclear weapons".

Iran says the Farsi word for technology was translated as weapons.

The Iranian culture ministry issued a statement on Monday saying: "Taking into account CNN's actions contrary to professional ethics in the past years and their distortion of the president's comments during his press conference on Saturday... no journalists from CNN will be authorised to come to Iran."

It continued: "Any revision in the decision depends on the performance of CNN in future."

A call to CNN's Atlanta headquarters was not immediately returned but the channel told viewers it had not yet been notified of the ban.

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:13 pm    Post subject: Re: CNN banned from Iran Reply with quote

Report: Iran lifts ban on CNN

Bad "translation"? Well, that's one way to look at it.

Maybe when Osama Bin Laden says: "I didn't do it! Honestly!" on tape, it translates to "kill all infidels!" ;)

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:24 pm    Post subject: Re: CNN banned from Iran Reply with quote

"Obviously, we're taking it very, very seriously. We will never use him again," owner Lesley Howard said, referring to the interpreter.

Lesley Howard Languages

Comprehensive language services for TV film & video

So, they usually make translation for subtitles and synchronization?

Well, we all know the quality of that. :lol

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 9:30 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

Hmmm...for some reason, I can't coax up a visual of Iran opening a nuclear powerplant anywhere in the future. Politics...the art of reaching mutual agreement to believe each other lies and then convince others they are truths.

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