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Hey Ron/Seismic...
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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:06 pm    Post subject: Re: OK Reply with quote

Nice meeting you too Joe! Enjoy your life. Us attractive moderators wish you all the best.

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The Master68

Joined: 04 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:20 pm    Post subject: Re: Mincer-Meat Reply with quote

"Does anyone here doubt that Steve/Questionnaire//Russky Joe are one and the same?"

Nah, I don't think so. Steve can't stand my ass (and vice-versa) and he wouldn't have a normal conversation with me.


When you argue with a fool, be sure he isn't similarly occupied...


Music - Organismo Cibernetico (Cybernetic Organism)

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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:31 pm    Post subject: Re: Mincer-Meat Reply with quote

Interestingly I didn't think they were but this Russkey Joe made a very similar comment as Q about my susceptibility to flattery because of my good looks, hence the posters he doesn't like gets to stay?

I admire your attitude Master, explains why we're friends! :banana

|Blah Blah|Thinking Out Loud|Jane Eliz|
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Joined: 30 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:45 pm    Post subject: You can take the Geordie out of the mincer but . . . Reply with quote

"I get confused over spelling myself"

Yes, I noticed on the IC board when you spelled 'million' with one 'L'

So give yourself a hearty backslap and tummyful of mushy peas for being correct precisely half as many times as a broken clock


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The Master68

Joined: 04 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:19 pm    Post subject: Re: You can take the Geordie out of the mincer but . . . Reply with quote

"I admire your attitude Master, explains why we're friends!"

HAHAHA, I wonder what your opinion would be if this were "early 2003 bb"...

When I was flaming day and night. LMAO


When you argue with a fool, be sure he isn't similarly occupied...


Music - Organismo Cibernetico (Cybernetic Organism)

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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:25 pm    Post subject: Re: You can take the Geordie out of the mincer but . . . Reply with quote

hahahahahaha I think I was around then too though not as much as in 2002! Was this before or after it became cnet?

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The Master68

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:29 pm    Post subject: Re: You can take the Geordie out of the mincer but . . . Reply with quote


It was back when the FT anon army ruled the bb.

That was what made me stick around.

Watching Scott take such a lashing was hysterical to me, so I joined the fun and took it to a whole new level.

Quite a few hated me for that...

Good thing I never cared what anyone thought, huh?


When you argue with a fool, be sure he isn't similarly occupied...


Music - Organismo Cibernetico (Cybernetic Organism)

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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:43 pm    Post subject: Re: You can take the Geordie out of the mincer but . . . Reply with quote

FT anon? But they've been around for years......... So you know JDR and Larree?

|Blah Blah|Thinking Out Loud|Jane Eliz|
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The Master68

Joined: 04 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 5:03 pm    Post subject: Re: You can take the Geordie out of the mincer but . . . Reply with quote

Oh yeah.

They were there in full force at that time. LMAO

I photoshopped a pic of larree onto a chicken, once, I think.

He posted a pic of him flipping me off... It looked so funny I just couldn't help myself.

I made jdr's system crash from a "You are an idiot" (the one that bounced around the screen) page. That was accidental, though. I had a popup stopper and it stopped mine from crashing (a million little windows would pop up when you closed the page, if you didn't have popup stopper).


When you argue with a fool, be sure he isn't similarly occupied...


Music - Organismo Cibernetico (Cybernetic Organism)

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Seismic Anamoly

Joined: 22 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:34 pm    Post subject: Re: You can take the Geordie out of the mincer but . . . Reply with quote

I love it when people who call ME Stupid prove my points beyond a shadow of a doubt.....


russky joe:

"this place is a rednck snakepit....."

"....these assholes."

".....dumb tongue-tied guy called Seismic Anamoly...."

"....the biased mod...."

"....they crawl up her ass day after day...."

"Then the redneck shops the professor...."

"....arrogant Brit asshole...."

Stoopid Cossuck.

I'm setting my watch.

:aua :kiss :aua

Edited by: Seismic Anamoly  at: 12/1/04 21:41
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:56 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

I don't think Steve and joe are the same guys...but it's interesting how much their internalized anger can make people believe so. (There's a lesson there.) Inability to contain their insults, attitudes towards people who don't believe as they do, and so forth. They both have chosen very similar (and very popular/common) excuses to vent their anger on others...but the bottom line, and common denominator, is the unresolved anger itself. (There is most definitely a lesson there.)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 3:08 am    Post subject: Re: Hey Ron/Seismic... Reply with quote

Hi M68 -

I think I can add some background that might be helpful, but I'm a bit busy just now.

But the bottom line is pretty much as Chris has said. Attack the ideas, but don't attack the people.

I'll have some fun myself taking a playful poke at someone, but it's nothing personal. And I don't getworked up over it personally when I get jabbed back, lol.

If it's the frothing at the mouth, vile ranting stuff, I just shake my head - and often even get a good laugh (if it's directed my way, not attacking other fine people).

All of us on these boards will disagree with one another about something or other, but it's like the old saying about "disagreeing without being diagreeable".

Seperate the person from the opinion. If I disagree, I remember that "X is a great guy/gal (even if they're wrong, lol!)".

I think we have some of the best folks in the world here, Those of us in the US and from elsewhere - Mike, Galmin, Chris, Debbie, for example. That you and they have ideas that don't always jive with mine is what makes it interesting. It's good to have one's notions challanged.

I think the problem in question here is when a poster invests his/her own self-worth in posting. A message board, particularly a hot button issue one like this board, isn't the best place to look for others to validate one's opinion - much less validate one's self-worth! Ya just speak your mind and accept the cheers and/or the brickbats. And maybe learn something from someone else that you hadn't pondered before. Anyway, that's my way of looking at it.

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russky joe

Joined: 16 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 12:07 pm    Post subject: what hypocrisy Reply with quote

"But the bottom line is pretty much as Chris has said. Attack the ideas, but don't attack the people. I'll have some fun myself taking a playful poke at someone, but it's nothing personal. And I don't getworked up over it personally when I get jabbed back, lol."

Now I know why that professor and the Rockchick found it hard to drag themselves away from this frickin' board. It's like the sheer extent of the hypocrisy and stupidity from these Jesusland f*ckwits, and what you just said there should be put in schoolkids' textbooks as a frickin' example.

So you don't like ad hominem attacks, eh? So why have people like you supported US governments who flattened half of South America and South East Asia and murdered millions of peasants - soon to be repeated in the Middle East, folks, roll up to see the sequel - just so we could destroy their IDEAS like democratic liberal or socialist governments or - oh god forgive me for uttering the evil word itself - frickin' COMMUNISM. Ideas, kemosabe, ideas, but we didn't challenge them with cosy debates did we, to persuade them of the superiority of our ideas, we frickin' blew 'em to pieces and fried 'em.

Attack the ideas but don't attack the people? How much more frickin' PERSONAL do you want it to get? Did you ever see that famous photograph of Kim Phuc, the young Vietnamese girl running away from her burnt-out village scarred by OUR napalm? I'll remind everybody.

Do you know that there's a bunch of lying assholes around the net claiming that the photo was a frickin' set-up trying to discredit the USA? Are you one of those lying assholes? Maybe you think William Calley just had a moment of madness at My-Lai, huh?

What do you do to distract attention away from these issues. You post a constant drip-feed of nasty things other frickin' nations have done. Nobody is arguing with that, Ron, but it's not the point because we're the frickin' bully-boys now.

How many thousands of tons of frickin' explosives and napalm did it take to destroy these other people's frickin' IDEAS, then, Hi-Hoe Silver? No wonder the Muslims are frickin' SCARED SHITLESS of us. That's why they took up terrorism. Do you get it? Terror for terror.

It's not just your ideas the world is getting angry about, it's you, and all the other embarrassing Bush-voting morons who have turned my adopted country into a bullying, murdering war machine.

You can be as slimy and frickin' 'friendly' as you like, kemosabe, brown-nosing your way into people's affections, but it doesn't alter the fact that underneath that you and all the other assholes like you are fools, liars and accomplices to murder.

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Joined: 18 Apr 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 1:38 pm    Post subject: I dunno... Reply with quote

Considering all the circus acts that have come and gone over the years the saddest one so far is by the guy who surrounds himself with current and x-drug addicts, former prostitutes & the mentally ill to to carry forward his twisted agendas, and for anyone to use some dumb chick to do the same is just as low IMHO.. (Someone is definitely taking advantage of the dimwitted here..)

I've browsed this forum from time to time over the last few years and this place has hosted some of the most extremist crap I've seen in my life and the moderator expects to be believed that's she's some innocent air-headed chick who doesn't know any better???

Chris.., I thought you're such a busy girl with two bands and all the rest??? Look, if you need favors so badly just fork Tony over more money and maybe you'll get to rub shoulders with some of his higher-up hanger-ons, your odds would be a little better me thinks..

Do yourself a favor and shut down this stupid forum.

Edited by: Sterling30 at: 12/2/04 14:26
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Princess Of Hongkong

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 4:32 pm    Post subject: Re: I dunno... Reply with quote

Hi Joe! I see you couldn't stay away!

Dreamtone & Ron - excellent posts.

Sterling - I guess you didn't read any of this thread which asked people not to get personal. Your entire post had nothing to do with politics or war. Sounds like you're venting about me.

So yet again I close another thread.....

|Blah Blah|Thinking Out Loud|Jane Eliz|
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