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U.N. Nuke Watchdog Chief Visits Israel
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Joined: 08 Jan 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:46 pm    Post subject: Re: U.N. Nuke Watchdog Chief Visits Israel Reply with quote

When was the last time an Israeli beheaded anyone?

Good point, Larree. As we've seen in the series of ongoing videos, the Islamists saw off the heads of their victims while invoking the name of the local deity; "Allah is the greatest!"("Allahu Akbar")

We just don't see many videotapes these days of Orthodox Rabbis doing the same while screaming the Shema. Or of Methodists doing the same while shouting the Lord's Prayer (i.e. "Our Father Who art in heaven...")

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No More Peas!

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:57 pm    Post subject: when was the last time Reply with quote

anyone ran over innocent people with bulldozers?


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 2:12 pm    Post subject: Re: when was the last time Reply with quote

anyone ran over innocent people with bulldozers?

Not a problem among intelligent and civilized folks, Debbie. At least not for me. For example, I don't shoot at people and then run into a "crack house" for protection. And I have the basic common sense to get out of the way when heavy machinery is coming my way. Then again I've been around a few construction sites, so perhaps that's secret "insider" knowledge.

That's not to say there aren't some idiot kids who will line up and put their feet on a railroad track to see who dares keep his foot on the track longest as the train approaches("playing chicken"). Of course, if one (or more) of the dimwitted lads ends up hopping back home with only one foot, they really can't blame the train or the engineer!

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 6:19 pm    Post subject: Re: when was the last time Reply with quote

when was the last time anyone ran over innocent people with bulldozers?

How about...tanks?

Remember Tiananman Square?

(Debbie would be the one to try to justify the beheadings.)

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Edited by: LarreeMP3 at: 7/8/04 19:33
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 8:09 pm    Post subject: oh, give me strength ..... Reply with quote

Blix has more brains and integrity than all the liars and cretins who run the current US and UK governments put together. He said he couldn't find WMD and he was right. But they still invaded because they've been planning to do so for a long time. Standard Oil tried to persuade the US government to do so in 1919.

Ron, how can someone like you - who supports a US administration run by an asinine cretin who doesn't know that the word 'entrepreneur' is French - call a highly-educated person like Blix a 'dullard'?

What's Tiananmen Square (spell it right, for chrissake, Larree) got to do with the Middle East? Nobody here supports communist repression.

What do you mean that Debbie would justify beheadings? You talk rubbish, Larree, like Ron and DT. Complete rubbish.

Let's just remind you all of the basics before you start setting the agenda again:

1. In the hands of extremist, Judaism and Christianity are every bit as murderous and supremacist as Islam.

2. The number of killings suffered by Muslims at the hands of Zionists and Christians in the Middle East since 1967 far outweighs the number suffered by Jews and Christians at the hands of Muslims.

3. All the original excuses made for the illegal invasion of Iraq are now known to be false. There were no WMD, no link to Al Queda, and the idea that Americans 'liberate' other countries can be seen to be false when you look at their activities since 1948. They install puppet right-wing governments that feign democracy and clear the way for corporations to move in and exploit the territories for their natural resources.

4. All sensible Jews know that the expansion of the illegal settlements must stop. Israel is committing genocide and land-theft against the Palestine people, and the hard-line Zionist leaders who are doing it should be prosecuted by the International Court.

5. The USA knows that its oil-gap (it uses 22% of the world's resources and produces 6%) is potentially fatal. Deprived of oil, it's oil-dependent economy and military machine would collapse completely, and if it does not expand its markets across the globe its economy would also collapse. Therefore it has embarked on a project of global domination, where it can secure political control of all the strategic economic and military territories and impose its cultural tastes, opinions, mythology and values on other people (Ron makes an extremely minor contribution to this process by constantly spamming this board with right-wing rubbish and deflecting any critique of his own culture).

You are a very stupid and ignorant but highly manipulative lot, you really are.

By the way, Ron and DT, why haven't you answered my question on the other thread about the flaws in your way of life?

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 8:20 pm    Post subject: Re: oh, give me strength ..... Reply with quote

Thanks for the spelling correction, man.

You are still an asshole. Some things never change.

G-d bless America, Israel, and ALL the free people of the Earth. May everyone else who opposes freedom, love, and loud rock & roll music eat sh!t and die.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:11 pm    Post subject: Larree .... Reply with quote

... gimme a break, I'm just doing my job and reminding the public how stupid and ignorant you are so they don't waste time reading your posts. You might call that being an asshole (sic), but most people consider it a public service.

You need to start all over again with the basics in primary school.

"Hello boys and girls. This is Janet. And this is John ......."

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 10:23 pm    Post subject: Re: Larree .... Reply with quote

Your job? F*ck off.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 10:34 pm    Post subject: Phew .... Reply with quote

"G-d bless America, Israel, and ALL the free people of the Earth. May everyone else who opposes freedom, love, and loud rock & roll music eat sh!t and die." - Larree

That's just too intellectual for me, Larrikins, old boy. I just can't compete with the subtlety and incisiveness of thinking like that. You are obviously the reincarnation of Einstein.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 2:41 am    Post subject: Re: oh, give me strength ..... Reply with quote

All sensible Jews know

Another interesting Freudian slip for ya there, Larree.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 9:04 am    Post subject: Ron ... Reply with quote

"Another interesting Freudian slip for ya there, Larree."

You're a low-brow. You wouldn't understand Freud if you lived to be a hundred, even though I'm pretty sure you're close to that now.

You're a very manipulative little man, Ron.

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