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You little fruitcake
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 11:46 pm    Post subject: Re: You little fruitcake Reply with quote

This is hilarious!!!!!!! Yay for the lunatics!

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Generally Crazy Guy

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:42 am    Post subject: You little fruitcake Reply with quote

...does this sound like on the BB's or what????? :D :D :D

You little fruitcake, you little fruitcake,

I said you are a fruitcake.

-- Rep. Pete Stark, as quoted by Rep. Kenny Hulshof


Police called during House meeting

Accusations of name-calling and threats

From Steve Turnham

CNN Washington Bureau

Friday, July 18, 2003 Posted: 7:28 PM EDT (2328 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Capitol Police were called Friday to a contentious House committee meeting marked by a Democratic walkout and accusations of name-calling, vulgarity and physical threats.

Witnesses described flaring tempers. One GOP lawmaker said he almost came to blows with a Democratic colleague he said was threatening him.

The police told lawmakers to work things out themselves and took no action.

The partisan bickering later spilled over onto the House floor, where Democrats and Republicans offered conflicting accounts about what happened in the Ways and Means Committee meeting on a pension plan bill.

The whole thing blew up, witnesses said, when Democrats complained of the way committee's Republican chairman, Rep. Bill Thomas of California, was running the session.

The Democrats said they needed more time to review some changes in the legislation after getting them only the night before.

When they could not to get a line-by-line reading of the bill, a common parliamentary tactic, they walked out and gathered to talk in a library at the back of the meeting room. Thomas, who has a reputation for being blunt, had his staff call the cops.

Democrats said Thomas called police to get them out of the room. Republicans said the police were called because one Democrat, Rep. Pete Stark of California, got out of hand.

Stark, they said, stayed behind after his colleagues left the committee room to berate Thomas and other committee Republicans.

According to a Democratic aide, the police came, scratched their heads, referred the matter to the House sergeant at arms, who told the committee members to work it out themselves. The Democrats eventually left.

But the matter didn't end there.

Democrats and Republicans hurried to the House floor to denounce one another and give varying versions of what exactly happened.

And long-simmering resentments came to the surface with Democrats -- in the minority -- accusing Republicans of using heavy handed tactics to get what they want.

"We're not taking it anymore," declared House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California.

But Republicans said it was the Democrats who started it.

Stark "threatened me with physical harm," said Rep. Scott McInnis of Colorado, a Republican who sits on the committee.

"I think it was entirely appropriate for the chairman of the committee to call the sergeant at arms and the Capitol Police," McInnis said. "I considered that a bodily threat and I fully intended to defend myself. To calm this down -- that is why the chairman did that."

Rep. Kenny Hulshof, a Missouri Republican who sits on the committee, read what he described as a transcript of the meeting.

In it, he quoted Stark as saying to McInnis, "You little fruitcake, you little fruitcake, I said you are a fruitcake."

And, according a Republican leadership aide, the 72-year-old Stark called Thomas a vulgarity.

Stark's office disputed that charge. "I just talked to the congressman, and he didn't say any such thing," said Lindsey Capps, Stark's press secretary.

Democrat John Lewis of Georgia likened the appearance of the police to his struggle against Southern police chiefs during the Civil Rights era.

"We will not be intimidated, we will not be immobilized; we live in a democracy and not a police state," Lewis said.

The outrage and indignation came fast and furious from both sides on the House floor.

"How outrageous," Pelosi said before introducing a resolution to condemn Thomas for the way he handled the hearing. The resolution failed on a party line vote.

"The Ways and Means Democrats were subjected to an indignity, an indignity no member should have to endure," said Pelosi.

"Make no mistake about this the police were summoned to remove these Democratic members because the chairman didn't want them in the room and for no other reason."

But Rep. Jim McCrery, R-Louisiana, said "the behavior of the minority ... warranted the sergeant at arms being called."

The legislation, by the way, remains before the committee. It would increase the amount of money Americans can put into retirement accounts and change some of the rules dealing with those plans. The bill is H.R. 1776.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 2:58 am    Post subject: Re: You little fruitcake Reply with quote

wow mike another copy and paste. don't you have anything else to do besides bash americans? still sore you lost 2 world wars. still sore your country did not get to rule the world. sure sounds like it. you act like your country is the best in the world and america is the worst of all. i duno mike i think you are still sore and embarrassed that hitler's 3rd rich lost. you sure act like a nazi.

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Generally Crazy Guy

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:04 pm    Post subject: Re: You little fruitcake Reply with quote

NRKofOver :D :D :D


it is your own sorry problem if you can't see

the parallels to BB-Life and come back to events,

which happened 60 years ago.

Is it also this dusty in your living room?

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 11:09 am    Post subject: Re: You little fruitcake Reply with quote

nope not dusty in my living room because i live in a modern country and have a central airconditioner and the same with a heater..... do you?

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 12:13 pm    Post subject: Re: You little fruitcake Reply with quote

also the us house of representatives is steeped in a long tradition of acting like that. there is the upper house called the senate and they act like gentlemen and gentle ladies. the house of reps. on the otherhand well let's just say jerry springer is running for the senate.:cute

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Generally Crazy Guy

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 12:38 pm    Post subject: Re: You little fruitcake Reply with quote

Two things....

I don't know what a airconditioner or heating system is.

My fellow countrymen only invented the refrigerator... :bleh

I think it was Dick Cheney who said last year in a interview "that other countries are jealous about our (American) Suv's and airconditioning".........................

Errrrrrrr....... and this episode in the article above

is like a funeral (from it's humor) compared to any

"normal" meeting of the Italian Parliament, not to speak

of controversial debates there.... :)

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 12:48 pm    Post subject: Re: You little fruitcake Reply with quote

that is the point. sorry you do not know what an airconditioner is. think of an open fridge with a large fan blowing the cold air into pipes that run through the house to cool it.:auto

by the way mercedes makes some wonderful suv(s).:ohno and bmw also.

fruit cake is a slang term for a homosexual so it makes it that much worse.

one of the worst is a local democrat from virginny who is irish and a retired boxer of sorts. he is always threatening to beat up other congressmen named jim moran.

the congressmen enjoy it and the citizens get laughes.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 1:52 pm    Post subject: Re: You little fruitcake Reply with quote

my parents in law live in the riverra and are the only europeans witih an aircondtioner that i know of.

mine is so big i can lower the temp on a 98 degree day on the third floor to 63 degrees.:bleh on the main floor 55 and basement well let's just say my wife will wear a her full length ocelot coat and high heels.:banana

Edited by: Rev9Volts at: 7/25/03 3:11 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2003 1:06 am    Post subject: Re: You little fruitcake Reply with quote

Honestly, I really like that passionate expressions exist in our government even if they are misguided.

If you watch C-Span you really see a bunch of old white men (and a few token blacks and women) inflating each other's egos. I was watching a show about the Missouri compromise and one senator/congressman (I don't know which branch he was in) was so upset about the legislation he burned a copy of the Constitution in Congressional chambers! Yay!!!!!!!

We need more people representing the 'extreme' parts of us all. Sometimes we can't be cordial and polite and mellow. Sometimes we yell and scream and get angry and sometimes it's nice to see our elected officials kind of losing their minds, :) . It's a lot better than:

Mr. Speaker I would like to cede my ten minutes to the honorable Senator from the state of Minnesota.

I would love to spend two years in Congress, I have an opinion on absolutely everything (some more informed than others, haha) and it would be great to stand up for my ten minutes and rant about how are educated leaders are misguided. It would be the most fun I could ever cram into two years!

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 12:29 pm    Post subject: Re: You little fruitcake Reply with quote

my parents in law live in the riverra and are the only europeans witih an aircondtioner.

Do you actually believe your in-laws own the only airconditioner available? :auto

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 12:35 pm    Post subject: Re: You little fruitcake Reply with quote

i did not say theirs was the only one available. just they were the only ones i knew that bought one. they seem to be much more expensive there especially for what you get.

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 12:46 pm    Post subject: Re: You little fruitcake Reply with quote

fruit cake is a slang term for a homosexual so it makes it that much worse.

2 entries found for Fruitcake.

fruit·cake ( P )


A heavy spiced cake containing nuts and candied or dried fruits.

Slang. A crazy or an eccentric person.

I believe the slang term is used mainly as The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition suggests. I have seldom heard it as a denomination of a homosexual.

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The King has spoken!

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 12:48 pm    Post subject: Re: You little fruitcake Reply with quote

i did not say theirs was the only one available. just they were the only ones i knew that bought one. they seem to be much more expensive there especially for what you get.

Actually you did. Never mind.

So, how many people do you know on the riviera, including your in-laws? :eyebrow

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 1:12 pm    Post subject: Re: You little fruitcake Reply with quote

did not...:bleh

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