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hunting for bambi
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debbie mannas

Joined: 30 Sep 2002
Posts: 1352

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:10 am    Post subject: Re: hunting for bambi Reply with quote

Consenting Adults??? No sex slaves in the US???

Its more than likely these women are doing it because they are utterly terrified and under threat, or simply must, just to survive. Being hit by a paintball fired at you is NOT fun.


By Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles.

Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles

Around 50,000 women and children are being brought into the United States

every year to work as prostitutes or as virtual slaves, according to an

unpublished report by the CIA. Among those sold into forced labour are

girls as young as nine, it claims.

Women who answer advertisements for jobs as au pairs, secretaries or

waitresses find themselves forced to work as prostitutes or strippers and

some are sold outright to brothel owners, the report says.

The women and children are being brought from a variety of countries, with

Thailand, Vietnam, China, Mexico, Russia and the Czech Republic heading the

list. The report suggests that an increasing number are coming from the

Philippines, Korea, Malaysia, Latvia, Hungary, Poland, Brazil and Honduras.

There has been a huge rise in the sale of women into servitude because such

trafficking is booming in eastern Europe. According to the report,

traffickers in the former Soviet Union have been particularly aggressive in

taking advantage of young women who are desperate to enter western

countries and unaware of what type of work awaits them.

Girls as young as nine from Asian and African countries have been sold into

slavery in the US `for less than the price of a toaster', according to the

survey, the first of its kind. Girls from countries where female children

are not highly valued are among the most vulnerable and may be forced to

work in what the report describes as `an indentured sexual servitude


lthough the justice department does not have accurate figures, it is

estimated that over the last two years prosecutions have been brought in

only 250 out of a possible 100,000 cases. In one case last year, involving

70 Thai workers forced to work 20-hour days, the punishments for their

seven employers ranged from four to seven years.

`These low penalties and the long, complicated and resource-intensive

nature of trafficking cases tends to make them unattractive to many United

States attorneys,' concludes the report by a CIA analyst, which was

published by the New York Times yesterday.

One problem in prosecuting offenders has been that the women often speak no

English and are more frightened of the police than their employers. In

addition, such cases often appear to fall between different departments,

such as the FBI, the immigration service and the labour department.

The women found working in brothels without proper documentation are

usually deported rather than allowed to stay and testify against brothel

owners or the traffickers, the report says.

Among the women and children cited in the report are a Latvian woman who

was forced to dance nude in Chicago, Mexican teenagers bullied into

servicing migrant workers at a brothel and Chinese-Korean women made to

work as indentured labour at such low wages that they could not extricate

themselves from the situation.

The report says immigration authorities have found evidence of 250 brothels

in 26 cities where victims of trafficking are working.

Some Nigerian traffickers have profited doubly from the trade, charging

parents as much as $10,000 to bring their children to New York for `better

educational opportunities' and then selling the children into forced

domestic labour.

Worldwide, the problem is increasing, the report concludes. It estimates

that between 700,000 and 2m women and children are victims of the growing

trade in human forced labour.

GUARDIAN 03/04/2000 P11

Man gets 18 years for keeping sex slaves in bunker

Associated Press

Jul. 15, 2003 08:30 AM

SYRACUSE, N.Y. - A retired handyman who admitted keeping five women as sex slaves in an underground bunker in his back yard was sentenced Tuesday to 18 years to life in prison.

County Judge Anthony Aloi ignored a plea for leniency from John Jamelske's lawyer, who asked for a penalty of 15 years to life.

"You are a sick coward. You are an evil man. You are a kidnapper and rapist, a master manipulator of people and the truth, but your reign of terror is over," Aloi told Jamelske.

Jamelske cried in court and apologized: "I'm sorry for what I did and how it affected everyone."

Jamelske, 68, pleaded guilty last month to kidnapping five women and girls and holding them as sex slaves between 1988 and 2003 in a concrete bunker he built 3 feet underground, behind his home in DeWitt, a Syracuse suburb.

Aloi said Jamelske "should die in prison for what you have done to these five women."

Each count carried a maximum penalty of 25 years to life in prison, which meant Jamelske could have served up to 125 years behind bars if convicted at trial and sentences were combined.

Jamelske told authorities he began seeking out girls and women in 1988, after his wife became bedridden and couldn't satisfy his sexual urges. She died in 1999.

Jamelske was arrested in April after his most recent victim, a 16-year-old girl, managed to call her sister when Jamelske took her out on errands after six months of captivity.

After Jamelske's arrest, police identified four other women who said he had abducted and raped them since 1988. The victims ranged in age from 13 to 53 and were held in the bunker from two months to three years.

The bunker is linked to Jamelske's home by a steel door, hidden behind tens of thousands of empty bottles and cans, that led to a series of crawl spaces and doors.

Deputies who searched the house said they found photographs of women chained to a wall. They also say they found diaries Jamelske forced his victims to keep, recording details such as when they were raped, when they showered and when they brushed their teeth.

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Joined: 10 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 2:51 am    Post subject: Re: hunting for bambi Reply with quote

yes debbie i remember that. he will suffer a long time in prison. in fact i have no problem with exectuing him or atleast do to him what he did to those ladies. why don't you say america is full of child abusers. yes on july 6th a baby was found that was 3 days old and had spent 3 days in a bag and besides malnurished was bitten by a bunch of fleas.

by the way debbie besides atleast 1 member standing up which i am proud for at that big demonstration a couple of weeks ago. in general what has any of the several countries your ancestors do to better the world?

america 2 world wars. korea, vietnam twice in haiti, yougalslavia, iraq.. to name some. hey atleast we try.

i duno hong kong seems to have been in china once. what about the zillions of women who had their feet bound for hundreds of years? in a country the size of china it is hard to believe there is not one women with bound feet.

i know the term is not neuveau riche (sp?) it is neuveau moral :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua :aua

yes i can copy and past laughing emoticons also...:gl

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