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Joined: 20 Sep 2002 Posts: 2571
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 11:02 pm Post subject: Re: whaaaat?? |
I'm almost afraid to ask what kind of afficiando you are, joe.
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HKRockChick No More Peas!
Joined: 25 Nov 2003 Posts: 1513
Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:43 am Post subject: Since you asked... |
I just wanted to set the record straight.
In truth it’s a combination of what both Mike and Chris said. The utter hopelessness of dealing with ignorance and intolerance that refuses to see truths that are staring them in the face, the hypocritical "christian" belief in a “good” (barf) war that kills over a hundred thousand people and the fawningly slavish love for a retarded criminal and his gang of thugs that will repress women and set the world back hundreds of years, indeed which is the western equivalent to the Taliban… I just got extremely bored with it all. I then decided that my energies are better used elsewhere. So in reality my dropping of the face of the planet is a combination of the above and what Chris said – I truly am up to here with work and studies, and am researching and writing my thesis now, and need all my energies focused there, not on the deluded individuals that inhabit this board – its just not worth my time. With startling clarity I saw that I was trying to convince a bunch of fawning, childish males that disgusted and ultimately bored me to tears, and I decided to go on with my own productive life. That’s all.
Thanks for asking.
BTW, its nice to see some new faces with rational opinons, please stay.
S'long - I won't be back for another long while.
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Joined: 20 Sep 2002 Posts: 2571
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The Master68
Joined: 04 Nov 2004 Posts: 442
Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 8:38 pm Post subject: Re: re |
"Christianity preaches acceptance of people"
Uhhh, that's the 1st time I ever heard that one.
Every christian I ever came into contact with tried to force their god down my throat.
That doesn't sound like acceptance.
When you argue with a fool, be sure he isn't similarly occupied...
Music - Organismo Cibernetico (Cybernetic Organism) |
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russky joe
Joined: 16 Nov 2004 Posts: 271
Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 11:15 pm Post subject: jeeeeeeeeeeeez!!!! |
"though it is very telling about her present state of mind that she did so. Oh well...we can't be completely rational all of the time."
I gotta put this right before I go. I just gotta.
Who the f*ck are you to be casting aspersions on other people's psychological health? Just who the f*ck are you? A psychiatrist? A psychologist? Where did you train? Where's your frickin' certifcate?
You and that Lone Ranger nutball did the same thing with that college professor. I can't see a damn thing wrong with either of 'em.
You're the ones who believe in a supreme being up in the frickin' heavens. You're the ones who think you're involved in a battle of universal good against evil. You're the ones who think a 2000 year old book of frickin' fairy tales tells you the truth about how the earth was created and who owns which piece of frickin' land. You're the ones who've put a dangerous moron in the White House.
And you have the frickin' NERVE to question somebody else's rationality?
Hey, screw this. I feel like a frickin' alien in my own country. I'll give it four more here, but if this bunch of frickin' crooks and screwy god-botherers create God's Police State here and cause any more trouble around the globe it's Canada or Europe for me. I frickin' mean it. I just don't want to share space with these nutballs.
Screw you.
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Joined: 20 Sep 2002 Posts: 2571
Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 4:41 am Post subject: re |
68 - "Every christian I ever came into contact with tried to force their god down my throat.
That doesn't sound like acceptance. "
I agree that some go too far at times. There is a difference between wanting to spread the word and trying to force it on somebody. But at the same time, it's not something one who understands it would want to keep silent about...and to understand that, you would first have to be a Christian. Sorry, but there isn't any other explanation I could offer you that would make any sense to you. If you had wonderful news, wouldn't you want to tell everybody? But when you say "every Christian", you are greatly I am sure that you have run across many that you did not realize were Christians. The habit of labelling Christians as only those who are forceful in what they say is a faulty one for determining who is Christian, and who is not. It would be like my saying that everyone who uses foul language is politically liberal...though it may seem to apply at times, it is by no means an accurate or fair determination.
Do keep in mind that there is a difference between accepting people, and accepting their actions or what they believe. It is the ranting and raving that is not accepted...the people are accepted aside from their actions and/or beliefs. I believe that there are many people who have a difficulty distinguishing in their minds the difference between the two.
joe - "I gotta put this right before I go. I just gotta."
So, your definition of "putting things right" is by making the same kinds of judgments about people that you claim to be set against them doing. That, by definition, is hipocrisy.
On the other hand, when somebody contradicts themselves in the same post, I give them the benifit of the doubt and figure that maybe they're just upset about something at the moment. Ever try giving people the benefit of the doubt?
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russky joe
Joined: 16 Nov 2004 Posts: 271
Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 1:21 pm Post subject: hey, god-botherer |
"But at the same time, it's not something one who understands it would want to keep silent about...and to understand that, you would first have to be a Christian."
I got some wonderful news myself. This is for everyone. There ain't no god and the bible is bullshit. We can be intelligent creatures and pretty nice to each other usually, give or take a few spats here and there. But only if we reject dumb superstition. I can't keep silent about it and I feel like spreading it around. It's just so wonderful, and the feeling of liberation from superstition is just SO GOOD.
But you god-botherers - islamic, christian, jewish or whatever - will never understand this because the rest of us are rational human beings and you'll never know what it feels like to be one. You'll never feel liberated like the rest of us. You haven't got a hope. You're doomed to live in superstition for generations.
The difference is, y'see, that you superstitious nutballs will blow up the rest of us because you can't get along with one another. Comprendez? That makes you dangerous. Very dangerous. So dangerous that rational people are gonna have to think of ways to bring the rule of law against you, to stop you spreading your superstitious bullshit and institutionalizing it. I mean it, goober. The rule of law. The first step is to stop you teaching this frickin' garbage in schools and indoctrinating children.
You frickin' dangerous nutballs. How can I make that judgement? Evidence, that's why. Right through history, and right now as the nutty christians and nutty islamists are manipulated by a bunch of corporate sleazeballs to start mass murdering each other. You're like dumb little kids, and we're gonna have to dissuade you from this superstition, buddy, for your own protection and ours.
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bbchris Princess Of Hongkong
Joined: 01 Jan 2002 Posts: 11441 Location: Hong Kong
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The Master68
Joined: 04 Nov 2004 Posts: 442
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russky joe
Joined: 16 Nov 2004 Posts: 271
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Joined: 20 Sep 2002 Posts: 2571
Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:48 pm Post subject: Re: ask no questions, get no lies |
joe - "I'ts just I ain't arrogant enough to claim I know what's behind the whole thing..."
But you are arrogant enough to claim that everyone who believes differently from you about it is wrong...indirectly claiming that you know better than they "what's behind the whole thing". What a hipocrit.
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russky joe
Joined: 16 Nov 2004 Posts: 271
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bbchris Princess Of Hongkong
Joined: 01 Jan 2002 Posts: 11441 Location: Hong Kong
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russky joe
Joined: 16 Nov 2004 Posts: 271
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 1:50 pm Post subject: oh yeah? |
Doll, there's only one way for English-speaking peeps to spell 'hypocrite' and that's 'hypocrite'.
'Hipocrit' ain't different, it's just plain wrong. The result of crumby redneck public education. They don't like paying taxes, and, y'know, in the end you get what you pay for.
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The Master68
Joined: 04 Nov 2004 Posts: 442
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:01 pm Post subject: Re: oh yeah? |
"The result of crumby redneck public education."
Actually, it's the result of kids not paying attention in class...
When you argue with a fool, be sure he isn't similarly occupied...
Music - Organismo Cibernetico (Cybernetic Organism) |
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