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Kenneth Bigley ......
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Joined: 20 Sep 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 12:15 am    Post subject: re Reply with quote

Q - "The only thing left to do is get rid of your political representatives at the ballot box..."

Those are dangerous words, Steve...I'd think twice about using them again. You see, there are those who will hold you responsible for the things you say...even if you do not hold to the concept of being responsible for ones own actions (including speach).

Q - "The real danger to the lives of innocent American people is not Islamic extremism but people like you, because the unshakeable belief you hold in the righteousness and 'exceptional' nature of your imperialistic, regressive, acquisitive, unsustainable and obsolete way of life will bring more violence upon you. And for that you will have nobody to blame but yourselves."

Ah...I the terrorists are not responsible for what they do...America is responsible for what the terrorists do. If you could only hear clearly what it is that you are saying.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 11:06 am    Post subject: the stupidity escalates Reply with quote

That's 'speech', not 'speach', you half-educated twit. I would expect the average 9 year old to be able to spell better than that.

I'll say it again. You and your political representatives - i.e. Bush and Blair - must be beaten soundly at the ballot-box. Democratically removed from office. If this can't be done, then there will be more war and violence. I'm entirely responsible for saying that. What are you going to do about it?

Terrorism against corporate America is a reaction to corporate America's actions around the globe since WWII, for which corporate America's rulers and the people who supported them and continue to support them - i.e. YOU - must be held personally responsible. I hear that very clearly. You need to hear it clearly also, and instead of sitting around spouting simple-minded propaganda you need to get yourself an education so that you can understand how these processes work.

You are a bunch of badly educated lying propagandists and bar-room gobshites. You know nothing of the complexities of international politics and economics. There were no WMD. You did not invade Iraq to liberate it. You want oil and political control of the Middle East. The complete mess you have made of that country is so far the greatest international crime of the 21st century, far outweighing 9/11 in terms of the number of deaths on both sides and the repercussions. The violence and chaos is worse than in the time under Saddam. How dare you moralise about impoliteness on a bb after you have done this? Corporate America under Bush and his international gangsters is a rogue, criminal state, and you are one of its active supporters.

Let my fellow-countryman Ken Bigley rest in peace and his family mourn in peace. Your attempt to use his death for your simple-minded propaganda purposes is beneath contempt, as low as it's possible to get. You disgust me.

You are swindling, bullying imperialists. If you want to stop violence and terrorism, GET YOUR TANKS, YOUR SWINDLING CORPORATIONS AND YOUR ARROGANT, SUPREMACIST SELF-IMAGE OUT OF OTHER PEOPLE'S COUNTRIES. Otherwise, prepare for more violence.

The more you post simple-minded propaganda on this board and all over the world's media the more desperate you look and the more thinking people will stop believing you. So just carry on.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 4:27 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

Woah, Steve. Sounds to me like you don't have a problem with what the terrorists long as it's "justified" in their eyes, and yours. Now that IS arrogance. Aren't you the same Steve that was using the example of the death penalty as something barbaric...and yet you attempt to justify killing Americans for other reasons? Your integrity has worn paper-thin with me.

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 4:38 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

Dear DT. Not too long ago you interpreted "remove...political rep's at the ballot box" into something else than 'vote them out'.

I suggest you read Steves post carefully.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 5:45 pm    Post subject: distortions Reply with quote

"Dear DT. Not too long ago you interpreted "remove...political rep's at the ballot box" into something else than 'vote them out'.

I suggest you read Steves post carefully."

- Galmin

I'm glad you spotted that. It confirms that intelligent observers can and will easily spot the very crude tactics of distortion and misrepresentation used by these people. DT, Ron and the others deliberately misread and distort the meaning of posts. It's a combination of paranoia and the desperate measures required to defend the indefensible. In his last post he has accused me yet again of 'justifying terrorism', a complete distortion of what I said. Like I said, it's a complete waste of time talking to them.

They will also censor you mercilessly. The FBI has just shut down over 20 anti-war and anti-globalisation sites hosted by US companies. They will do everything they can to prevent American people being exposed to the truth. Over 4 billion people are exposed to the lies of Rupert Murdoch's media empire because he owns and controls so much of the world's media. He is of course a rabid corporate barbarian.

The facts remain. A significant amount of the violence and bloodshed in the world today, including that perperated by Islamic terrorism, is the DIRECT result of 20th century US foreign policy. When the Soviet Union collapsed because of a combination of internal failures and the US-led arms race which forced the Soviet Union to spend over 70% of its GDP on armaments, the global balance of power was destroyed and the USA pounced on the opportunity to secure the resources and political control it needs to become the world's unassailable imperial superpower before its potential rival, China, could develop its industrial base to a position that could challenge it. The USA's corporate 'politicians' thought that they could bribe and bully their way through the Middle-East and establish control because all Arabs were corrupt and weak like the Al-Saud family. They did not bank on violent resistance from religious and political extremists who would rather die than bow down to it. Thus we have today's situation. Because the USA is so militarily powerful, terror is the only way for the militarily weak to resist. Things will remain like this - a condition of paranoia and alert punctuated by sporadic bursts of terrorist violence - until the corporate-controlled USA radically alters its foreign policies.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 6:39 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

Galmin - "I suggest you read Steves post carefully."

I suggest you do the same. It was vague, and could easily be interpreted to mean at least two different things. Hence, my friendly warning. I'm not going to worry about what Steve says...but there are those who would.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 7:09 pm    Post subject: rubbish Reply with quote

".... but there are those who would."

There is no way my post could have been misinterpreted, except DELIBERATELY. What did you think I was suggesting? That we assassinate right-wing politicians? :rolleyes

As for the "those who would" remark, remember that I'm a British citizen. I am not a subject of US law - and never will be. You can stuff your Homeland Security Act up your jacksie, mate. I'll say EXACTLY what I want to, and that includes the truth about US policy and the corporate barbarians who run your country. :bleh

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 11:18 am    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

I'm not going to worry about what Steve says

It is obvious that you do not. You seem much more worried about what you'd like to interpret into what he say, hence my suggestion to read his posts carefully.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 10:41 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

erm.... it was just a rant?



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