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Taking a stab at understanding conservatives...
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 4:30 pm    Post subject: Re: Taking a stab at understanding conservatives... Reply with quote

the reality is blacks commit more (higher percentage) of muggins etc. than whites. so keep your purses clutched... i live in the washington dc area and i ahev never heard on tv a mugger being anything but black. what someone does inside their house is none of my business, but the radical gays agenda i do not agree with...

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The Master68

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 4:45 pm    Post subject: Taking a stab at understanding conservatives... Reply with quote

I've been watching "The Andy Griffith Show" on DVD and last night, it occurred to me that back in the days when this was on the air, the world was a different place (the south, anyway).

And seeing all the changes in the world, I can see why conservative people are so outraged. It's as if their way of life is being destroyed. Here, you have Andy always covering for Barney's incompetence in a way that makes Barney feel good about himself as if he did the right thing.

When someone had hard times, the town chipped in and held rummage sales and things like that to raise money for the person.

You just got an impression of a simpler time.

Now, I know the show is fiction, but my dad has told me many times about how things were when he was young. People went to visit each other on Sundays. My grandma would get him and my aunt & uncle and dress them up and they would go walking around the neighborhood, visiting relatives and friends.

And everyone stuck by each other, too, just like in Mayberry.

That world is long gone.

Nowadays, people are out to take what they can (I know, not EVERYONE..) from you. There's not much loyalty in the world, anymore.

It's too easy to turn your back on someone. And more and more people are becoming anti-social from the simple fact that they can't trust other people to be loyal.

Also in those days, things like gays and blacks were so suppressed, that you never heard anything about them.

Out of sight, out of mind, I guess.

Because people are acting like all of the sudden these gays are coming out of the woodwork and destroying their way of life. But the reality is the gays have always been here.

Blacks are almost free from that era. They have all the rights that whites have, but there is still that little element that they have to deal with (hearing doors lock when they walk by, seeing women clutch their purse, etc).

I'm sure, eventually, that will go away.

But for that to happen, the old school will have to completely die out.

Yeah, people teach their kids the same hateful "values", but the effect is getting weaker in each generation.


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Music - Organismo Cibernetico (Cybernetic Organism)

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 6:40 pm    Post subject: Re: Taking a stab at understanding conservatives... Reply with quote

M68 - "But for that to happen, the old school will have to completely die out.

Yeah, people teach their kids the same hateful "values", but the effect is getting weaker in each generation."

Those two sentences together are ironic. You say the effect is getting weaker, and yet in the sentence before claim that in order to right something, the old school (which upheld the higher moral values you previously praised) will have to die out. Seems to me the effect is getting stronger, not weaker.

On gays, there is more to it than just what you say. Redefining marriage for the sake of pacifying people who parade their sexual preference down the street (Gay Pride parades, etc) is not a good idea. Not just because it violates the concept of marriage, but also because it is similar to what we have been arguing about over the way Islamic terrorists are being placated in Europe. Give them an inch, and they will try to take a mile...and all the other factional issues will come out of the woodwork to make things worse. Pretty soon there will be NAMBLA members looking to justify what they do. It (homosexual "marriage") is the first step down a slippery moral slope...once you get going, it will be hard to turn back.

But I do agree with much of what you say in the first part of your post M68. Those were better times...not because there was racial intollerance, but because people valued their relationships with each other. BTW, things like TVs, ATMs and such that were matters of convenience have now become matters of neccesity, and serve to further detract from our daily contact with other REAL people. This serves to further erode our social structure.

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 7:07 pm    Post subject: Re: Taking a stab at understanding conservatives... Reply with quote

On gays, there is more to it than just what you say. Redefining marriage for the sake of pacifying people who parade their sexual preference down the street (Gay Pride parades, etc) is not a good idea. Not just because it violates the concept of marriage, but also because it is similar to what we have been arguing about over the way Islamic terrorists are being placated in Europe.

Are you dragging the "the Netherlands appeases terrorists"-baloney into this aswell? Splendid.

Soon we'll be having a discussion about the definition on 'War on Terror' and how many tons of oil the US shipped to Le Havre before june 1940.

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The Master68

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 7:33 pm    Post subject: Re: Taking a stab at understanding conservatives... Reply with quote

"On gays, there is more to it than just what you say. Redefining marriage for the sake of pacifying people who parade their sexual preference down the street (Gay Pride parades, etc) is not a good idea. Not just because it violates the concept of marriage, but also because it is similar to what we have been arguing about over the way Islamic terrorists are being placated in Europe. Give them an inch, and they will try to take a mile...and all the other factional issues will come out of the woodwork to make things worse."

That is ridiculous...

All they want are the same rights. It's people like YOU that think they aren't born that way. That it's some sickness..

It's just how some people are. Just like some people are black.


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Music - Organismo Cibernetico (Cybernetic Organism)

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 8:23 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

M68 - "All they want are the same rights. It's people like YOU that think they aren't born that way. That it's some sickness..

It's just how some people are. Just like some people are black."

I'm not sure I disagree with you...however, some people claim to be "born" pedophiles...does this mean that we should accept what they do as being OK? I am not the judge as far as what consenting adults do behind closed doors...but when they bring it out into the open so that it has an effect on the lives of everyone else, it is a different story. If you think open homosexuality/lesbianism doesn't effect kids, think again. It's like radioactivity or food will be generations before the full effect on our society is known. And by then, of course, it will be too it already is in some ways, I'm sure.

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The Master68

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 9:40 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

"however, some people claim to be "born" pedophiles...does this mean that we should accept what they do as being OK?"

Let's go line by line... Nothing perpetrated against children is OK. Gay adults are NOT children. As for pedophiles, I believe they are born that way, but, a CHILD is involved, so that is an entirely different matter...

"I am not the judge as far as what consenting adults do behind closed doors...but when they bring it out into the open so that it has an effect on the lives of everyone else, it is a different story."

What are you talking about? It's not like they suck each other off on the sidewalks for kids to see. How is their holding hands gonna shatter a child? That is stupid.

"If you think open homosexuality/lesbianism doesn't effect kids, think again."

Explain the effect. Tell me about the kids you know about that grew up around homosexuality and tell me how bad off they are as a result.


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Music - Organismo Cibernetico (Cybernetic Organism)

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 10:22 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

As I said, it's going to take time to see the full effect of what is happening right now...but I'd bet the farm that there are going to be results that are not good. For one thing, there is the issue of gender roles in society. Homosexuals/Lesbians may soon be allowed into the adoption process. You have to look down the road to see the full effect of things...and there will always be some that a person can't predict. The world is confusing enough for kids right now, as you have already indicated in other posts. Now we're going to confuse the issue further by having two "fathers" or two "mothers". Tell me that's not going to have an effect on a child's psychological development. I think that there is a good reason that lesbian or homosexual couples can't naturally have children. As much as I like David Crosby's music, I think his donation of sperm so that Melissa Etheridge could have a child was exremely irresponsible, and downright stupid.

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The Master68

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 3:53 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

"Tell me that's not going to have an effect on a child's psychological development."

How so? The only adverse effect it would have is from young kids that think like you do, teasing and taunting them. It sure as hell wouldn't come from those evil, vile, gay parents who would love the child.

So you should look in the mirror for the root cause of their psychological development.


When you argue with a fool, be sure he isn't similarly occupied...


Music - Organismo Cibernetico (Cybernetic Organism)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 8:54 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

M68 - "The only adverse effect it would have is from young kids that think like you do, teasing and taunting them."

Well...if that's all you can see, then that's all you can see. I can't help you there.

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The Master68

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 9:41 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

There's nothing to be helped, except your small minded attitude.


When you argue with a fool, be sure he isn't similarly occupied...


Music - Organismo Cibernetico (Cybernetic Organism)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 10:16 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

I do appreciate your sentiment in starting this thread, anyway. It was nice in the beginning.

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The Master68

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 4:59 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

Can't take it, huh?

I finally see why Steve Hall is as arrogant as he is.

Morons like you make him that way.

Steve, I owe you an apology.


When you argue with a fool, be sure he isn't similarly occupied...


Music - Organismo Cibernetico (Cybernetic Organism)

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Joined: 20 Sep 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 8:53 pm    Post subject: re Reply with quote

M68 - "Steve, I owe you an apology."

I'm sure he'll be glad to hear that...

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Cybernetic Organism68

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 9:36 pm    Post subject: Re: re Reply with quote

Yeah, preacherman, I'm sure he will...

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