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any one use ouigi boards?
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Joined: 10 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 4:19 pm    Post subject: Re: Help please...... Reply with quote is the best. do cleansing rituals. silver raven wolf has some intro books with chapters on ouigi boards.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 4:27 am    Post subject: Thanks Reply with quote

Ok thank you much man...

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Joined: 06 Dec 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 7:02 am    Post subject: GUYS PLEASE DONT EVEN DO IT Reply with quote

The ouiga is something you do not want to mess with. If you believe in spirits, know that the spirits you talk to are not dead relatives or ancestors those are caused by familiar spirits ie: Demons.

preists of many old empires used the ouiga board as a gateway to dead. The problem is that the spirits they contact tell them stories to mislead them or are all sneaky lies told behind truths. In more intense cases people who frequented them were either hounded or even possessed by these evil spirits.

Don't trust the Board.

Lev. 19:31 "Do not go to mediums or consult fortunetellers, for you will be defiled by them. I the Lord am your God."

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 1:35 pm    Post subject: Re: GUYS PLEASE DONT EVEN DO IT Reply with quote

no offense, but leviticus has lots of weird verses which dr. laura likes to recite. i think it is ther it says to kill witches also. if all the witches are dead the local people must give money to church and have magic performed by a local priest.

what is a witch? just a person who follows an earth based religion such as strega (italian), wicca or american indians who are their own priest.

having said that is a good site. personally i would never use or suggest using one as a toy or to cunsult a dead family member nor would i do a seance.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 12:17 am    Post subject: Re: GUYS PLEASE DONT EVEN DO IT Reply with quote

Cause you don't understand how and the surrouding times it was written. It was during a time before Christ when the only people under God were the Jews and back in those days of ancient times witches frequently did sacrifices and cunsult with demons. Since the God's first chosen people were not to mess with anything of a demonic or blackmagic nature, God ordered them not to suffer a witch to live. Remember what happened during the exodus; the people built a golden calf idol and they were sent to wander around for 40 years. In other words, in the old Testament if you were caught around people who dwelled in blackmagic you were considered to be apart of them. I just used that qoute as a reference for anyone who was Christian or Jewish and would spot it.

If you can't relate to Leviticus then read the New Testament, In that book there were cases where witches were turned away from their old arts and became christian never to touch the black arts again.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 8:13 pm    Post subject: Re: GUYS PLEASE DONT EVEN DO IT Reply with quote

thank you why and i will be polite by saying there are 2 sides to every story and the winner gets to write the history book.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 11:35 pm    Post subject: Re: any one use ouigi boards? Reply with quote


for religions in general very good.

Goddess worship in ancient times:

Circa 35,000 BCE saw the emergence of the Cro-Magnon people, the first recognizable humans. From then until about 8000 BCE, our ancestors organized themselves into hunter-gatherer societies. Humans alone have developed the realization that their life was finite; that they would all die. This resulted in the development of the primitive religious beliefs. Societies which relied mainly on hunting by men naturally developed hunting gods to worship. Those in which gathering was more reliable generally created vegetative Goddesses. The importance of fertility in crops, in domesticated animals, in wild animals and in the tribe itself were of paramount importance to their survival. The female life-giving principle was considered divine and a great mystery. Some Goddess statues still survive from this era. One web site contains photographs of Goddess statues from circa 30,000 BCE to 1987 CE. 1

It is important to realize that many of these findings by archeologists and historians are speculative in nature. For example, the interpretation that the old European culture stressed the female as divine is largely based on the number of carvings of a female shape found from this era. Some point to the relative lack of equivalent male statues as evidence of a Goddess culture. Others suggest that the female statues might have been the old European culture's equivalent of modern-day erotic photographs.

This "old European" culture lasted for tens of thousands of years in what is now Europe. They generally lived in peace; there is a notable lack of defensive fortifications around their hamlets. As evidenced by their funeral customs, males and females appear to have had equal status. Many historians and archeologists believe that:

Their society was matrilineal; children took their mothers' names.

Life was based on lunar (not solar) calendar.

Time was experienced as a repetitive cycle, not linearly as we think of it.

Many academics believe that the suppression of Goddess worship in Western Europe occurred a few thousand years BCE, when the Indo-Europeans invaded Europe from the East. They brought with them some of the "refinements" of modern civilization: the horse, war, belief in male Gods, exploitation of nature, knowledge of the male role in procreation, etc. Goddess worship was gradually combined with worship of male Gods to produce a variety of Pagan religions, among the Greeks, Romans, Celts, etc. Author Leonard Shlain offers a fascinating alternative explination. He proposed that the invention of writing "rewired the human brain, with profound consequences for culture. Making remarkable connections across a wide range of subjects including brain function, anthropology, history, and religion, Shlain argues that literacy reinforced the brain's linear, abstract, predominantly masculine left hemisphere at the expense of the holistic, iconic feminine right one. This shift upset the balance between men and women initiating the disappearance of goddesses, the abhorrence of images, and, in literacy's early stages, the decline of women's political status. Patriarchy and misogyny followed."

Goddess Worship during Biblical times:

Further south, as Judaism, Christianity & eventually Islam evolved. The Pagan religions were suppressed and the female principle was gradually driven out of religion. Women were reduced to a level inferior to men. The God, King, Priest & Father replaced the Goddess, Queen, Priestess & Mother. The role of women became restricted. A woman's testimony was not considered significant in Jewish courts; women were not allowed to speak in Christian churches; positions of authority in the church were limited to men. Young women are often portrayed in the Bible as possessions of their fathers. After marriage, they are generally viewed as possessions of their husbands. Yeshua of Nazareth (a.k.a. Jesus Christ) rejected millennia of religious tradition by treating women as equals. Women played a major role in the early Christian church. Later, epistle (letter) writers who wrote in the name of Paul, started the process of suppressing women once more.

A feminine presence was added to Christianity by the Council of Ephesus in 431 CE when the Virgin Mary was named Theotokos (Mother of God). But her role was heavily restricted and included none of the fertility component present in Pagan religions. A low point in the fortunes of women was reached during the very late Middle Ages, when many tens of thousands of suspected female witches (and a smaller proportion of males) were exterminated by burning and hanging over a three century interval. Today, respect for the Virgin Mary as a submissive mother is widespread, particularly in Roman Catholicism.

i suggest reading about paganism on this site so u=you will see some truth about other religions and they do not deal with demons necessarilly.:w

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Joined: 06 Dec 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 4:43 am    Post subject: Re: any one use ouigi boards? Reply with quote

Not really. You have to read the Bible, especially the Old Testament to understand the true origins. You see Scientists, archeologist and so on usually will take the side of the Pagans or any pagan religion over lets say the Ancient Jews in particular. The reason why is because the Ancient Jews wrote on stone while most acheologist trust civilizations who write on paper. The pagans had paper first(ancient Egypt) so the slant is more on paganism and the fact that some of the worlds most popular and freestanding structures of the old world were built by pagans.

But the truth is if you want to dig deeper, the Hebrews and Jericho are even older than Egypt. The modern day pagans stem from only 1955.

Also there is the whole spiritual tone to it. Most people who examine it very close know that the Bible is the best historical connection to the old world. And in the Bible it lists that the believers of Yahweh or (the Judeo Christian GOD) were mostly enslaved or killed by other empires. ie: The Eyptians, Babylonians, Romans. So it is natural that those empires would get the say on who is better. On the other hand history proves to show the big picture, and out of all ancient empires or paganism and ancient times, the Jews who believed in the Judeo-Christian God are the only people who still have an empire to this day (with christians being in more scattered empires around the world).

Whether or not some pagans deal with demons or not, God is a jealous God and he can't stand glory to another statue or spirit. In the Old Testament when the Jews worshiped a golden calf they were punished afterward by wandering in the desert. Even in written history Judeo-Christian culture was frequently attacked by pagan nations. When the Christians refused to put idols of Jupiter or Apollo in their temples, they were massacred. In medival Europe, Christian empires where usually attacked by Slavs, Vikings, Huns and the Islamic invasion of Tours, France. In fact if that famous stand wasn't taken by the Irish against the Norse, the entire British Isles and other countries influenced by them might have lost Christianity forever.

Back to the ouiji board, I feel its really dangerous. That has been cronicled to have deadly effects. Its not as innocent as it looks.

If you are willing to look at the ouiji board from a Christian perspective there are some posts from a message board I found. PLEASE LOOk at them immediately before you touch the board.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 7:24 pm    Post subject: Re: any one use ouigi boards? Reply with quote

i would never use one in my house.

ah yes the golden calf... did not moses have something like 3500 isrealites slaughtered for worshiping the golden calf. strange it was moses' brother who made the calf and nothing happened to him seems like selective punishment

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:37 am    Post subject: Re: Reply with quote

"ah yes the golden calf... did not moses have something like 3500 isrealites slaughtered for worshiping the golden calf. strange it was moses' brother who made the calf and nothing happened to him seems like selective punishment"

And who are you to put him or God's decision on trial? Your not as innocent and clean as you think. What God's judgement is, it is. You and anyone else has no right to put Him on trial. But on the other hand he can put us on trail, He and only He has that right.

Know that many more Jews were killed and enslaved for 400 years in Egypt by the Pharoh. And you had a few thousand more die at the hands of the Romans. I think Moses is the least of their problems.

I am glad you would never use an ouiji board in your house. I don't want to sound like some priest but when God says no its for your own good, He's looking out for you and that is the truth. The ouiji board does great harm and I nearly fell to it once when I was young.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 3:35 pm    Post subject: Re: Re: Reply with quote

you are not sticking to my question. moses executed 3500 hebrews but would not execute his brother. does not seem right to me. if god was a just and fair god he would have executed all or none who worshipped the golden calf...

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 9:41 pm    Post subject: Re: Reply with quote

And your not sticking to my answer, You are no one to put Moses or God on trial about what is right or wrong; what should be done and what shouldn't. You, a human, do not decide on such things or have the right to judge God on what was done. Remember Moses was responsible for freeing them from the Pharoh's oppression as well.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 9:58 pm    Post subject: Re: Reply with quote

If you want to hear the best explaination I can give on why he killed off those Hebrews is because they most likely were not only worshipping the golden calf, they also prompted, tried to convince and pervert the other Hebrews to not follow the God that gave them liberty from slavery. Those Hebrews who worshipped the golden calf also prompted and tried to convince the other Hebrews to go back into egypt under the oppression of the Pharoh. So Moses couldn't walk around with a bunch of folks who would probably betray him or maybe do their best to sabotage him and the rest of the Hebrews on their journey, so he killed them off. Why was Aaron spared? Well God knows the hearts of man, Aaron probably repented and felt remorse for his wrong and was taken pitty on. For all we know more than just 3500 hebrews worshipped that calf and were forgiven.

Remember God is not unfair. Know that God promised these people their own land and they surely got their own land. If you don't believe me, just look around you today, there is a nation called Israel. He is very much fair.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 2:31 pm    Post subject: Re: Re: Reply with quote

and once again isreal stole peoples' land (the palistinians')well you have no proof why arron was spared. all that is just your opinion as none of us were ther. equally correct is moses was just a facist/nazi/zionist dictaator who ruled with an iron fist as saddam hussain did killing anyone who dissagreed with him. after all i america we have the right to practice any religion we want openly however in nazi germany, communist russia, colonial america in salem massachesetts, iraq, iran and more you cannot. sounds to me moses was just a dicktator in the vein of hitler, saddam husain, mao tse tung and stalin...

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Joined: 06 Dec 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 10:25 pm    Post subject: Re: Reply with quote

"and once again isreal stole peoples' land (the palistinians)"

God said He would give his original people, the Hebrews, the very land where Israel is stated. The Israelies fought off the Cannites to get that land and afterward after years of pagan invasions, they were robbed of that land and spread over the world. But God's promise is always true and now the Jews are back in that land. It was promised to the Hebrews since the days of Abraham and how do you say that they robbed it? If you beleive that it was robbed then you call God a theif because He promised it to them.

"well you have no proof why arron was spared"

Likewise you have no proof that Aaron didn't repent. You are no one to know God's plan.

"as none of us were there"

And neither were you there, so how do you call Moses a Hitler? Its a hypocritical statement. But on the other hand these people who read the books were there and they saw these things take place. So I trust them. As for that being my opinion, your opinion of having Moses as Hitler and God as an unfair deity is even worse.

"after all i america we have the right to practice any religion we want openly"

I never asked what kind of religion you practiced, but I know the truth, as I stated before in the original topic, the ouiji board is dangerous and I will not lead other people to that danger just for the sake of respecting another persons religion.

Yes and Godbless america that we have the right to practice any religion, that's why I have the right to practice mine but lately my right to religious practice has been eraticated from my schools while images of witches, vampires, werewolves and various other religions were free to intergrate into them.

"that is just your opinion"

That isn't my opinion since you were not there either you did not see the times and the dangers of that era. Many of those Hebrews did want to go back to Pharoh and if that practice went wide spread all of the Hebrews would have been back into captivity; maybe not of the whip but of the soul.

Now about Aaron and the 3000 Jews. When Moses came back and saw the trouble he asked Aaron why did he do it. Aaron claimed he was forced to by the others. (We are not to judge Aaron Rev9 for that is up to God, I'm sure you and me are no better than he is.) Now listen to this...Moses then called to the crowd and asked who was on his side. Some came to him, some did not so Moses then said go and kill THE RING LEADERS. Now he said the Ring Leaders, because we all know when a blindman leads another blindman they both fall into a ditch. Now read it closley. The Ring Leaders not every single person. This is not my opinion. This is written in the book. If you distrust me, I will go as far as posting that entire passage from Exodus on this board, by your request.

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