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U.N. Lesson: Follow the Oil-for-Food Money
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Princess Of Hongkong

Joined: 01 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 12:21 pm    Post subject: Re: OK, cowboys ..... Reply with quote

Interjection - dildoes are great!! Vibrators too! And are great stress relievers!!

Please may I ask all posters on this thread to read:

this thread!

Thank you for your attention!

|Blah Blah|Thinking Out Loud|Jane Eliz|
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No More Peas!

Joined: 25 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 12:36 pm    Post subject: Well Ron and Chris, Reply with quote

I'd like you to show me where I responded on this thread with a single insult.

Please respond to my post to you Ron, before Seismo started with his dildo stuff. If you want to discuss Steve's "commands", let's also discuss Seismo's harassment and obscene behaviour, hmmm? How come you don't address that? From this post, to posting a picture of his female student with suggestive remarks a few months ago... If you want to discuss abuse of women and who has the longest relationships, let's discuss those records too. I think you cannot suggest something about someone elses relationships and then disregard it when it opens a can of worms. It's a pandora's box I am happy to explore with regards to anyone on this board.

I know you are a better person than to associate with such criminal minds as inhabit these boards, but "patriotism" makes strange bedfellows. You would come across as a lot wiser if you addressed issues with some perspective.

C'mon Ron, what say you?

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Joined: 29 May 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 1:13 pm    Post subject: OK ... Reply with quote

Debbie, they constantly lose arguments here and resort to pathologizing personal attacks that suggest their opponents are 'sick', suffering from bad relationships etc. etc.

It's crude and primitive, and what they can't seem to grasp is that educated people like ourselves are way, way above this.

I've brought this up in the 'Mike Burn' thread because I want something done about this.

And I have no qualms about continuing to assert that people who spread neo-con ideology around are telling lies, either wittingly or unwittingly, because it has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt that the ideology is a tissue of lies.

One of the reasons that most large societies have education systems with complex systems of tests and qualifications is that they have learnt that uneducated people with power are dangerous, as Diogenes realized about Alexander the Great ('great' imperialistic murderer, that is). Smaller tribal societies keep fools away from power because the elders who have proved themselves as wise can monitor fools personally and make sure they can't make important decisions. Money and image-based 20th politics, the mass media and the internet have destroyed that fragile filtering system, and the results are Bush and his followers.

When the fools are confronted by powerful arguments, they first try to smile their way out of it, then they get very nasty and personal. Sound familiar?

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